
sIFR 2.0.7 scaling text instead of wrapping text

I am struggling over here. iSFR is scaling my text to fit on one line instead of wrapping. Why is this? Any help would be appreciated. // flash h2 headers sIFR.replaceElement(named({ sSelector:"h2.title, h3.title, #comments h2.comments", sWmode: "transparent", sFlashSrc:"<?= PATH ?>sites/all/themes/temp/sifr/DIN_light.swf", sCol...

Python using methods from other classes

If I have two classes, and one of them has a function that I want to use in my other class, what do I use so that I don't have to rewrite my function? ...

Patterns and Libraries for working with raw UI values.

By raw values, I mean the application level values provided by UI controls, such as the Text property on a TextBox. Too often I find myself writing code to check and parse such values before they get used as a business level value, e.g. PaymentTermsNumDays. I've mitigated a lot of the spade work with rough and ready extension methods l...

set width height by a set a parameter in html

i need to set a image at 128*128px on a html page. i know the way width="128px" height="128px" but are i can do it by write a parameter on image like param="128px" then he set width and height 128px; ...

What is better: paper and pencil, diagraming software, or whiteboard?

This question has been asked several times: what is the best tool for design? And I think that it is actually a combination of all, and they have their own specialized use. I am talking for almost any kind of design that make use of shapes and lines, regardless of the architecture, platform or computer language. The audience could be yo...

Where do you find images and graphics designers for your softwares ?

Possible Duplicate: Where can one find free software icons / images? Hi, As a programmer, I'm sure some of you already experienced the same problem: You create a good software (free, open-source, or for friend-only diffusion, whatever) relying on good code and good ideas but since you're a programmer and not an image designe...

MySQL database design question

I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of a database design, and would like to get some feedback as to the best approach. Here is the situation: I have users of my system that have only a few required items (username, password). They can then supply a lot of optional information. This optional information continues to grow as the syst...

Alternatives to static methods on interfaces for enforcing consistency

In Java, I'd like to be able to define marker interfaces, that forced implementations to provide static methods. For example, for simple text-serialization/deserialization I'd like to be able to define an interface that looked something like this: public interface TextTransformable<T>{ public static T fromText(String text); public...

iPhone Toolbar button spacing

Is there a way to have the UIBarButtonItems in a toolbar space themselves out evenly? ...

Looking for some thoughts on an image printing app

Hey All, Im looking for thoughts/advice. I have an upcoming project (all .net) that will require the following: pulls data once a day from an online service provider based on certain criteria. saves data locally for reference and reporting the data thats pulled will be used to create gift cards. So after the data is loaded, a process ...

multi threaded file processing with .NET

There is a folder that contains 1000 of small text files. I aim to parse and process all of them while more files are being populated in to the folder. My intention is to multithread this operation as the single threaded prototype took 6 minutes to process 1000 files. I like to have reader and writer thread(s) as following : while t...

Postgresql - one database for everyone, or one-database per customer

I'm working on a web-based business application where each customer will need to have their own data (think type model) For scalability and ease-of-upgrades, I'd prefer to have a single database where each customer gets a filtered version of the data. The problem is how to guarantee that they stay sandboxed to their own ...

How can I sync three classes?

class Foo { Bar b; List<Foo> Neighbours; } class Bar { Spam s; List<Bar> Neighbours; } class Spam { List<string> Neighbours; } Each of these classes have AddNeighbour,RemoveNeighbour methods. User can add/remove Neighbours from any of the class at random. I want these three objects to be in sync. How can I do ...

Magento - How can I move the Navigation Block to be in the right column?

I've been editing Magento's default CSS to change the look and have come to a point where I want to move around some content blocks. I've killed off the left column through CSS .col-left { display: none; } And then increased the width of the main content part to create a 'two column layout'. What I want to do now is move the navigati...

how to create great looking web UI and designs ?

is there a good book or set of online tutorials that will let me produce high quality templates on like ? ...

website design - graphics files

Hi Friends, I have a website to be designed and have most of the material ready with me. I have shortlisted a designer who is ready to start. The question I have is, should I hand over the original .psd graphics files of logo etc to the designer. Is it ok to hand over the .psds or is there any risk in doing so that I should be aware of ...

Will mdi applications die ?

I'm just curoius, Has mdi applications a bright future ? Edit: I mean mdi applications = free floating child windows (thanks to Guffa) not tabbed-interface application. ...

Business object and linq2SQL

What is the optimal way to write the code which interacts with DB using linq2SQL? I need to add some business logic to the entities. So I guess there are two ways: Write some wrapper class. The main minus is that many fields are the same, so i don't feel it as DRY style. Add business logic methods to linq2sql entities(these classes ar...

Separation of business logic

When I was optimizing my architecture of our applications in our website, I came to a problem that I don't know the best solution for. Now at the moment we have a small dll based on this structure: Database <-> DAL <-> BLL the Dal uses Business Objects to pass to the BLL that will pass it to the applications that uses this dll. Onl...

Database Design for One to One relationships

I'm trying to finalize my design of the data model for my project, and am having difficulty figuring out which way to go with it. I have a table of users, and an undetermined number of attributes that apply to that user. The attributes are in almost every case optional, so null values are allowed. Each of these attributes are one to o...