
Service for storing user/password and other information

Hello there, I'm wondering if is there any service on the web that allows you to create a section and then store for that section usernames/password and other information you might like such as first name, last name, email, and other custom informations.. then you would be able to validate this information on an external website via REST...

What is convention vs configuration?

Possible Duplicate: What is coding by convention? What exactly is convention vs coding? I have seen this term being referred in few blog posts. ...

Design Document Book?

I think I might be using the wrong words, however I am looking for books/website on pre-programming design. Not patterns but use cases, requirements etc. I would love a book that goes over all the preparation with the UML diagrams etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. As well if there is a better term to use then design document pl...

Java: how to implement private abstract methods?

I need to define a private abstract class, as I used to do in C#, but this is not possible in Java. How would a Java developer write a construct like below? public abstract class MyCommand { public void execute() { if (areRequirementsFulfilled()) { executeInternal(); } } private abstra...

HTML / CSS - Styling <b> or <i> tags instead of <span>

Hi I was just wondering if it's a good idea to do this. For example if you want to create round-cornered tabs using CSS, you would need a structure like this: <li> <a href="..."> <span> Tab </span> </a> </li> ... then you put the left tab corner background on the link tag and the right one the span (maybe it's a bad example, because ...

different template for different categories in magento

i want to display subcategories under artist category in one layout and design and other categories in another layout and design in magento can anyone help me asap. ...

Use Rx with typed message broker

I have a typed message broker similar to what Caliburn provides: public interface IMessageBroker { void Publish<T>(T message); IDisposable Subscribe<T>(Action<T> subscriber); } How can I to convert subscriptions to IObservable? I want an extension method, something like this: public static IObservable<T> Subscribe<T>(this IM...

ThreadPool and Producer - Consumer pattern design question

I want to implement a Producer - Consumers pattern using a ThreadPool for the Consumers. I will have 1 producer of requests and multiple consumers that will handle the incoming requests. When Implement the consumers using a threadpool my question if I should still have my own Queue for the producer to put requests on and then pass them...

How to model a custom type in a relational database?

I'm fairly new to database design, but I understand the fundamentals. I'm creating a relational database and I'd like to do something similar to creating a reusable type or class. For example, let's say I have a Customer table and a Item table. Customer and Item are related by a standard 1-to-many relationship, so Item has a column calle...

When to use CoreData in iPhone development

I've been looking into creating a new application for iOS and after my last few apps I've been tempted to use CoreData (for benefits including saving and automatic undo/redo). I've been a little confused when trying to implement the data-model I've been given fr the project though, since it seems that CoreData seems very much much close...

DDD: Aggregate Root -Design

Hello All, I have few questions here In an ordering system I am considering Order as Aggregate Root OrderLineItem belongs to Order. I can Ship the order to a End Customer or a Reseller Reseller can combine OrderLineItem from different orders and create a new Order and send to End Customer. While creating new order (from other orders...

Model Profiles as Pattern Instances

Suppose you have a profile for an application. This profile stores some data specifically about one user. You can persist the details of the profile and pull them back each run. Does a profile make a good candidate for the State pattern? If not, is there a good heuristic to model this sort of functionality? ...

Exposing an API for DLLs from an app.

Hi, I am developing a plugin system for an application. The idea is to load some functions from plugins (loaded as DLLs) and use those functions in our scripting language hosted in app. I have to expose an API for the DLLs for them to interact with the app. The API may change overtime and the older DLLs should not be invalidated. Plea...

Framework design for services

Hi, I am working on this application for which we have to write framework services like reporting, logging, exception handling, security. Since these services are are to be used through the project, i am thinking of exposing the instances of these services through a service container which has reference to the objects of these individual...

Should there be a seperate project per tier?

I've been writing a web application for the past year or so and I've got a feeling I've structured it in a poor way but I'm not really sure what it should look like. The application models logistics so currently has two main parts - geography and network. Domain + Business layer I have separated the network and geography in 2 separa...

What sort of diagramm would create for a CustomControl to show how it works?

Hello, What sort of diagram would create for a CustomControl to show how it works? I have to show my boss a theoretical sample. ...

Database: when to split into separate tables?

Say if I have two different types of sensors: one monitors analog voltage (such as on a temperature sensor) and one measures whether something is on or off (switch sensor). I can't decide whether to have one table: [Sensor] Id : PK UpperLimit : FLOAT UpperLimitAlertDelay : INT LowerLimit : FLOAT LowerLimitAlertDelay : INT IsAnalog : BO...

Software design question ... huge file to read

I have a design question. I have a file that is several GB (between 3-4 GB). The file is ordered by time stamp. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to deal with this file I was thinking of reading this whole file into memory, then transmitting this data to different machines and then running my analysis on those machines. ...

Readers/writers and decoupled persistence of derived classes

I'm refactoring a bunch of old code. My primary objective is to decouple the behavior from the database. The current implementation accesses the database directly which makes it hard to test and do things like implement caching layers etc... Up until this point I've been using a combination of dependency inversion and readers/writers ...

How would I implicitly call a method after having explicitly called another specific type of method

Lets say I have a bunch of methods in a class which call a Webservice and, as a result, I need to check the "response" of the Webservice each time one of these methods is called. But I don't want to do something like this: MethodA() // non web service related method MethodB() // Web service calling method if _response == OK then M...