
CSS div content size question

Hello guys! I have a structure like this <div id="first"> <div id="second"> <div id="third"> <div id="fourth"> text </div> <div id="fourth"> text2 </div> </div> Some other stuff... </div> </div Here's the css for it at the moment: #first { width:960; } #second { position:rel...

Showing and hididng div's in Internet Explorer, why can't I use absolute and relative?

I frequently use 's on my site pages to hold additional 'instructional' information for a particular page. A user can click a button such as "Show Instructions" and the is then shown on the page. When a page is loaded, I have visibility set to 'hidden'. So then a user will click on a 'Show Instructions' button to show the . Hidden, t...

Help with Draggable Div

following this tuturial to make the red box draggable http://www.diffusedreality.com/content.html almost got it but now it's not working... the point is to make the search box draggable after the test with the red box http://peersource.sfrails.net/ ...

Increase Div Width with Javascript setTimeout()

How can we increase or Decrease width of a DIV using setTimeout() ?? ...

Add "more" html at then end of an element using jQuery?

I have an empty div at the beginning: <div id="mydiv"></div> I know how to add for the first time html into my empty div using jQuery: $('#mydiv').html('my html!'); But my problem is that I don't know how to push more html at the end of my non-empty div: <div id="mydiv">my html!**how to add more html here**</div> ...

Quicktime video appearing over Fixed DIV

I have an embedded quicktime video that is appearing over a fixed Div. I wrapped them both in DIVS with correct z-indexes, not working. How do I get the video under the div (position: fixed;)? ... Oh, and the problem is only occurring in Safari. ...

Can background image extend beyond div's borders?

Can background image extend beyond div's borders? Does overflow: visible apply to this? ...

Can a large div not trigger browser scroll bars?

I have a large div housing my background image. Generally, it will be centered with the sides going off the screen. Because it is background, I don't want scrollbars to show up on the browser- is there a solution here? Thanks EDIT: Let me clarify based on the answers: I have a large image that extends beyond the browser's boundaries...

Why <div class="clear"></div> instead of <div class="clear"/>?

I just realized that: <div class="clear"/> after a series of floating divs causes layout havoc, while <div class="clear"></div> works fine. Can anyone explain this? This is the CSS: div.clear { clear:both; } ...

jquery find div attribute smaller or higher

i want to find all div attributed value matched smaller or higher numeric value. its worked me only eq value=444 (example div[ref=444],[ref=333]....) var $filteredData = $data.find('div[ref=444]' ); but i want to compare find <444 ( find div attribute value smaller <444) or >444 (find div attribute value higher >444) in all div attri...

what is the best way to toggle two divs in the same area

i am loading two divs in a page: divA and divB i have divB display style = none. I have a link that says "Show viewB". When i click this i want div B to show up where divA is and divA to hide. i then want the link to change to "Show viewA" what is the most elegant way of doing this in jquery? ...

textarea inside a div

I want two side by side boxes in my page for placing the comment.One will show previous comments and should be disabled.other is for current users giving comments.I have done this using two divs and placing them side by side. one contains a textarea for placing the new comments.I am having trouble with the size of textbox and the scrollb...