
Designing a tool for estimating project bids

This tool will be used to estimate project costs for clients. These are not necessarily software projects. Currently there is an Excel spreadsheet with a number of categories with individual tasks for each category. Each of these has some sort of weight or constant involved and is partially responsible in determining the final bid estima...

Best language for quickly creating user interfaces with out drag and drop?

I'm a blind college student who is taking an introduction to programming class that focuses on user interface design. The class is using processing which is completely inaccessible. I'm looking for a language that will allow me to create GUI's with out drag and drop and hopefully be smart enough to do most of the layout with out forcing ...

Designing a process

I challenge you :) I have a process that someone already implemented. I will try to describe the requirements, and I was hoping I could get some input to the "best way" to do this. It's for a financial institution. I have a routing framework that will allow me to recieve files and send requests to other systems. I have a database I ...

How much of an applications "smarts" should reside in the database?

I've noticed a trend lately that people are moving more and more processing out of databases and in to applications. Some people are taking this to what seems to me to be ridiculous extremes. I've seen application designs that not only banned all use of stored procedures, but also banned any kind of constraints enforced at the databa...

C# .net Mnemonics and use in general.

I'm just starting out with C# and to me it seems like Microsoft Called their new system .Net because you have to use the Internet to look everything up to find useful functions and which class they stashed it in. To me it seems nonsensical to require procedure/functions written and designed to stand alone ( non instantiated static obje...

Throwing exceptions to control flow - code smell?

Consider this code (Java, specifically): public int doSomething() { doA(); try { doB(); } catch (MyException e) { return ERROR; } doC(); return SUCCESS; } Where doB() is defined as: private void doB() throws MyException Basically, MyException exists only in case doB() meets some condition (which is not cat...

JPA GUI tools

Hi, What are the GUI tools available for JPA? ...

Use data with variable structure

Imagine a system that works with data, which structure changes over time. Say, for example, today your User object contains Name : String and Email : String, but tomorrow you need to add Age : Integer and Address which consists of Country, Zip code, etc. Then you may want to create new field User.Contacts and move Email and Address to th...

Windows design guidelines and Visual Studio

Does anyone have a good strategy for adhering to Windows Design Guidelines with Windows Forms development in Visual Studio (2008) For example just tring to adhere to font recommendations in Windows XP you have to know the system default font should be Tahoma, Verdana should be used for Title bars in floating windows and Trebuchet MS sh...

What are some design and security considerations to take into account when developing bookmarklets?

I'm trying to design some bookmarklets right now, that connect back to a server (say like magnolia), but by their very nature bookmarklets seem to fly in the face of what's established as internet security, and they are basically cross-site scripting by definition, however they are also powerful and cool tools, and fit the need of my req...

3rd party libraries, dangerous or the right way to go?

I'm always having a hard time deciding whether or not to use 3rd party libraries in commercial applications. For some reason it scares me a bit. If I use an opensource library is there a risk of being sued because something is wrong with the license? Are there any other pitfalls? What if I think it is the best to use some library and I t...

UI: "Page 1 of 0" OR "Page 1 of 1" OR "Page 0 of 0" for ZERO rows?

In an empty dataset, what is more correct to put in the pagination information in the screen? Page 1 of 0 Page 1 of 1 Page 0 of 0 ...

How would you approach this design?

I have ControlA which accepts an IInterfaceB which has a property of type List<unknownType> In an event of ControlA i need to add a new instance of unknownType to the List in IInterfaceB... unknownType needs specific properties so i immediately thought it could be an interface, but quickly realised interfaces cannot be instantiated......

WCF and Interface Inheritance - Is this a terrible thing to do?

My application has 2 "services", let's say one is a basic (integer) calculator, and one is a floating point calculator. I express these as interfaces like so: public interface IBasicCalculator { int Add( int a, int b ); } public interface IFloatingPointCalculator { double Add( double a, double b ); } I want to expose these via WCF....

Is design now a subset of refactoring?

Looking at the cool new principles of software development: Agile You Ain't Gonna Need It Less As A Competitive Advantage Behaviour-Driven Development The Evils Of Premature Optimization The New Way seems to be to dive in and write what you need to achieve the first iteration of scope objectives, and refactor as necessary to have ele...

Whats a good use case for an EIMI?

EIMI being an explicit interface member implementation. So instead of: public int SomeValue{get;} you have int SomeInterface.SomeValue {get;} I'm currently considering using one as i'm using an internal interface (to decouple, yet restrict) and I don't want to make the methods on the implementing object to appear in its public API....

Generalization vs Specialization of DB table

When I want to design database tables that model a finite parent-child relationship, for e.g., computer as parent, and the components inside as the child; or a simple organizational hierarchy, I am usually torn at which approach to use - A 'specialized table' approach, in which I create a table for each of the possible entity. In the ...

Data Exchange Design Proposal

Basically the situation we have is we need to be able to take data from an arbitrary data source (database, flat file, it could be anything really), morph the data so it maps to the schema we have, and then send us the data so we can store it. The data will be coming from ~200 different physical locations around the country and we'd lik...

Should MVC Controller be in separate DLL?

I've created a .NET winforms MVC. The Controller and View are in the same EXE. Model is in a set of DLLs that get used by several groups. The MVC is very explicit. Model knows nothing of Controller and Controller knows nothing of View. I'm thinking to put the Controller in its own DLL so that it can be unit tested. Highly unlike so...

Merging two domain objects

In the project I'm working on, we have an aggregate domain object. The factory object handles the creation of the unique id for the object. But there is a separate import process which creates the same object initially without the id. To add the imported object to the system, we are now forced to do a field by field copy to a new objec...