
What's your 'no framework' PHP framework?

Even with a ton of PHP frameworks out there to choose from, I know many people prefer a minimal, personal set of libraries. What is your method when it comes to 'rolling your own' framework for PHP applications, and how does it vary depending on the type/scope of a project? What does your script look like for a typical page? What is yo...

How much would you pay to not have to deal with a client?

A friend of mine came to me with a proposal where I pretty much do all the work (design/programming) and he deals with the client. Hes asking for 50% of the contract for the referral and to not have to deal with the client. Seems like a lot but at the same time I would get nothing if he didn't bring me the client. I'm wondering what ot...

How specific to get on design document?

I'm creating a design document for a security subsystem, to be written in C++. I've created a class diagram and sequence diagrams for the major use cases. I've also specified the public attributes, associations and methods for each of the classes. But, I haven't drilled the method definitions down to the C++ level yet. Since I'm new to C...

Splitting application layers into different assemblies

There is a debate going on at my company. Some are advocating moving business, data and business entities in one assembly for Discoverability purposes. make it easy to find what you're looking for. Reduce the number of dll's we need to add to a project for development Others citing the application architecture guide want each layer...

std::map design: why map accept comparator as template parameter

Map type from STL have next type: std::map< Key, Data, Compare, Alloc > As one of template parameters we could pass Compare predicate, why map accept this predicate as template parameter and not as object in constructor? It could has more flexible interface with something like boost::function< bool, const T&, const T& > in constr...

How do I argue against Duck-typing in a strongly typed language like Java?

I work on a team of Java programmers. One of my co-workers suggests from time-to-time that I do something like "just add a type field" (usu. "String type"). Or code will be committed laden with "if (foo instanceof Foo){...} else if( foo instanceof Bar){...}". Josh Bloch's admonition that "tagged classes are a wan imitation of a proper ...

Are there generic rules to design good class templates ?

I work in a department where people create (or select) algorithms that they implement in small-sized software to optimize some field-related objectives. Most of my colleagues know more about mathematical modelling and solvers than about programming. I personally have a few years of experience developping C++ class templates. I pretty mu...

What should be included in the state-of-the-art error and exception handling strategy?

I understand that this is a very broad question, but a short “it depends” kind of answer will not be accepted. Strategies are born to deal with broad issues. What issues should an application designer take into consideration when devising the error and exception handling strategy? How the strategy will differ depending on the software ...

Caching strategies with Memcached?

I'm new to using distributed caching solutions like Memcached on a large web site, I have a couple questions and could someone who has experience on these comment please. Obviously the amount of data I can put into cache depends on server RAM. Supposed I have big enough server farm and RAM, is there a max number of objects I can put i...

Div inside no-script tag not displaying well

I want to display a noscript warning when users have javascript disabled, in the same way StackOverflow does. I use this html: <noscript> <div id="noscript-warning"> Este sitio funciona mejor con JavaScript habilitado. Descubrí <a href="">cómo habilitarlo.</a> </div> </noscript> and this css: #noscript-warning { ...

Help designing a c# 'spreadsheet-style app'

I need to create an application that displays data from a number of different sources (real-time data feeds and static data from a database). Primarily the app needs to cover these requirements: Display the data in a grid, with realtime updates (to the existing data and to add new rows) Format data accoringly (if x is less than y then ...

Why restrict the length of a password?

I've just signed up to a site to purchase some goods, and when I tried to enter my (reasonably secure) password I was informed it was too long, and that I should enter a password between 5 & 10 characters! What is the point in that? Who makes decisions like this? Surely the ideal password would be a really long and complicated one? Why d...

When to use Data Transfer Objects and DataSets

I'm trying to come up with a methodology for when to use Data Transfer Objects and when to use DataTables. As an example of the problem I'm facing in our system... We have 6 different business entity assemblies representing the same things but with different properties. They have been created by several developers concerned with diffe...

When are you truly forced to use UUID as part of the design?

I don't really see the point of UUID. I know the probability of a collision is effectively nil, but effectively nil is not even close to impossible. Can somebody give an example where you have no choice but to use UUID? From all the uses I've seen, I can see an alternative design without UUID. Sure the design might be slightly more c...

Software design vs. software architecture

Could someone explain the difference between software design and software architecture? More specifically; if you tell someone to present you the 'design' - what would you expect them to present? Same goes for 'architecture'. My current understanding is: design: UML diagram/flow chart/simple wireframes (for UI) for a specific module...

OO design - propagating attributes

Hi, I'm an experienced C programmer dipping my toes in OO design (specifically C++). I have a particular piece of code I hate and would like to clean up using C++. The code implements a display tree for use in a 3d graphics app. It is a linked list of entries which have a type field specifying whether the entry is a window, geometry fea...

How do I control the styling of an html unordered list?

Who thought that styling a list of links could be so troublesome! First issue I would like to use an arbitrary char as the bullet. I am sure now that this is impossible but maybe you know different? In any case I would like to control the distance between the bullet and the contents of the <li>. I would like to control the height of th...

What is your way to design a program?

I want to write a big program, and I need to split it into small functions, so I can start coding. Is there are any good method to do this job? for example: I want to write a Get Things Done tool, use qt as GUI, work flow is like that: input the things need to be done(name and description) filter the things by tags(work,study,off...

The effects of design on application delivery time

Some developers when given a task go straight into the IDE and start coding with very little design. They may have an idea of where the application is going as they are coding. I am 1 of these developers. I do this because I feel that if I spend a lot of time designing my application delivery time will be much higher as compared to if I ...

What should a good technical design document contain?

When writing a technical design document of a yet non-existent application/system, what aspects would be most helpful for the developers - assuming that the person writing the document is not involved in the actual development? There are some obvious things, and standard structures, of course, like system architecture interfaces (exter...