
How to create dynamic HTML pages using C?

Hi All, How to create DHTML pages using C language? Please give me some web site where I can find the step by step procedure to create DHTML pages using C. Regards, NM ...

HTML get coordinates/position on click with JS

Hello, Is there a way to get a position/coordinates on mouse click? In example if I have an image in a container and I click on it I want to get coordinates(x,y) in that image? I see only 1 solution to make lots of containers on top of image so small(will be like grid) that when I click it will give containers position in js, but I thin...

How to Submit part of a TextArea/anyfield using JS or DHTML or any other way?

I want to submit part of a TextArea (User has entered Multiple Lines and selected one line either by Highlighting or by placing the cursor on the line). If user press the Submit Button then, I need to get the Line or word user has selected. Just for my requirement Understanding See Below Example Ex:- TOAD, SQL Server : where we can ent...

JS Image Slider with mouseover and auto repeating images?

Hey is there anything similar to this http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/cmotiongallery.htm somewhere out there but just with auto repeating images (so that the gallery doesn't stop on the last image)? thx, mia ...

Strange Character on IMG Link?

Exact Duplicate: strange characters on IMG Link? Hello all im using an open source Auto Dealer database made in PHP CMS style. usally when you copy and paste html code on the comments text box on any cms you can edit the page layout with images and fonts. I did this and it did change the layout as i wanted but one problem is that t...

z-index and javascript events

So I have a couple of divs overlaid on eachother with differing z-index values. The default behaviour for browsers seems to be the event bound to the top-most z-index div gets fired. Ie I have multiple onclicks one for each div but only the top one is fired when the area is clicked. Is there a way to fire the events attached to all di...

Crosser browser DHTML widget for edittinig large blocks of text

Can someone recommend a cross brower widget and/or technique that would allow users to work with large blocks of text in a browser? By work with text, I mean edit, search, and replace text. Ideally we're looking for something like a jquery-like DHTML component - not a Flash or RIA component (which may not run or not be allowed to run in ...

How to prevent disposing a jQuery modal dialog

i have such a function when it is invoked a dialog is created, after the dialog is closed and the button is clicked again, the dialog doesn't showup $("#Button").click(function() { $.ui.dialog.defaults.bgiframe = true; $("#box").dialog({ modal: true, ...

I placed one side menu upon one transparent page, if i click on hide option present on that side menu then that transparent page should be hilighted

I want to design one page in html that as follows, i placed one side menu upon one transparent page, if i click on hide option present on that side menu then that transparent page should be highlighted as well as that menu should be hide. Whenever i want that menu to be highlighted again i can click that menu link. Can any one help me re...

Location/country clickable maps

anybdy knw any jquery plugin or any such thing in javascript,similar to this http://bit.ly/6ary44 ? which can b usd 2 select location/countries in maps...? I would not prefer flash, but still, if there is any for free with some customizable options/effects, it would do. ...

document.createElement text field length

I'm using the following code to add rows with text fields dynamically at the touch of a button. The issue I have is that the text fields that are being created in these rows are not the size I want. Is there a way to specify the length of a text field in this situation? function addNewRow() { var iX = document.getElementById("txtI...

createElement Image Source

I'm dynamically adding rows/fields in this code. I have a text field for the date, and next to it is a calendar button/image, which the user can use to select the appropriate date. However, if I click the "Add New Item" button to add a new row, I can't quite get this image to re-appear correctly for the calendar. The rows are being ad...

Offline Gecko reference.

Hi All, I was trying to find offline version of Gecko DOM reference on net (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_DOM_Reference) but was unsuccessful. I will be travailing next two days and if some points to a resource I can finish my work during this time and enjoy my weekend ;). Thanks in advance....... ...

Using Javascript to change the method/function an HTML element calls.

I was wondering if its possible to use Javascript to change the function/method that an HTML element calls. Example: <input type="button" id="some_id" name="some_name" value="A Button" onclick="someFunction()" /> I now want to use Javascript to change the method/function called on the onclick event to another function has displayed ...

Display html content of range or htmlfrag

Once I create a range how do I display the HTML content of it in Firefox? range.toString() only gives me the text content. In essence, like innerHTML returns the markup in IE. Thanks function innerHTML(oTarget, sContent, bAppend){ if (document.getElementById && !document.all) {//is this a non ie browser var range = document.createR...

animated board game for web - not Flash - what is possible?

What is the best cross-browser way to get a flat mouse coordinate input data and simple callback for mouse events for my rectangular game area on my web page, even when it has loads of larger and smaller images and text string overlaid haphazard onto it? And what is the best way to insert or remove a text string or semi-transparent imag...

DHTML row values not being captured in SQL Insert

I have some Javascript that dynamically adds rows/fields when you click the button, "Add New Item." The value for each row is captured in a hidden text field, "txtIndex." (The initial value of txtIndex is set to 1.) I then capture txtIndex in a variable in vbscript to loop through the values so that they can be all inserted into a SQL...

Replacing dhtml element without using innerHTML

This seems like it should be easy. I have a html snippet that I wish to locate and modify in place via javascript. But not just the innerHTML; I want to replace the entire element. Example: <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <img src="images/pic1.jpg" /> <a class="clicker" onclick="javascript:doSomethingUseful...

Create a range or html fragment in IE from a string

How do I take a string and create an html fragment with it in IE. This works fine in non-ie browsers. var str = "<div>Foo</div>"; var range = document.createRange(); var frag = range.createContextualFragment(str); var e = document.getElementById("element"); e.appendChild(frag); ...


here is my js code <script type='text/javascript'> // Browser safe opacity handling function function setOpacity( value ) { document.getElementById("popup").style.opacity = value / 10; document.getElementById("popup").style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value * 10 + ')'; } function fadeInMyPopup() { for( var i = 0 ; i ...