
What does this error states in

I have repository class in mvc which has this, public Material GetMaterial(int id) { return db.Materials.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Mat_id == id); } And my controller has this for details action result, ConstructionRepository consRepository = new ConstructionRepository(); public ActionResult Details(int id) {...

checkboxes with datasource

I have got 3 textboxes in a detailsview for one datasource field (low,med,high) and i need to insert into that feild either 1,2,3 for whichever checkbox they select. The details must be inserted when the Insert button is clicked. ...

Url routing suggestion in mvc.....

I have an action link in one of my view page <%=Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id = Model.Id })%> and redirects me to page which has a url like this http://localhost:1985/Materials/Details/2 instead of this i would like to have my url as http://localhost:1985/Materials/Details/steel material name instead of Id... Is this p...

'Details' in mvc routing doesn't seem to get removed....

I am trying to remove Details from http://localhost:1985/Materials/Details/2/Steel but some how my route doesn't seem to work... Edit: routes.MapRoute( "Materials", // <-- Above default "Materials/{id}/{name}", new { controller = "Materials", action = "Details", id = "", name = "" } ); ...

I'm trying to handle the updates on 2 related tables in one DetailsView using Jquery and Linq, and having trouble with adding and removing related entries

Given two related tables (reports, report_fields) where there can be many report_fields entries for each reports entry, I need to allow the user to enter new report_fields, delete existing report_fields, and re-arrange the order. Currently I am using a DetailsView to handle the editing of the reports. I added some logic to handle repor...

How to conditionally disable a detailsview databound field

I have an ASP.Net detailsview control. Its DataSourceId varies and I set it in Page_load accordingly... (based on LLBLgen sub types, but this is not too important) I guess this is a page lifecycle leaky abstraction I am not "getting". The problem is that I bind to fields that may or may no be there depending on the datasource... To "d...

Get controls ClientID/UniqueID between DetailsView and UpdatePanel

Hi guys, I like to know how to get the ClientID/UniqueID of a control inside a Detailsview controls EditItemTemplate element and when DetailsViews changing to Edit mode and DetailsView is inside a AJAX UpdatePanel. Without UpdatePanel, during PostBack I can get the ClientID's control, but now with an UpdatePanel. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="U...

Default DateTime Parameter in EntityDataSource

I have a ASP.Net DetailsView, bound to an EntityDataSource control. My EntitySet has a DateTime Property that I want to set to a default value of DateTime.Now I don't want to display this property on the DetailsView. I figure I could use an InsertParameter in my EntityDataSource, but don't know the syntax, or whether this is possible: ...

Formview, detailsview, gridview or something similar to Insert a record using Separate Pages

Hi at all! I have to create a form to insert curriculum infomration fields. I have many fields groped by different sections but only 1 record for all sections. Insering field I have to navigate to all section (pages) and in the last page(section) I perform the insert button. How is it possible ? Thanks Antonio ...

Creating Drill-Down Detail UITableView from JSON NSDictionary

I'm have a load of trouble finding out how to do this, I want to show this in a UITableDetailView (Drill-Down style) with each item in a different cell. All of the things I've read all show how to load a single image on the detail instead of showing as a UITableView. Does the dictionary have to have "children" in order to load correctl...

List View doesn't render items in Details view

VariableBox = gcnew ListView(); VariableBox->Font = ScriptEditorOptions->FontSelection->Font; VariableBox->Dock = DockStyle::Fill; VariableBox->BorderStyle = BorderStyle::Fixed3D; VariableBox->BackColor = ScriptEditorOptions->BCDialog->Color; VariableBox->ForeColor = ScriptEditorOptions->FCDialog->Color; VariableBox->DoubleClick += gcnew...

UISplitViewController detailView

I have an UISplitViewController base project. I want to have a different detail View depending the orientation of the app. Exemple : In landscape when I select a row in the TableView, I want the detailView to be an UIWebView. But in portrait I want the detail view to be a complex custom view. Is it possible ? Thanks. ...

Trim values in detailsview when databinding

Is there an easy way to trim values in a details view during edit mode? I tried modifying the database query to trim the values, but it didn't like to do both ways databinding after that. I tried looking through all the properties of the text boxes themselves and found nothing. I know I could add an event handler for the databound e...

iphone uitableview to another view

Hi all! in my program I need a tableview and, when you click onto a row, the view scroll left and show the details (like the mail for example...) how can I do this?? I explain... it's an automatic thing or I need to manage by hand the animation of the view?? thanks in advance ...

DetailsView Item events (updated deleted) with same handler

Hi all, I'm using a details view in my web application. When it fires its updated and inserted events I'd like to handle them the same way. Because the event args they have are two separate classes with no common inheritance I have to have two separate methods with basically the same code. Is there any way around this? eg. ...

ASP.NET DetailsView changing field display for edit verses insert mode

For ASP.NET, I'm using a DetailsView for insert and edit of a record. For edit mode I don't want to display the primary key field because it should not be changed. For insert mode, I want to display the primary key field because it doesn't exist and the user can specify it via a DropDownList that insures they will pick an unique value. A...

Gridview doesn't update insert/update commands

I have a gridview that is set to a sql datasource, it is generating the columns automatically. If I add a column to the table it is referencing, it will draw that column and display it, but it does not update the insert/update commands to include the new column. Is there any way have it rebuild those commands automatically? ...

Should I use a ListView, DetailsView, or GridView?

I need to display a table with various info (names, dates, serial numbers, notes). In addition, there is one field I need to be one of three specified values (Raise, Lower, Release). What view would be the best/easiest to implement which would let me add/edit/delete entries as well as provide a drop down option for the Raise, Lower, Rele...

Bind DetailsView field to Function instead of Property

Is it possible to display the result of a function instead of the value of a property in a DetailsView Field? For example instead of: <asp:Label ID="m_LabelPlantCode" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PlantCode") %>'></asp:Label> maybe something like: <asp:Label ID="m_LabelPlantCode" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PlantCode(true)") %>'...

Howto save Label Text for returning to the page?

Hi, i wont to code somethink like this: i have a ListView with some labels (this labels can be increment[+1] and decrement[-1]) by the user via buttons. now i have the problem, that each of this list items have a details view at which the user can look at. but when he return to the overwiev page, all labels ar set back to the default 0....