
How do you create non scrolling div at the top of an HTML page without two sets of scroll bars

How do you create non scrolling div that looks like the MS Office 2007 ribbon on a web page without two sets of scroll bars. One for the window and one for the div. ...

Why doesn't dynamically generated content change the height of containing div?

I am writing a footer div that displays info from the database. The footer has a different background color than the rest of the page, and will have a height that depends on how much content the database throws to it. When I generate the content with php and call for a border around the footer div, the content appears and is, let's say...

Jquery changing background of parent div.

I have the following snippet in one of my html pages : <div class="inputboximage"> <div class="value2"> <input name='address1' value='Somewhere' type="text" size="26" maxlength="40" /> <br /> </div> </div> My problem is that I need the inputboximage background to change when I click in the address1 text field and to r...

CSS div element - how to show horizontal scroll bars only?

I have a div container and have defined its style as follows: div#tbl-container { width: 600px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-base-color:#ffeaff } This gives me both horizontal and vertical scroll bars automatically once I populate my table which is contained by this div. I just want only horizontal scroll bars to appe...

CSS for container divs and falling to the next line

Hi, I'm more of a programmer than a designer, and I'm trying to embrace DIV's rather than using tables but am getting stuck. Here's what I'm trying to do. I am setting up a survey page. I want each question's text to sit at the top of the blue div, and wrap if it's too long. I want all of the red divs to line up at the top right cor...

Make HTML Column Wider As Inner Div Expands

Please consider the following: <td style="width: 500px;"> <div style="width: 400px;">SomeContent</div> </td> For some reason, the column that contains a div will not expand to 500px as the style suggests. Do you know how to get the td to honor the width that I am specifying in the style? ...

How would you make two <div>s overlap?

I need two divs to look a bit like this: | | ---| LOGO |------------------------ | |_______________| LINKS | | CONTENT | What's the neatest/most elegant way of making them overlap neatly? The logo will have a fixed height and width and will be touching th...

Keyboard up and down arrows.

Hi, I have one autocomplete search, in which by typing few characters it will show all the names, which matches the entered character. I am populating this data in the jsp using DIV tag, by using mouse I'm able to select the names. But I want to select the names in the DIV tag to be selected using the keyboard up and down arrow. Can any...

div with images problem

Hey guys, I have the following div layout: Everything is fine when I put normal txt elements in both the blue and the orange div. However, when I place an image in the orange div (which is 31px), the elements in the blue div get pushed down by about half the height of the blue div. (additional info, when hovering over the html for ...

Firefox CSS: Given 2 divs, how can I float the *second* one to the right using static positioning?

I'm working on a Youtube userstyle script that displays comments side by side with the video so you can watch the video and read the comments at the same time (what a marvelous idea - duh). You can see in the screenshots how far I've got. That means I only care about Firefox, and that CSS3 goes. The problem I have is that I want to make...

floating images in a layer, inside another layer

Hello, I have the following HTML to center images and links within a layer: edit: a better example <style> body { background-color:#000; color: #FFF; } a { font-family: "Broadway", Broadway,monospace; font-size: 14px; color: #FFF; } #images a { width: 24.99%; display: block; float: left; text-align: center; } #contain...

Float a div right, without impacting on design.

Hi, I want to float a div to the right at the top of my page. It contains a 50px square image, but currently it impacts on the layout of the top 50px on the page. Currently its: <div style="float: right;"> ... </div> I tried z-index as I thought that would be the answer, but I couldn't get it going. I know it's something simple ...

Who has solved the long-word-breaks-my-div problem? (hint: not stackoverflow)

Ever since switching from TABLE-layout to DIV-layout, one common problem remains: PROBLEM: you fill your DIV with dynamic text and inevitably there is a super-long word that extends over the edge of your div column and makes your site look unprofessional. RETRO-WHINING: This never happened with table layouts. A table cell will always n...

CSS Layouts - How to position two divs horizontally within another div

I haven't played with CSS for too long a time and am without references at the moment. My question should be fairly easy but googling isn't bringing up a sufficient answer. So, adding to the collective knowledge... |#header---------------------------------------------------------------| | TITLE ...

How to make floating divs fill up space

Hi, I'm trying to create a "workflow" bar on a web page. The items in the workflow might be of different lengths. There might be enough items to fill the width of the screen, hence the flow needs to wrap onto the next line. I'm using left floating divs to do this. However, I'd like the divs to take an appropriate amount of screen w...

JQuery focus

Let say i have the next markup: <div id="content"> <div id="firstP"><p>First paragraph</p></div> <div id="secondP"><p>Second paragraph</p></div> <div id="thirdP"><p>Third paragraph</p></div> <div id="fourthP"><p>Fourth paragraph</p></div> </div> I want to add a new div with Javascript and focus in this new element. Fo...

Even column heights without using a TABLE

Is there a way to have two columns, that match each other in height, without using table cells, fixed heights or Javascript? Using a TABLE <table> <tr> <td style="background:#F00;"> This is a column </td> <td style="background:#FF0;"> This is a column<br /> That isn't the ...

Yet Another Divs vs Tables Question: Forms

[Meta-note:] I was browsing the question page, getting really tired of "DIVS vs Tables" "When to use tables vs DIVS" "Are Divs better than Tables" "Tables versus CSS" and all the questions that ask THE SAME THING OMG PEOPLE but I would like to see all the ways people tackle the translation of the canonical example of "why you should give...

Center one of two sibling divs

In the following, I'd like to alter the CSS such that the right-sibling is truly centered in the container div. (Edit: without using absolute positioning). <html> <head> <style type='text/css'> #container { width: 500px; } #left-sibling { float: left; } #right-sibling { text-a...

JavaScript: Scroll Position of div with "overflow: auto"

Given this HTML snippet: <div id="box" style="overflow:auto; width:200px; height:200px; border:1px solid black;"> 1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>10<br> 11<br>12<br>13<br>14<br>15<br>16<br>17<br>18<br>19<br>20<br> 21<br>22<br>23<br>24<br>25<br>26<br>27<br>28<br>29<br>30<br> </div> You (usually) get a black box with a scro...