
How to make my applications "skinnable"?

Is there some standard way to make my applications skinnable? By "skinnable" I mean the ability of the application to support multiple skins. I am not targeting any particular platform here. Just want to know if there are any general guidelines for making applications skinnable. It looks like skinning web applications is relatively ea...

Do Dependency Injection frameworks lead to poor/lazy design?

I'm fairly new to the DI concept, but I have been using it to some extent in my designs - mainly by 'injecting' interfaces into constructors and having factories create my concrete classes. Okay, it's not configuration-based - but it's never NEEDED to be. I started to look at DI frameworks such as Spring.NET and Castle Windsor, and stu...

Naming types in a namespace by the .NET Framework Design Guidelines

I'm having some problems to come up with a sane type naming scheme for our new line of applications. I want to follow the .NET Framework Developer's Guide - Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries, but I'm starting to wonder if that's such a good idea. I'd like to use the Company.Product.Feature namespace scheme as a basis. Pr...

Color blindness: Are you aware of it? Do you design for it?

I'm curious whether many of us who do design or take design decisions have ever heard of this problem. I'm aware there are dangerous color combinations, like green + red. This is probably one of the most popular cases of color blindness. If you have green text on a red background and vice versa some people won't see anything. I've also...

Functional style C# API design (returning function parameter augmented with calculation result)

Hi, There is a question regarding usage of functional programming techiques in C# code. Example Let we have interface interface IGraph { /*contains vertices and edges*/} Suppose we need to layout graph's vertices (assign Point to each vertex). interface ILayoutInfo { Point GetVertexPoint(vertex); } Simple layout route can have ...

Composite Pattern Iterator without recursion

Has anyone written or thought about writing an iterator for a composite (tree) structure without using recursion? If so can you share your ideas? Thks Edit: I was thinking of Java for lang. ...

C# TreeView design - best way to display a tree structure?

I'm trying to use a TreeView to display a tree structure of objects. I have a tree of four types of object, Company (the root node), City, Store and Employee. The interface is designed to add/remove Cities/Stores/Employees, so the TreeView has to update to reflect any changes. I am wondering on the correct way to get the TreeView to di...

What are good resources for CSS templates or templated layout sites?

Does not have to be free, I'm just not a designer and loathe starting from scratch. Any suggestions would be appreciated. ...

Designing better GUIs?

I've been using C# for a while now but haven't really homed in my UI design skills. At the time I design them, I find myself enjoying the design, but later on, I look back on it and see horrible work. An example comes to mind from my project at work where I had to use 127 buttons to represent 127 computers in our lab. :/ I was wondering...

Overloading . -> and :: for use in multiplatform classes

Say I have three window classes, one for each OS I want to support: WindowsWindow OSXWindow LinuxWindow They all inherit from the Window class. This is also the class you instantiate. The Window class have the . -> and :: operators overloaded, and depending on which OS were running on (based on IFDEFs) it casts the this pointer to ...

Is having a ubiquitous base object an anti pattern?

I remember seeing a debate about this somewhere, and am currently considering removing a base object that every business object, in a system I'm working on, inherits from. It contains a few properties, some database logic, and some constructor logic. Is this an anti pattern, or is the jury still out? Would it be better to have a base co...

any nice CSS design for non-artistic web developer?

Honestly I'm very bad at CSS and not good at dealing with color / design. Are there any helpful sites for things like pre-made, nicely skinned component, or layout of the whole site? Thanks! ...

How to properly organize a package/module dependency tree ?

Good morning, I am currently writing a python library. At the moment, modules and classes are deployed in an unorganized way, with no reasoned design. As I approach a more official release, I would like to reorganize classes and modules so that they have a better overall design. I drew a diagram of the import dependencies, and I was pla...

What's the correct way to complete a Rails create action?

I have a User.create action that provisionally registers a new user and sends an email with a generated password. What is the most Rails-like way to complete that action? I want to do everything exactly right from now on. No more nonsense. This time I'm serious. I'm thinking these are the options... Create a view called login_email_se...

Is massive Data Entry on the web feasable?

Is there any good way to design a web page for massive data entry? Datagrids seem to be the best way to handle this type of data entry and I think a client application like Access or SQLite+Frontend would be better suited for this than the web. Links to sites with a page for data entry would be greatly appreciated. ...

How do you argue for the "high notes", the true production class code?

This question has been addressed in a similar post on a more specific level regarding UI. I would like to address the subject on a more general design level. I make descisions on design every day to ensure high quality. But every now and then I get into dicsussions with middle management and unexperienced developers about the gain of ...

What tools would you used to write a modular database in Python?

I am building a modular application in python. The plugins are not known until runtime. I envisage that many plugins will create/read/update data, which they themselves care about, and other plugins may care about too. An approach I am considering: one plugin may be concerned with Users. Another plugin may be interested in one or m...

web service intermediarry between client and internal app design.

I'm creating a wcf web service that will be accepting many continuous requests, the web service will need to hold onto those requests until an internal application (which will be polling the web service every couple seconds) will make a request to the web service to determine if any requests exist and retrieve them if so. The internal a...

How strictly do you follow the n-tier architecture and separation of concerns between the layers in your projects?

I suppose most of the developers have an idea of multi-layer architecture. We have DAL (Data access layer), we have BLL (business logic layer) and somewhere near the end of the road we have our UI. If you have a project which somehow follows these principles, do you keep (or at least try) to keep/put the things where they conceptually be...

minimal web design

I am interested in minimal design, from design (ie. minimalist design) and performance view points. I am trying out "zero images" approach at the moment. (obviously no flash/silverlight/etc) pure html+css(+js) Has anyone tried it, seen it, thought about it. To give an example, craigslist would be minimalist design. It has 0 images, 1 ...