
Is having multiple data/log files a good thing even on the same LUN?

I have read that it is a good idea to have one file per CPU/CPU Core so that SQL can more efficiently stream data to and from the disks. Ok, I can see the benefit if they are on different spindles, but what if I only have one spindle (4 drives in Raid 10) for my data files (.mdf and .ndf), will I still benefit from splitting the data fi...

python global object cache

Hello Little question concerning app architecture: I have a python script, running as a daemon. Inside i have many objects, all inheriting from one class (let's name it 'entity') I have also one main object, let it be 'topsys' Entities are identified by pair (id, type (= class, roughly)), and they are connected in many wicked ways. ...

I'm building an API/Framework in C#, how should I return validation error messages when properties are set to an invalid value?

I'm building an API in C#, how should I return validation error messages when properties are set to invalid values? Should I throw exceptions or do something else? What do you recommend? I could use the AggregateException class from the Task Parallel Library so I can throw more then one at a time. What are the best practices? ...

Design pattern "Container Visitor" without virtual methods?

Hi everybody, I am developing the design of an application and I thought I might apply some sort of the Visitor design pattern, but it turned out that it's not exactly what I am looking for. Maybe someone can point me to the variant I require in this case? Much of my code has a template argument "ContainerType" like template <class Co...

Creating my object takes too long. Is it bad practice to create a ton of instances at startup to speed things up later?

I have a wizard class that gets used a lot in my program. Unfortunately, the wizard takes a while to load mostly because the GUI framework is very slow. I tried to redesign the wizard class multiple times (like making the object reusable so it only gets created once) but I always hit a brick wall somewhere. So, at this point is it a huge...

does this design have a good usability?

hello, i am writing a financial application and i need to write a specialized file open dialog for the user to be able to load stock data files in two different formats: Computrac and CSI. my dialog has a list view where i need to show these data files. the format of CSI files can interpreted in three different ways and i need to ask ...

How to get multiple menus in twentyten theme?

How to get multiple menus in twentyten theme? ...

Coding kata sites for C#.

Are there any coding kata sites that include C# as a language? I really like the way things are done on the Coding Kata site, but they only support JVM based languages - these do include JVM versions of Ruby, Python, and JavaScript; I'm keen on the JavaScript - and I would really like to work through problems in C#. ...

table schema design problem while using innodb

I have encountered a problem when designing the table schema for our system. Here is the situation: our system has a lot of items ( more than 20 millions ), each item has an unique id, but for each item there can be lots of records. For example for the item with id 1 there are about 5000 records and each record has more than 20 attrib...

how is the dom cached between functions in an object literal? (Javascript)

Ok I'm not sure the title of this post is the correct way to refer to what I mean and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this question but I just wanted some clarification. If I have an oject like this var myObj = { settings : { domObj = document.getElementById('elem1'); }, myFunc1 : function () { return

Proper Table Schema

I have a project that I am working on and I can't figure out which would be a "better" table relationship schema. The scope of the area in question are: -User uploads documents (become the owner/author) -User can share document with other users (set share rights) -Any user who has access to document can checkout the document (exclusi...

Where can i put my design to criticism and discussion ?

Where can i put my design to criticism and discussion ? I want to get the opinion from professional designers :) ...

how to implement live search like 37signals job board

I'm a rails beginner and am curious how the live search on is implemented? I can understand the background but not the front end. what I understand: after certain # of characters have been typed, a request is made to backend with the phrase as search term do a database search where job description like '%_p...

How to create secondry menu in twenty ten theme? (wordpress)

How to create secondry menu in twenty ten theme? (wordpress) ...

How to handle billions of objects without "Outofmemory" error

Hi All, I have an application which may needs to process billions of objects.Each object of is of TRange class type. These ranges are created at different parts of an algorithm which depends on certain conditions and other object properties. As a result, if you have 100 items, you can't directly create the 100th object without creatin...

Separating a Drupal module logic and UI

I wrote a D6 module which provide user with the ability to communicate, config params and test a 3rdparty API service. The module works as intended but I want to separate the communicator class and bundle it as foo module. Then pack the rest (admin page) as the foo-ui module. Just like views and views-ui. I have no idea about what's the...

Design problem with Shared object loader.

Hi, I have been developing this class for loading plugins in the form of shared objects for an application. I currently have thought of 2 ways of loading the file names of all the plugins to be loaded by the app. I have written an interface for loading file names. I have a few questions about how to improve this design. Please help. T...

How can this be implemented(elegantly) without using RTTI?

I was coding this up in C# and the quickest solution to come to mind used the "as" or "is" keywords. I began wondering how I could implement it neatly in C++(without RTTI)... or even in C# without the aforementioned keywords. Here is the problem (simplified): There is a class Command which contains a stream of so called "tokens". clas...

General DFS on River Crossers

I'm trying to write a DFS to solve multiple river crossing problems (Fox Goat Cabbage, Jealous Husbands, Mercenaries and Cannibals, etc.). I've written the puzzle classes, but I'm having trouble structuring my solver. I understand how DFS works, but I can't figure out where to start to adapt it to this design. Each puzzle has a move() m...

Beautiful websites' designs, but not designers' showcases

hi, to get some inspiration in the design of a web site, i often google something like "most beautiful website designs" or "best css designs". But each time you have a page referencing nice designs (like, it is always a showcase design and mostly from a design agency. Ok, but this is alwa...