
Subset summing

I have a problem related to the subset sum problem and am wondering if the differences make it easier, i.e. solvable in a reasonable amount of time. Given a value V, a set size L, and a sequence of numbers [1,N] S, how many size L subsets of S sum to less than V? This is different than the subset sum problem in three ways: I care h...

Finding sets that have specific subsets

I am a graduate student of physics and I am working on writing some code to sort several hundred gigabytes of data and return slices of that data when I ask for it. Here is the trick, I know of no good method for sorting and searching data of this kind. My data essentially consists of a large number of sets of numbers. These sets can co...

What is the most difficult type of software to write?

This question just really interested me, so I got curious to know what the community thinks. What do you guys think is the most difficult type of software to write? I write government software and have found it's pretty hair-pulling, but I'm sure there are far worse things out there. ...

obscure problem with sigsetjmp on linux with C

For some reason when I return from the signal handler for SIGFPE, the variable i is one less than I expect it to be, to get the correct results from my program (iterate through all of the pairs in the pairs array) I must check the return value of sigsetjmp and increment i if I am returning from a signal "catch". Why is this? Why is the i...

Advice for Managing a difficult client.

We are agile software developers, and we have a client Pm who will not accept any drop in functionality when we do a delivery. It’s a key requirement in agile software development to deliver to timelines not functionality. It seems impossible to manage his expectations - he seems a bully and will not see that his actions are already dam...

Is it really worth to change from CodeIgniter to Zend Framework? if so, how difficult would it be?

Hi friends, I don't know if this is a good place for such a question. If not, sorry for messing :/ I have been using Codeigniter for a while, I have already built my own cms (to use for all my projects) and many modules (news, image uploads, etc.) and I can do my work well and quick... but I always wanted Zend Framework actually. The re...

Difficult and confusing problem with MsBuild target command when running Jar file

Hi all: I have a strange problem which I would like to hear from all the experienced developers out there... Currently I have a MsBuild file with a target that executes a set of unit tests using a Java jar file. The target looks like this: <Target Name="RunTests" > <MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj" /> <Exec ContinueOnError="fa...

(syntax trees) recursively iterating over trees bottom-up with current top-down path

Hi I have an abstract syntax tree which I need to iterate. The AST is generated by the lemon port to PHP. Now "normally", I'd do it with the brand new and shiny (PHP 5.3.1) SPL classes, and it would look like this: $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveArrayIterator($ast['rule']), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FI...

jquery select elements between two elements that are not siblings

eg. [I've removed attributes, but it's a bit of auto-generated html] <img class="p"/> <div> hello world <p> <font><font size="2">text.<img class="p"/> some text</font></font> </p> <img class="p"/> <p> <font><font size="2">more text<img class="p"/> another piece of text </font><...

How can i get rid of 'ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long' in this query?

this query gets the dominating sets in a network. so for example given a network A<----->B B<----->C B<----->D C<----->E D<----->C D<----->E F<----->E it returns B,E B,F A,E but it doesn't work for large data because i'm using string methods in my result. i have been trying to remove the string methods and re...

TTSpeechBubbleShape in Three20 only draws "speech" triangles top and bottom

So I am using the Three20 library for an iPhone app, and want to use the TTSpeechBubbleShape style for a view. But the triangle doesn't seem to want to draw on the left or right sides. I see in the source that it's a lot of geometry and was wondering if anyone had tackled this or knew how to fix it. ...

jQuery: Counter, Tricky problem with effects for brainy people.

Hello there! I made this counter that I think is cool because it only makes visible changes to the numbers being changed between each time it is triggered. This is the code // counter $('a').click(function(){ var u = ''; var newStr = ''; $('.counter').each(function(){ var len = $(this).children('span').length; ...