
Android::Creating a clickable collage?

I am trying to create something like a rectangular grid with pictures. When a picture is clicked, it should zoom in pushing the other ones out. I don't know what you name you call this particular model with but does anyone have suggestions on where I should start? Collage Example ...

Best way: to implement an interrupt/cancel feature for all your threaded workers.

Hello there, So my question is how to implement cancel/interrupt feature into all (I mean ALL) thread workers in your application in best and most elegant way? It's not important if it's an HttpWebRequest, IO operation or calculation. User should have an possibility to cancel every action/thread at any moment. ...

Building a professional company website

Hi fellows, I want to create a professional website for my company. I'm not a designer. I know some html/css, but I don't have much experience making up advanced pages and layouts. I'd expect public area, with various articles, and a "customer zone", accessible via username and password, where clients will be able to track their orders...

What public interfaces should I look to expose for an authentication subsystem?

As part of a uni project I have to design an authentication/authorization subsystem for an application. Does anybody have any idea of what I need to include as part of the public interface? ...

Risking the exception anti-pattern.. with some modifications

Lets say that I have a library which runs 24x7 on certain machines. Even if the code is rock solid, a hardware fault can sooner or later trigger an exception. I would like to have some sort of failsafe in position for events like this. One approach would be to write wrapper functions that encapsulate each api a: returnCode=DEFAULT; try...

What do you choose, protected or internal?

If I have a class with a method I want protected and internal. I want that only derived classes in the assembly would be able to call it. Since protected internal means protected or internal, you have to make a choice. What do you choose in this case - protected or internal? ...

Tool to maintain a Data Mapping between two systems

We have XML interfaces between multiple systems. An Enterprise Domain Model is missing in the overall architecture, hence the terms Product/Customer/User means different things to different systems. We currently use excel sheets to map the elements in incoming XML to what the actual Field means within our system. Additionally, it contai...

Is throwing an exception a healthy way to exit?

I have a setup that looks like this. class Checker { // member data Results m_results; // see below public: bool Check(); private: bool Check1(); bool Check2(); // .. so on }; Checker is a class that performs lengthy check computations for engineering analysis. Each type of check has a resultant double that the...

How to understand existing projects

Hi. I am a trainee developer and have been writing .NET applications for about a year now. Most of the work I have done has involved building new applications (mainly web apps) from scratch and I have been given more or less full control over the software design. This has been a great experience however, as a trainee developer my confi...

what's the best technology for creating a web site which manages users accounts?

I'm going to create a web site which should manage users accounts. A user opens an account and gets relevant data for his needs. What technology should I be using to create this site? Are there any templates I could use? I don't have the time to take care of the web site's desgin, Are there any places where I can buy some graphics? Th...

DB Interface Design Optimization: Is it better to optimise for Fewer requests of smaller data size?

The prevailing wisdom in webservices/web requests in general is to design your api such that you use as few requests as possible, and that each request returns therefore as much data as is needed In database design, the accepted wisdom is to design your queries to minimise size over the network, as opposed to minimizing the number of qu...

How to create a generic method in C# that's all applicable to many types - ints, strings, doubles etc.

Let's I have a method to remove duplicates in an integer Array public int[] RemoveDuplicates(int[] elems) { HashSet<int> uniques = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (int item in elems) uniques.Add(item); elems = new int[uniques.Count]; int cnt = 0; foreach (var item in uniques) ...

If as assert fails, is there a bug?

I've always followed the logic: if assert fails, then there is a bug. Root cause could either be: Assert itself is invalid (bug) There is a programming error (bug) (no other options) I.E. Are there any other conclusions one could come to? Are there cases where an assert would fail and there is no bug? ...

When is a good time to start thinking about scaling?

I've been designing a site over the past couple days, and been doing some research into different aspects of scaling a site horizontally. If things go as planned, in a few months (years?) I know I'd need to worry about scaling the site up and out, since the resources it would end up consuming would be huge. So, this got me to thinking,...

How to design an invite feature?

hello i am trying to implement a feature in my facebook application that would give 100 point to someone who would send 10 invitations. however i want a limit that feature for each user to use it only 10 times a day. how should i design my feature to do what i want ...

How should I embed/include Enterprise Architect UML diagrams in MS PowerPoint 2007?

Setup I am using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Professional edition 7.5: and MS PowerPoint. Problem I have various audiences for presentations requiring display in MS PowerPoint -- ranging from managers to developers, whose depth of technical knowledge and requirements for knowledge varies. Questi...

Has anyone ever worked with a UX designer who also did the graphic design, is it a good combination?

I am working on a framework for web based apps, including both UX guidelines and the art/graphic design guidelines such as what menus will look like, headers, colors, fonts etc. The UX designers I met, were unable to provide the artistic side, and the graphic designers didn't have the UX skills. Should I continue to look for one person...

Term usage URI or URL or another?

Hi there, as I strive to come up with the best methods name in my designs I struggle on a simple question but still very confusing to me. There are two ways I use for retrieving stylesheets or javascript files: <link href="/myProject/public/styles/master.min.css?v=1274382274" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link ...

Django: need help with keeping apps from depending on one another

I'm working on a site that will help private teachers manage their students, and part of this will be keeping track of how much money the teacher is owed. I want my apps to be reusable and free from dependency on one another. So, I've created one app whose responsibility is the CRUD of student, teacher, and parent objects (these models ...

phpBB: how to customize the UI really

This will be quite a long way to ask my question, so please bear with me, I'm really interested in your opinion and need an advice. I would like to modify or convert an existing phpBB3 setup because my users don't like it anymore. They definitely don't like the (otherwise professional) design of the templates based on proSilver or subSi...