
Best approach for web application returning only XML?

I am building a web application which will generate XML from a database based on a specific schema and depending on certain input parameters (such as dates or search terms) carried on a querystring. Is the best approach to write a web service which returns the required XML or to write an ashx handler that outputs the XML? Am I able to ...

Is generics the solution to this class design?

I've got an enum with possible values: public enum Language { English = 1, French = 2, German = 3 } Now i want my class to be dynamic in the sense that it can cater for multiple values based on the enum list. So if the enum list grew i can capture all possible values. Here's how my initial design ...

Can anyone recommend a good resource for learning VHDL?

Can anyone recommend a good book for learning VHDL? Or failing that, any good resource? ...

How do you organize classes on a large project?

We have a ton of features in our application that can be described very concretely as a module. The usually have some sort of setup dialog, then when the user clicks ok, it configures a process to run and runs that process. Sometimes they are more involed and the user will open up the new dialog and work on the dialog for a while, doin...

Variablize a CSS class?

I want to include a class within a class - sort of like variablizing a class - so that I can define something once and use it throughout the sheet. If I change the color, it changes everything. .myFontColor{color:blue;} .myTitle{font-size:large; myFontColor} .myHeader{font-weight:bold; myFontColor} The only way I see to do this is. T...

How to save my sanity while maintaining spaghetti code

Just wanted to hear some words of advice (and comfort.. ) that will help me to take control over some complicated spaghetti code -- code that was developed by multiple programmers (usually that never meet each other) over long time. the solution's features are just patched on top of each other. Usually I tend to see 2 kinds of programme...

Have you ever derived a programming solution from nature?

When you step back and look at ... the nature of animals, insects, plants and the problems they have organically solved perhaps even the nature and balance of the universe Have you ever been able to solve a problem by deriving an approach from nature? I've heard of Ant Colony Algorithms being able to optimize supply chain amongst o...

Node-based designer software?

Is there any cross-platform node-based designer software for free? Something like Graphviz meets FreeMind. FreeMind would be otherwise great if there was no that central point. I don't want software where you position the nodes in pixel-perfect places. I want to extend existing nodes like in FreeMind. Graphviz in other hand explodes at ...

Many objects with global and local state

I'm looking for the best Design for the following situation. We have many objects form one class, for instance a picture frame. Now each of the picture frames can display 3 types of picture. 1) a face 2) a screenshot 3) empty Thats easy: public enum PictureMode { Face, Screen, None } public class PictureFrame { priva...

Modelling different usertypes in a relational database

Hi all.. First of all, I'm sorry about the feedback-nature of this question. I'm trying to generalize it as much as I can so others can gain from it as well, but I don't really have anyone to give me feedback on this design, so I hoped you guys could help me. With that being said, I wan't to model different usertypes in my database. I ...

Web UI prototyping tools

Can anyone recomend me a simple web UI prototyping tool, so I could quicky prototype the look of a my web site. I have tried to use MS Visio for this, but found it very "user un-friendly". What I really need is to be able quicky sketch the layout of the page, put some links, images and buttons on in, play a little bit with a colors (C...

Help me get more information on Web Usability Studies

I am very interested in human computer interactions and mainly web interaction. Can you please tell me some studies, web sites, papers, links or research groups that are investigating Web pages design metrics similar to this ...

I cannot grok MVC, what it is, and what it is not?

I cannot grok what MVC is, what mindset or programming model should I acquire so MVC stuff can instantly "lightbulb" on my head? If not instantly, what simple programs/projects should I try to do first so I can apply the neat things MVC brings to programming. OOP is intuitive and easier, object is all around us, and the benefits of cod...

Is the process of design slow?

I'm working on a project where a bunch of software (C++/OO) is being ported to a new hardware environment. A certain percentage of the software modules should be subjectively similar on the new hardware platform. A code review for some of these modules has shown that the port done is been done with a minimal effort or insight - the deve...

Software Design approach: Design -> Build -> Test -> Refine Design Document

Problem that needs to be fixed Design document is not in sync with actual code Keep Manager happy Scenario: Used code from an existing application and made a new one from it. Current documentation is out of sync with existing code so didnt rely on it. No time for POC as there are deadlines to meet. Is this the Correct Approach ? ...

Using code from an existing application and making a new one from it. - Good idea?

There is a fully tested running codebase that has gone from ver 1 to ver 4 over a period of 4 odd years. This code is sufficiently tested with the last bug reported about 6 months ago. Is it a wise decision to take that code base and make a different application where the UI stays 98% the same but the functionality changes around 80-85%...

Designing a WCF service to send back image information.

I am designing an WCF service which will return a list of vendors for a search query. I need to send the logo's of these vendors to anyone who consumes the service. What would be the best way to approach this. Do i just send the image paths across or is there a better way. ...

Web Application Development Process

What have you guys found to good approaches to developing web applications? For example, do you start with the user interface and then begin adding function? Do you focus on a single resource and code everything around it before moving on to the next? Or do you go layer by layer, starting with the model/DB layer and building up? I'm wo...

New .NET architecture concepts

I posted this community wiki in the hopes of creating a thread of expertise. My question is thus ... "Where do the experts go to learn about the newest .NET coding techniques?". I'm basically looking for the leading/bleeding edge of .NET architecture, design, development and theory. I know conferences and trade shows are probably the b...

I'm majoring in CS but also want to be fairly competent in UI design??

What would be my best option for a minor? Graphic Design?.... ...