
froyo's universal rotation and my landscape only app.

My app is set in landscape only mode thanks to an attribute in my manifest file, but with froyo came universal rotation and a problem. It will force the screen to landscape but if the user is holding the phone upside down my app will appear upside down. Is there a way for me to set my app to only rotate when the user has their phone orie...

MVC Beginner Question

Hi All, Im just starting to make my first ever asp MVC website. Im just wanting advice on 3rd party controls that I could utilize to make the job a bit easier. The graphics designer has done all work in photoshop (logos, layout prototypes etc) which i will have to translate to the webpage. While its not a graphics intense website there...

What is a good practice/tool for MSSQL database design and versioning?

We work with a small development team and a system engineer who deploys the software at certain times. At the moment we don't have any leading document for database changes. Changes are done in the staging database and added manually to production when the system engineer deploys a new release. We started to work with DBDesigner Fork t...

Hardware device controller application design suggestions

hallo, I 'm designing an application that connect a 3rd party hardware controller server to listen status messages and also send commands to 3rd party system.. In this statue what's the best approach?? i thought; developing a windows service that will register a remoting channel which other applications connect to send commands and l...

ASP.NET MVC View/Site Design

Hi All, This stems from my question that i started at Im now confident in developing a MVC website from the MVC side of things. My fatal floor now is the UI level designing. i.e. designing views and master pages including css styling. Just wanting to get any advice on ...

Copying css and html code from others, Copyright infringement?

This might not be a coding question, but very relevant to coding so I hoped I would get an answer here. All coders, maybe specially designer. Use others code in there own code. If you see something you like. you use that code in your design. In some degree, I'm sure every coder does this. So I was wondering where the line goes. Can you...

Should Mutex's lock/unlock functions be "const" ?

Hello, I am maintaining a library that contains a Mutex class. I cannot decide if the lock() and unlock() functions exposed by this class should be const or not. I looked for similar code on the Web, and could find both implementations. First implementation, lock() and unlock() are not const. It means someone who uses the Mutex class i...

Grid of checkboxes represents a many-to-many db relationship; the best way to get from webform to database (not passing go, not collecting £200)

I am using jquery/jsp/java ejb3.0/sql server. The User interface requirement (a jsp page) is a grid of checkboxes, ~10 rows high and up to about ~30 rows wide (this varies), it represents a linker table for a many-to-many table relationship. The checkboxes will be populated from the database (if row present in linker table, checkbox ch...

Modeling Group Membership in a Database

Hello, Just started designing a database which I have not done before. And am wondering the best way to handle group membership in the database. Say I have two tables. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Computers] ( [ComputerID] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Name] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, ); CREATE TA...

How to implement a 3 Many-to-Many relationship with Hibernate?

Hi, I'm not 100% sure this is only a Hibernate issue as this might be a more abstract decision but I'll give it a try. Since the problem description is a bit lengthy I'll first state that what I'd like to do is see if I can change the implementation to something which more resembles a Best practice implementation then this. I have 3 ent...

C# How to set default value of a string collection in Design

In WinForm, I have a combobox with DropDownStyle set to DropDownList (so can't enter a Text). In the properties window, there is the Items property which is a string collection. I enter all my values. But now, I would like to set one of these value by default (instead to have the empty entry at run-time). I know how to do this via codin...

C++ Singleton design question.

I have a requirement to have a only a single instance of a class at any given point of time. Singleton is the obvious candidate. But I have some other conditions that are not typical of a Singleton. The lifetime of the singleton is not the lifetime of the program. This object has to be created every time I enter a particular state and ...

Type Casting and the Factory pattern

Hello experts, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement a factory pattern in a DTO mapper I'm trying to create. I'm pretty sure I need to rethink my design. Here is a very small example of what I'm running in to: public abstract class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Salary { get; set; } }...

What are the big web frameworks today?

My team at work is going to start working on a website with a medium amount of business logic and a large amount of database. soon. We've got to pick a language and a framework to build it on, but we're not really sure where to start. There are literally a zillion options. All we need is something that hooks into database, something ...

Method overloading - good or bad design?

I like to overload methods to support more and more default cases. What is the performance impact of method overloading? From your experience, is it advisable to overload methods? What is the limit? What are the workarounds? ...

multiple client support

Hi All, Am creating a very customizable web application in j2ee. The application has some configurations that are specific to each client supported and the client can have multiple users. The way I am thinking of doing this is storing the configuration in a db table having the columns client_id , property_name, property_value and assoc...

MVC : Controller responsabilities

I have some doubts regarding the following controller action (in ASP.NET MVC, but it's a more generic question ) : public ActionResult DoSomething( int id, IUser currentUser ) { var myDomainObject = businessService.GetDomainObjectById( id ); if( !securityService.CurrentUserCanAcess( currentUser, myDomainObject ) ) { ...

Tips for coding using hostile tools?

Hi all, I am developing an application using the wrong tools. I don't wish to get into the rights or wrongs of this - the platform has been blessed as Strategic and nothing is going to change that now. But I'm hoping somebody can give me some tips on how to make the best of the situation. We use a server-side language, let's call it X,...

What I should look for in a software design document from verification and validation perspective?

Hi I have been given a design document to verify and validate (V&V). The document is filled with statements like "The module shall be capable of .....". In addition it contains use-case diagrams and sequence diagrams (only). The actual software (supposed to be build) is a GUI front-end for several sub-systems which is in continuous com...

Clarification in dealing with collections with the repository pattern

If you have two repositories dealing with persistance to a relational DB, a personrepository that deals with "Person" objects, and an addressrepository which deals with "Address" objects, and a person object has a collection of addresses (probably lazy loaded). Obviously the personrepository would be used to persist changes to the person...