
Advice on text editor for custom document format or domain model

What I'm trying to create is a text editor backed by an XML document. This document will get read into a domain model I then want to allow editing. Some of the traits I'm looking for are: Display only textual content and not require escapes to link text to domain model (want to avoid showing any kind of markup) Types of sections can ha...

How can I estimate ethernet performance?

I need to think about performance limitations of 100 mbps ethernet (including scenarios with up to ~100 endpoints on the same subnet) and I'm wondering how best to go about estimating the capacity of the network. Are there any rules of thumb for this? The reason I ask is that I am working on some back-of-the-envelope level calculations ...

Is there a rule of thumb for when to code a static method vs an instance method?

I'm learning Java (and OOP) and although it might irrelevant for where I'm at right now, I was wondering if SO could share some common pitfalls or good design practices. ...

What would you include in an image management/sharing system?

I am looking to build a web-based tool to provide an image repository that can be shared like this.. Required: Upload multiple images in high quality EPS, RAW, etc. At any time a group of people may need to see a subset of photos (but not all) through a link. Most often it would be to view higher quality photos. What I envision is ...

When can CPU and RAM be interchangeable?

Hi, I'm trying to troubleshoot an enterprise application of sort running at a customer's site. The application, which is actually a search engine, is eating 99% CPU but almost no more RAM than when IDLE. No dramatic I/O or Network activities were registered as well. My question is: is the application badly designed? Could any applicat...

Design pattern suitable for the task

I have a requirement to save an image file in various formats. The list of formats is subject to change quite often, so I wish the saving would be very extensible. Also, the saving can take place in many places (hard disk, ftp, http, etc). The list of saving locations is going to change very often too. I thought I would use a base Image...

How to sketch out a high-level architecture for a project uses web services?

Using Web Service technology, we want to design and implement an online bookshop business. At the minimum, it should allow customers to browse the catalogue and order books, it should process credit card details, and coordinate shipping of books. Sketch out a high-level architecture for this system. The architecture should include key co...

Requirements for Compiler Design

The student adviser we were working with is suddenly on leave. The plan was to design a compiler for a program which is similar to C (the basic structure of C still exists but keywords have been changed for example : for(i=0;i<10;i++) would now look like : loop i from 0 to 9 up 1 . And things such as #include have been omitted entirely...

How to place smaller tables in Domain & DB along with .NET entities

I have an important Object which have loads of properties. Now few of the properties could have multiple values for example consider, A Channel Object having one or mulitple producers (Now our client think that there could be only few producers like mostly 1 or 2 ). The same issue exist with almost 7 properties. Now i have two solution...

Do People Actually Use Machine Learning?

I'm playing around with machine learning in an academic setting, and it's really fun. I'm wondering how machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines make it into software applications. Do people actually use machine learning algorithms? Do you use them because it's part of a spec written by someone else, or are they more o...

What is the effect of overriding a (regular) virtual method by a pure virtual method?

Let's say we have class A { public: virtual int foo() { cout << "foo!"; } } class B : public A { public: virtual int foo() =0; } class C : public B { public: virtual int foo() { cout << "moo!"; } } Is this really overriding? I think this is actually overloading. What is the meaning of making something lik...

How can I think like a user?

We're neck deep in a project right now, schedules are tight (but reasonable). Our general strategy is to get a strong beta done, release it for testing, and get feedback from our testers. Quite frequently, we're being hit by small things that spiral into long, time-costing discussions. They all boil down to one thing: While we know wh...

Why doesn't more Java code use PipedInputStream / PipedOutputStream ?

I've "discovered" this idiom recently, and I am wondering if there is something I am missing. I've never seen it used. Nearly all Java code I've worked with "in the wild" favors slurping data into a string or buffer, rather than something like this example (using HttpClient and XML APIs for example): final LSOutput output; // XML st...

Does it make sense to rewrite Perl and shell scripts in java?

I have a bunch of scripts - some in perl and some in bash - which are used for: Creating a database (tables, indexes, constraints, views) Parsing spreadsheets and loading the data into the database Getting info about a bunch of files and loading that into the database. These scripts are used in conjunction with a much larger applicat...

Do you print hard copies of requirements, design documents and code?

I like to print out software requirements so I can easily mark them up, sketch UIs, etc. Do you print out requirements and design materials ahead of time or just view them digitally? What features make for the ideal "programmer's" printer? Laser or Inkjet? B&W or color? USB or Ethernet connector? Duplex? Availability of generic ink c...

When is it ok to break "the law of demeter"?

When is it ok to break "the law of demeter"? Any examples?? ...

how to customize datalist to be like this?

in how to customize datalist or gridview or what ever from data tools to be like this picture ...

Using a dependency injection framework or write your own?

When starting out with a new application, would you rather just use an existing dependency framework and risk the possible shortcomings, or would you opt to write your own which is completely adaptable and why? ...

Class design suggestions - C++

Background I am working on a phonetic converter program which converts english text into equivalant regional language text. Regional languages will have more characters than english letters and regional language fonts uses almost all positions (1-255) in a font. My program supports different fonts and I have created a font class which...

Under what circumstances is it OK to create fixed&centered web-sites?

Basically, when would you create a site that stretches across the browser and when would you create a site that is a centered in the middle and is of a fixed size? ...