
should edit and create forms be the same one?

In many applications the "create new record" and "edit existing record" forms are very similar or even identical. Is it a good idea to use the same code unit for these two (same winform or html page or whatever) or would it cause trouble in the long run? ...

Styling Browser Scrollbar

I saw this years before, but since it was not widely supported, websites are dropping usage of it. I am currently designing a website which will have scrollbars inside the design and wondering whether CSS2 have any specification on styling browser crossbars because the default colours doesn't fit. If there's no specification, any refere...

Yet Another diagram / modeling software suggestion request.

I'm currently looking for diagramming software that allows me to quickly map stuff and jot down concepts such as a filesystem directories represented by nested boxes containing icons (representing files.) Off course the simplest solution of all would be to just use paper and pencil, but unfortunately i have such poor motor skills that a...

Web developers: Implement the code or design first?

What comes first? After the design has been outlined and approved, should a designer create pages in HTML and then hand them to a developer to add code? Or should a developer build simple pages that work and hand them over to the designer? I've always done the latter, but recently worked with a designer who built an entire site in HTML ...

How to put forward a good business case for WPF?

There are many questions about WPF vs Winfoms and the benefits of migrating to wpf, however I have a more specific question, which is probably subjective but would definitely help me justify using WPF. Being in an internal IT department, the business users are not bothered how we get to the end product, but are also not fussed about thi...

What is dependency injection and why would I want to use it?

Possible Duplicate: What is dependency injection? Other developers on my team keep talking about dependency injection. I have looked it up on Wikipedia but I still don't understand exactly what it is or when I would want to use it in my designs. If you have any good examples of when you have used it or when you shouldn't that ...

Evolutionary Design x Planned Design

Hi guys, I've been using agile development for one year and one of the big differences that I've noted in being agile was when designing the architecture for the system. In later projects we've used incremental methodologies such as RUP, and as you already know we've lost a lot of time creating UML models and later maintaining them. N...

Interface Design - Explicit or Implicit Inclusion

When several text fields on a form are logically grouped into a groupbox and are optional in the scope of the form, is it better to add a check box saying "Yes I want to fill these fields out" or is best to just leave them blank? The checkbox does provide a useful flag saying 'Hey, group XYZ is valid." ...

Should I allow null values in a db schema?

I know that logically, there are some cases where NULL values make sense in a DB schema, for example if some values plain haven't been specified. That said, working around DBNull in code tends to be a royal pain. For example, if I'm rendering a view, and I want to see a string, I would expect no value to be a blank string, not "Null", an...

Java Swing design pattern for complex class interaction

I'm developing a java swing application that will have several subsystems. For all intents and purposes, let's assume that I am making an internet chat program with a random additional piece of functionality. That functionality will be... a scheduler where you can set a time and get a reminder at that time, as well as notify everyone on ...

C#: SkipLast implementation

I needed a method to give me all but the last item in a sequence. This is my current implementation: public static IEnumerable<T> SkipLast<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) { using (IEnumerator<T> iterator = source.GetEnumerator()) { if(iterator.MoveNext()) while(true) { ...

Rest URL design - multiple resources in one http call

From what I understand, a good REST URL for getting a resource would look like this: /resource/{id} The problem I have is, that I often need to get a large number of resources at the same time and don't want to make a separate http call for each one of them. Is there a neat URL design that would cater for that or is this just not suit...

Why doesn't deferred execution cache iterative values?

Take the code below, adapted from this question: //Borrowed from another question because its a simpler example of what happened to me. IEnumerable<char> query = "Not what you might expect"; foreach(char vowel in "aeiou") { query = query.Where(c => c != vowel); } foreach (char Output in query) { System.Out.WriteLine(Output); } ...

Java design issue - Adding functionality to fixed classes

I have a set of classes that all need to be acted on in some (individual) way. Ordinarily I'd just create a DoSomethingInterface with a single doSomething() method and have each class implement that method in a way that suits each class' needs. However, I cannot do that in this case as the class definitions are unmodifyable (auto-genera...

Code Examples - the logic layer and service

Hello, I am looking for sample projects/ project templates. which show an N-Teir application (perferably in C# but do not mind Java). so far i have found the following: S#arp Architecture - which i think is awesome DotFactory Patterens in Action - I have the .Net 2.0 copy, exellent, but it only shows crud do you know any samples whi...

A question about organizing classes and naming them.

Hi, I am writing a set of classes: RAR, ZIP and Trip. They all share a common interest: they are archive formats. So, I initially thought about doing this: 1) Write a base abstract class abstract class Archive {} and place it at "libraries/archive/archive.php". 2) Write zip, rar and trip classes class Archive_Zip extends Archive ...

Image map in joomla

What would be the best way to put an image map in a joomla site? Would it be good to make it part of the template or to make it as an article? ...

How to create exception helpers?

I'm looking at creating a helper method to set an exception's message, automatically setting String.Format, adding in inner exceptions, setting commandline exit codes, etc; something like: public static void MyExceptionHelper(ExitCode code, string message) {} public static void MyExceptionHelper(ExitCode code, Exception e) {} public sta...

Clickable markers on GTileLayerOverlay

I have a web application that needs to display 30,000 markers on a map at the same time. I don't want to use any kind of clustering. I need them to all be displayed. I also need them to be clickable. The user can click on each point and a popup will come up with information about that point. Even at a low zoom level when there are thous...

Interface should not have properties ?

My office colleague told me today that is bad practice to use properties in interfaces. He red that in some MSDN article(s), which I couldn't find (well I was trying few times on google, probably with wrong key words). He also told me that only methods should be in interface. Now, I am aware that is is not strict rule, since obviously in...