
Design an indefinite scroll widget like google reader on iGoogle

Hi, all. Do you have any idea how to implement an indefinite scroll widget like google reader on iGoogle, which loads data dynamically and the scroll bar is replaced with a pair of up and down arrows. I have a html structure like this: <div id="note_column"> <ul class="messages"> <li class="note"> .... ...

Silverlight open source font replacement for Segoe

I'm currently building a LOB application in Silverlight 4. I've been considering the question of typography for the application. After some experimentation on the design side the font that people like is Segoe UI. Now I can embed this font and although the font is freely available in Windows we don’t have distribution rights for this f...

I Clean Solution'd my Winform App and now it's broken...

I have a Winform App that uses a 3rd Party Library of Controls, DevExpress. I also created a bunch of Controls myself, extending those controls. Everything has been working fine when all of a sudden I opened VS today and on the Design Page all my extended controls were missing. I then tried rebuilding to no avail. Then I tried Cleani...

Best code structure for arcade games

Hi, I've developed a few arcade games so far and have the following structure in almost all of them: I have 1 file which contains a class called kernel with the following functions: init() welcome_screen() menu_screen() help_Screen() play_game() end_screen() And another file, called Game, which basically calls all these functions and...

Question about design (inheritance, polymorphism)

Hi, I have a question about a problem I'm struggling with. Hope you can bear with me. Imagine I have an Object class representing the base class of a hierarchy of physical objects. Later I inherit from it to create an Object1D, Object2D and Object3D classes. Each of these derived classes will have some specific methods and attributes....

Repoer Designer for using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database other than Crystal Reports

We are developing in using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database and are looking for a Report Designer that can be used to build reports and give the User the ability to modify and create reports once the software is sold and in use. ...

Report Designer for using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database other than Crystal Reports

We are developing in using Visual Studio 2008 and a SQL 2005 back end database and are looking for a Report Designer that can be used to build reports and give the User the ability to modify and create reports once the software is sold and in use. ...

How do I improve this design for dealing with intersecting date ranges and resolving date range conflicts?

I am working on some code that deals with date ranges. I have pricing activities that have a starting-date and an end-date to set a certain price for that range. There are multiple pricing activities with intersecting date ranges. What I ultimately need is the ability to query valid prices for a date range. I pass in (jan1,jan31) and I ...

Best UI to be shown to User while his request is still in process behind the scenes ?

I am currently involved with an Application where I need to design the UI part of the Application and current I am in the process of implementation of UI which would be displayed to end user while his or her request is being processed behind the scenes. So my question is that: What is the best UI approach/symbol/suggestions to be dis...

C++ design question, container of instances and pointers

Hi all, Im wondering something. I have class Polygon, which composes a vector of Line (another class here) class Polygon { std::vector<Line> lines; public: const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; } On the other hand, I have a function, that calculates a vector of pointers to lines, and based on those lines...

How to design a command line program reusable for a future development of a GUI?

What are some best practices to keep in mind when developing a script program that could be integrated with a GUI, probably by somebody else, in the future? Possible scenario: i develop a fancy python CLI program that scrapes every unicorn images from the web i decide to publish it on github a unicorn fan programmer decides to take t...

How is debugger variable content displayed implemented.

I was wondering how to implement the debuggger mouse over display functionality, U know when u have set a breakpoint in a degugger, say in VS and you hover over a variable and the context is displayed. I'm curious as to how that would be implemented? Bob. ...

android call log like design

I'm trying to create a design for a list that looks like (and mostly behaves like) the call log, like shown here: I don't need all the design, but what I'm trying to achieve is the two-columned design with the splitter in-between, and the behavior that if I click on the main item (the left part) one thing happens (in this case, you ope...

view handler design pattern

I'm trying to figure out the origin of the view handler design pattern in software engineering. Many of the design patterns in software engineering were inspired by things which pre-date computers, and I was wondering if anybody had any insights on the origin of this particular pattern. ...

Where to handle fatal exceptions

I am considering a design where all fatal exceptions will be handled using a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler in a Swing application. This will include unanticipated RuntimeExceptions but also custom exceptions which are thrown when critical resources are unavailable or otherwise fail (e.g. a settings file not found, or a server communic...

Delphi, how to make independent windows

I have an application that uses tabs like the Chrome browser. Now I want to be able to open more forms and not be limited to only one form. These forms should act the same but if I close main form all forms are closed. How can I make all forms be equal, so no matter which form I close it only closes that form and not exit application bef...

Performance Tricks for C# Logging

I am looking into C# logging and I do not want my log messages to spend any time processing if the message is below the logging threshold. The best I can see log4net does is a threshold check AFTER evaluating the log parameters. Example: _logger.Debug( "My complicated log message " + thisFunctionTakesALongTime() + " will take a long t...

Java: design problem with final-value and empty constructor

$ javac variable right might not have been initialized InitInt(){} ^ 1 error $ cat import java.util.*; import*; public class InitInt { private final int right; // Design Problem? // I feel the initialization problem is just due to bad style. InitInt(){} Ini...

Architectural decision : QT or Eclipse Platform ?

We are in the process of designing a tool to be used with HDEM(High Definition Electron Microscope).We get stacks of 2D images from HDEM and first step is 'detecting borders' on the sections.After detecting edges of 2D slices ,next step is construct the 3D model using these 2D slices. This 'border detecting' algorithm(s) is/are impleme...

How is an abstract class different from an Interface from a design point ?

I have seen many answers on stackoverflow, but I didn't find an answer that is matching mine. Apart from all those difference, Does it make sense if we say an abstract class abstracts the implementation of behaviour while an interface abstracts the type which implements the behaviour. ...