
SQL Query - Copy Values in Same Table

So I have a table that looks like this: ProjectID TaskID Date 000 001 10/28/09 000 002 12/1/09 000 003 02/24/10 001 001 04/14/10 001 002 07/5/10 001 003 02/24/11 002 001 06/07/10 002 002 07/7/10 002 ...

IE6 breaks cached design

I have a design which loads nicely in IE6, but as soon as I reload it 1-2 times, it all of a sudden collapses. When I upload an updated version, it recovers from it, and breaks after a few reloads. On a sidenote: I can't test the site on a "real" IE6, I'm using the IEtester found here: IE Tester Maybe it's a problem with this program? ...

Reason for mutliple syscall in Linux

I was wondering, what is the reason for having _syscall0 to _syscall6 in Linux to handle different number of parameters. Are there any security/performance issues with having just _syscall6 alone and letting calling code pass in null values for unused parameters? ...

Dynamic Multiple Choice (Like a Wizard) - How would you design it? (e.g. Schema, AI model, etc.)

This question can probably be broken up into multiple questions, but here goes... In essence, I'd like to allow users to type in what they would like to do and provide a wizard-like interface to ask for information which is missing to complete a requested query. For example, let's say a user types: "What is the weather like in Springfi...

How to design an interface for muliply containment

Consider the following simplified demonstration: Class X contain class Y. Class Y has public method, Y.doY Stuff(). How to design X interface which use Y methods as is? If one append public method to X which simply forward the requst to Y, it results in an undesirable fat X interface and dependency of X code to Y code. This approach ...

What is the best way to initialize an application?

What is the best way of initializing and terminating an application? The library needs to be initialized/terminated only once and can be used by any number of dlls. Is there any standard design to accomplish this? This initialization has to be the very first step. Is singleton is what I need here. Any number of dlls which are loaded...

How do you implement a class in C?

Assuming I have to use C (no C++ or object oriented compilers) and I don't have dynamic memory allocation, what are some techniques I can use to implement a class, or a good approximation of a class? Is it always a good idea to isolate the "class" to a separate file? Assume that we can preallocate the memory by assuming a fixed number of...

Design problem with nearly static data

I am developing an interpreter of a simple programming language. There are tree-structured dynamic data, where each of the data nodes has an associated (owned) type-object. There are several kinds of the types - ListType, StructType etc. - and one special - TypeRef. The TypeRef holds a name (a string) which refers to some concrete type...

How could this manner of writing code be called?

I'm reviewing a quite old project and see code like this for the second time already (C++ - like pseudocode): if( conditionA && conditionB ) { actionA(); actionB(); } else { if( conditionA ) { actionA(); } if( conditionB ) { actionB(); } } in this code conditionA evaluates to the same result on both compu...

Better way to architect this function?

I have a function that consists mainly of a massive amount of calls (50+) to another function which inserts data into an array, with logic here and there dictating various conditions to insert various items into the array (plus a little bit on the end that writes the contents of the array out to a file). I'm wondering if there isn't a be...

Wrapping Booleans in Objects

I have some code that I want to refactor. I have lots of methods that take multiple arguments of the same type, for example: public void foo(String name, String street, boolean b1, boolean b2) { ... } and so on. Because the different objects can only be distinguished by name I would like to wrap them in Objects (Enums) so I can make u...

What are some basic tenets of interface design?

I am putting together some mock-ups of my first real interface and I am left wondering: What are some basic tenets of good user interface design? I am looking for something like a bullet list summary and maybe some resources that might be useful for each tenet. ...

Looking for .NET related best practices and libraries for logging, database pooling, message queues etc

Hi All, I am novice to .NET framework and started working on developing a web application, it would be great if I can find answers to couple of my novice queries listed below (I really appreciate your response). Where we can find best practices related to design, coding, testing and deployment of .NET (ASP.NET/C#)? - I have googled an...

Why should you have to dispose() a java.awt.Window that goes out of scope?

One of the memory leaks I've discovered in our application is the java.awt.Window.allWindows private static field, which keeps track of every Window instantiated. We have dialog boxes that are created, used, and then forgotten, and the expectation was that these would go away and be garbage collected. This private field keeps them in s...

Availability Issue

Architecture: A bunch of clients send out messages to a server which is behind a VIP. Obviously this server poses an availability risk. The client monitors a resource and the server is responsible to take action based on the what status the majority of the clients report to it and hence the need for only 1 server/leader. I am thinking...

Should I write one method to convert distances or a bunch of methods?

I'm just learning C++ and programming. I'm creating a class called Distance. I want to allow the user (programmer using), my class the ability to convert distances from one unit of measure to another. For example: inches -> centimeters, miles -> kilometers, etc... My problem is that I want to have one method called ConvertTo that will c...

(Web) Service Dependency Question

Let's say for example we've got a SIMPLE eCommerce system, with two separate systems: an Inventory Management System (IMS) and an Order Management System (OMS). Assume IMS provides information around inventory (getItem, getItemQuantities etc) and OMS provides ordering services (startOrder, addItemToOrder, finalizeOrder etc) These two s...

Create a new reservation via a restful url?

Hi All, I have a html table which consists of columns for days, and rows for hours of the day. I intend this to be a UI widget, similar to the commonly seen calendar date picker. Clicking on a particular cell of the table would select that date and time for creating a new reservation. I was considering using a url to represent this se...

Blend DesignTime Data with d:IsDataSource

It seems that d:IsDataSource can be used to provide design time data in blend. Does anyone know where I can find the docs for this or can explain how the behavior and usage of this Property is? I have only seen it beeing used in a ObjectDataProvider. Whereesle can I use it and what does blend acutally do when it finds this property in a ...

WPF: UI Composition

I am working on a WPF app and the UI is getting a bit complex to manage. I am looking for advice on how to maintain it as it grows. The layout looks something like this <Grid> <List of Objects View/> <Objects Relationship View/> <Object Details View /> <Multiple Objects Details View/> <View 5 /> <View 6 /> : ...