
User based system

This is my first web application based on SOA and is user-specific. I have three layers; web service database for eaxample, I have a table graph like this: ("<---" = foreign-key) User<---Post<---PostTitle Now my service need to allow web to load PostTitles directly so the user can see it. However, this action must by user-specific...

Large-scale design in Haskell?

Dear all, What is a good way to design/structure large functional programs, especially in Haskell? I've been through a bunch of the tutorials (Write Yourself a Scheme being my favorite, with Real World Haskell a close second) - but most of the programs are relatively small, and single-purpose. Additionally, I don't consider some of th...

How to make data available when one Controller's View calls another Controller's View?

Background: I'm trying to produce dynamically generated Factsheets, where each Factsheet has a number of ContentAreas, and each ContentArea is configured to contain a number of Panels. I have a FactsheetController, a ContentAreaController, a PanelController and individual panels such as NameAndDate and AssetPanel FactsheetController p...

How should coder write HTML for a designer without understanding CSS and design?

I've recently started materializing my biggest website project idea. Not sure if this relevant, but I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 and Microsoft stack. I appreciate design and aesthetics, and know they play a critical role in the success of this project. I think I have an eye for basic usability things, but from design and visual perspective, ...

Why .NET exceptions are mutable?

I'm wondering why .NET exceptions classes from Base Class Library has some mutable members by default Why I can change the Source, HelpLink and values from Data, but can't change anything else like the Message? Why throwing the exception rewrites the StackTrace making it mutable too? Is appending the stack trace information to existing...

Books linking Problem Solving to Math Concepts (like discrete mathematics)?

Hi! I'm a few years into my Computer Science Education, and I had to transfer to a new school in the between years. The problem I'm having is that the "intro" classes at my first school focused first on Mostly professional programming skills, like problem design, and put the mathematics concepts in later courses, and when I transferred, ...

Database design help. Many to many creates an association table, correct?

I'm designing a very simple database for my application and it's configured like this: Employee Carnet Name LastName Area Name Document ID Employee (FK) Project (FK) Project ID Company (FK) Title Company Name CEO (FK) NIT Person Carnet Name Lastname Now the gist of this question is, an Area can have many Document; and a Document ...

VS2010 Designer Shorcuts

I have the VS2010 shotcuts guide published in msdn and I can't find shorcuts to improve my productivity when i'm using the designer (in my case I spend most of my time in winforms, but this is extensible to WPF too). Are there any shorcut/keybinding than could help me to design my forms in less time? Thanks. ...

rails 3 - app design question - models and controllers

Hello, I am building small app that will only display products in various categories. And will never display categories without products. So far I have two models - product and category and wondering if I really need controller dedicated to category model? I can only see one advantage so far - rendering collection (partial) of category. ...

Finite State Machine parser

I would like to parse a self-designed file format with a FSM-like parser in C++ (this is a teach-myself-c++-the-hard-way-by-doing-something-big-and-difficult kind of project :)). I have a tokenized string with newlines signifying the end of a euh... line. See here for an input example. All the comments will and junk is filtered out, so I...

Commenting Code to "Ramp Up"

I've just started at a new job. My manager and mentor suggested that I ramp up to the code base by documenting the code in comments. He intends for me to check in the documentation that I write, I believe. The writers of the code have left me a blank slate; there are only a few inline comments in really crucial places. I find that the c...

A textedit with button?

Hi I want to create a EditText and button that looks like this: This is almost the same as the quicksearch , but it is custom made, Can someone help me out? ...

Symfony user framework design problem

Hello all, I'm looking for advice on how to tackle a design problem I've came up with. I'm currently using Symfony framework so I'll be using the names of Symfony classes. When a user becomes "authenticated" or their "credentials" change in the Symfony user class, a regenerate() gets called on the currently used storage class. The stor...

Is an all white background appropriate for a web game?

I have seen lots of great sites that use all white pages (Stack Overflow?) without having the content column set against a different color background. I am designing a web game and was wondering if the all white (or solid color) is the way to go or if having a content column against a backdrop is better. If its a "it depends" answer, ...

Customer and Business database relationships

I am trying to create a database design and need some help. Diagram is displayed below. The database is for an address book attached to a e commerce site. Its coded in php and uses a mysql database. See my diagram below - I think I have solved my problem but I want to know is this a good way to do it? This is what I would like to do: ...

How to design a text editor in QT ?

I want to design a text editor in QT and planning to implement the following basic features, 1) Basic editing features like cut,paste,formatting,indentation etc. 2) Auto completion based on the context.(Based on some xml input file) 3) Syntax highlighting ( based on some xml input file ) Can you please suggest some approaches for the...

Silverlight: branding/design and navigation

I have some years exprience with ASP.NET, but I am new to Silverlight. I have a basic question regarding the design and navigation of a Silverlight page/application ? If a Silverlight project is hosted together with an ASP.NET project, is it possible to use masterpages for the branding/design and navigation for the page/application ? ...

Understanding the differences between Table and Transaction API's

Friends, This Ask Tom thread which I found via another SO question, mentions Table and Transactional API's and I'm trying to understand the difference between them. A Table API (TAPI) is where there is no access to the underlying tables and there are "getters" & "setters" to obtain information. For example to select an address I ...

Good examples of dynamic error messaging ?

Yesterday I came accross an interesting blog post describing the need for stronger user interface design for software error popups, they use apple as an example - thought i'd share: This got me thinking - could you build something like this dynamically to handle a variety of exceptions / errors? Any examples of ot...

Usage of this pointer

I have a question relating to the usage of "this". Suppose I have two classes A & B; their rough outline is as follows: class A { public: ... void AddB( B* b ) { // inserts B into the vector v } private: std::vector<B*> v; }; class B { public: ... void foo( void ) { ... // Adds itself to th...