
Does IE7 have a problem with some CSS attribute selectors?

I am trying to style some form labels by selecting them with their 'for' attribute. But nothing is being picked up when I preview it in IE7. I'm doing this because I'd like to style them differently to each other, without adding to the existing markup. So if my css looks like the following, I get nothing: <style> label[for="foo"] { ...

Global vs Singleton in .NET

I have a very common situation here. And for years I haven't found if what i am doing is RIGHT by industry standards.Consider an application which connects to the database, but where the connection string instead of being stored in some file/setting is being passed as a command line parameter at startup OR the database is browsed to at t...

logical & physical components

For this group assignment we have to produce a design document which includes a decomposition of the system/intermodule dependencies as well as interprocess dependencies. We are warned to be aware of the differences between logical and physical components. Could someone please explain to me what each is? Thanks. ...

Adding fields to a WebService

I have a SOAP service that exposes a method TradeDetail getTradeDetail() TradeDetail stores 5 fields, transaction number, dates etc I need to add a couple of fields to TradeDetail. I want to keep backward compatibility (for a while) and it looks as if my options are limited to creating a new class with the extra fields TradeDetail2 ...

Modifying an xslt to be namespace agnostic

I have a XSLT I've created to handle a particular xml document. However, now namespaces are being introduced in some, but not all of our documents. I'd like to use the same XSLT for these documents, however I'm having trouble modifying my stylesheet to be namespace agnostic. It's been suggested previously to modify my xpaths to *[local...

Any examples of DHT based business app?

I would be interested in creating distributed business systems without a central server. A Distributed Hash Table as used in p2p programs looks like the most promising storage solution. Are there already (open source) applications doing this? And if not, why not? [after first response] There doesn't seem to be much happening after 2005....

Best Practice for Subset of Business Object Fields Structure ?

If I have a business object with 50 fields, and I need to populate something like a drop down list or gridview with only 3 fields from the business object to allow quick browsing. Is it best practice to load the fully populated BO then just grab the few required fields in your presentation layer ? It seems inefficient to populate a c...

Help Desigining A Service For Scientific Computing

Hello guys, I need help designing a system that will be used for analyzing and visualizing some 3D seismic tomography. I'v just graduated, I don't have a lot of experience and this task just landed on me. Here is the setup: 3 Super Computing Clusters. Analysis is currently controlled by a bash script that coordinates 5 executable (E...

Are missing invariants for an object always a sign of bad design?

I was just thinking of cases when invariant(s) for mainly classes, but to some extent also structs, cannot be readily defined. Would the lack of invariant(s) be a definitive sign of bad design of the class or struct, or can you see valid reasons not to be able to define them? To me, it feels like that's where you end up when things are ...

Coldfusion App today -- Flex next year. Considerations to maximize re-use of logic tier next year?

I have started design of a Coldfusion application that is entirely web based. Not much use of Flash forms, or AJAX. The first version is a strict web app. Version 2 will be a Flex front end. I want to design and build things so that the Flex layer can use existing logic. It's okay if it means I have to do extra work in version ...

Where are the great design stencil and wireframes resources for creating mockups?

Design stencils and wireframes are cool! It would be terribly time consuming to mockup applications without them. Which are your favorites and where can they be viewed/downloaded? ...

If the user uninstalls your program, what do you do with the user data?

I'm a developer in need of ammo. If the user chooses to uninstall your program, what do you do with the data your program kept in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and other parts of the user profile? The program stores user data (logs, etc) in the user folders. The client wants an uninstall to remove all those data...for all users. At the same time...

Why is good UI design so hard for some Developers?

Some of us just have a hard time with the softer aspects of UI design (myself especially). Are "back-end coders" doomed to only design business logic and data layers? Is there something we can do to retrain our brain to be more effective at designing pleasing and useful presentation layers? Colleagues have recommended a few books me i...

Webforms App Layout Opinions?


Saving a BufferedWriter instance in a class. Any problems ?

I am creating a service that looks similar to this: interface MyLogger { void logStuff( int id, String message ); } The implementation basically opens a file and caches an instance of the BufferedWriter in the class. The method is synchronized. Is it ok to have an opened file wrapper by a BufferedWriter in a long live manner ? A...

Interface Control Document examples?

I am leading a team of fellow student programmers this semester on a long-term project (long enough that I may graduate before it's done). I've worked with ICD's in an internship, but not everyone on the team has had this experience, and I can't show them the documents I worked with due to a non-disclosure agreement. Can anyone give ...

Java: Basic OOP Question

I have written a program with both a Advanced Mode and a Beginner Mode to allow the user to get the hang of my program before it is actually used. The Advanced Mode is almost identical to the Beginner Mode apart from one or two methods needing to be replaced by another, so I have decided to create a general Mode class for both Advanced M...

Completely keyboard driven UI

After reading the inspiring article We are typists first by Jeff, I decided to use the keyboard and stay away from the pointer as much as possible. But I observed that for many applications especially on the WEB it is not easy. I also tried to incorporate this feature in my own pet projects and realize that there is huge UI design ef...

Domain Design - Referencing an Entity in a Sub Class

Lets say I have an entity Foo, and it contains a list of another entity Bar. Should Bar have a direct reference to Foo? i.e... public class Foo { public int Id {get; set;} public IList<Bar> Bars {get; set;} } public class Bar { public int Id {get; set;} public Foo parentFoo {get; set; //this will be set to an the Foo ent...

Book recommendation: web user interface design

What books about web user interface design can you recommend? I know, the technology behind a web site does not really matter for the UI design. But as I'm using ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX and jquery, it would be a plus if the book contains examples using these technologies. ...