
jQuery: how to change tag name?

jQuery: how to change tag name? For example: <tr> $1 </tr> I need <div> $1 </div> Yes, I can Create DOM element <div> Copy tr content to div Remove tr from dom But can I make it directly? PS: $(tr).get(0).tagName = "div"; results in DOMException. ...

IN PHP , how to have datagrid or gridview

Hi , How do select row in table ?? suppose table has ID and Name if I select first row and middle row and click on submit button, How to display selected values ? ...

formating part of text inside a textfield

Suppose you have a text-field in your webpage. The value inside text-field is "This is your welcome text". Is there any way by which I can provide red color to "welcome" and not to other words. In short applying styling on some part of text inside a text-field. can some body suggest a way of doing it? ...

If I use "getElementById" to alter a CSS style of a single object, how do I alter all elements that inherit the style?

All the examples I've seen use "getElementById" to get the single element, and then change that style for that singular element. I'm in the situation where I need to modify all the matching elements on the page with a style. I need to change the font size, height, and width. How do I do this, and is jQuery required or optional? The r...

Cannot retrive style using js

<html> <head> <style> #menu{ color :red; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="menu"> ABCXTZ </div> </body> <script> a = document.getElementById('menu'); alert(a.style.color); </script> </html What i retrive just is a empty box. ...

Changing images of elements using JavaScript

i have a container and below it, a table of 3 rows and a column and in each column, there is an image. i want to do such that onmouseover , the container gets filled with that image.. help me do this.. ...

How to disable all possible popup messages in CDHtmlDialog?

Hi! I use CDHtmlDialog to work with DOM of some HTML content from given URLs. I need to disable all possible popup messages (e.g Security alerts) that can appear as in case of InternetExplorer Browser. In JScript I can set property Silent to true var oIE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","EventIE_"); oIE.Silent = tr...

Keeping a page element in view while scrolling page.

I'm looking for a solution to keep an element in view, while scrolling the rest of the page. I don't want to re-invent the wheel so i'm reaching out to see if the community knows of a canned solution already. I want to apply this to a huge table that I have, and I would like users to be able to continue seeing the table headers as they...

Softhink DHTML Menu - How 100% Width = Fit To Page

hi my dear friends : i have a Softhink Menu In My Asp.net web app and every thing is ok. i want to force this menu to change it's width when the browser width changes (or screen resolution changes). i mean i want this menu with 100% width in my page. how can i do that? thanks in future advance... best regards ...

Is there a better way populate HTML widgets than building strings and setting innerHTML?

With XML XSLT, it is possible to build a nice template in HTML, convert it to XSLT and use xml data coming from the server to dynamically populate widgets on the client side. JSON and JSONP are great for interacting with the server side and manipulating the data in JS. When it comes to rendering the JSON data, most examples I've seen u...

Special Google Search Result - How to achieve this? (look at the attached image)

look at the following image when searched for some websites... various websites show the above kind of result on google.. like serach for stackoverflow, flickr, deviantart, Hotmail and so on HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS... ...

Is the OpenLaszlo DHTML runtime production ready?

As a long time time Flex developer I've thought about building my next application - which should run on the iPad as well - with OpenLaszlo. OpenLaszlo offer a Flash and DHTML runtime, but besides the demos on the website I don't see any real world application built with OpenLaszlo: http://openlaszlo.org/showcase Has anyone built a larg...

How to know which submit button fired the onsubmit event

When you have more than one submit button in a form, is there a way to know which one fired the onsubmit event without adding code to the buttons themselves?? Edit: I need to do the check on the client-side, i.e. with JavaScript. ...

jquery get the id/value of LI after click function

< ul id='myid' > < li id='1' >First< /li > < li id='2' >Second< /li > < li id='3' >Third< /li > < li id='4' >Fourth< /li > < li id='5' >Fifth< /li > </ul> How can I alert the id of the li item clicked(anything that can replace the id may be value or something else will also work) please help thanks in advance Dave ...

Should I learn Rails, Joomla or DHTML as a beginner?

This is not a core programming problem as most posts on this website are, forgive me for that but I didn't know where else to ask this. I am a beginner in web languages and want to build a small website for our family business, mostly a bunch of galleries that would display our different product lines with prices and some basic specs fo...

How can I code a textarea similar to Stackoverflow, FB, or OKC?

How does stackoverflow implement the "comments" section of this site? I'd like to create something similar to a FB Wall or okcupid.com profile edit. My goal is to create a wiki of sorts that has editable regions like each of these sites. It's important that I can associate the user's cookie with the edit on the serverside so I can mai...

Print page in landscape

Hi all, I have an PHP page with information [tables , data ] When user click on print I want it to be printed in Landscape[ view 70%] how to do it programmatically ? I tried some css rotation of page but didn't work out. ...

What are the dangers of not conforming to declared HTML doctype?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 web site, the site.master declares <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; but in the code I have <td class='count-col' data-object-id='<%= Model.ObjectId %>'> Am I correct that attribute ...

How to fetch multiple return values from a JavaScript function

I have JavaScript function call to changeMapLocation function where in it I want to return the variables lat and long1. I have some problem in code to return those two variables and alert in function call. var sample = changeMapLocation(state); alert(sample.lat1); alert(sample.lat2); function changeMapLocation(state) { var address...

How to move the cursor into a input text box by clicking a label tag?

Hi All, How to move the cursor position into a input text box by clicking a label tag? Much appreciated ...