
Why are these two divs being pushed over so slightly to down?

My HTML is simple, I have a content area that wraps around everything and inside it I want three columsn. Two of them have to have fixed widths, and main content area should be flexible. I wonder what I'm doing wrong - EDIT here is the complete code sorry if it's a bit long!: <%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMaster...

How can I make the middle column div always expand to fit?

I have a basic layout that is one Div container wrapper and three columns Divs inside. I want the left and right column to be of fixed with, with the middle one being dynamic to fit it's open space. Here's a picture to demonstrate what it looks like now: The red border is the container, and the blue border div is the one I want to ex...

nested div toggle problem

I have been struggling with this for days and I'm getting fed up :( I hope someone can figure this out? Ive got a set of divs (systems/blocks) each has a header h2 and a child div. Each child div (sub systems) each has a header h3 and a child div with some links. When I click on systemHeader I want to toggle only the subSystems div. Whe...

When I add a margin to a nested DIV, it causes the parent DIV to receive the margin instead, unless I give the parent DIV a border. Why?

Has anyone else ever ran across this? This is the second time it's come up in as many years and I am not sure the "correct" way to solve it. I can achieve the same results with padding in the child, but it just makes no sense. Testing in Safari/FF. ...

jQuery search results ... hover and click no longer working?

So I created a couple of functions for my search autocomplete results (custom autocomplete) and while the results were static, the hover and click events worked fine... but now that the results are dynamically being generated, my divs no longer respond to their hover and click events. Is jQuery not seeing the divs anymore because they'...

trying to hide/show div with jquery by clicking one link

here's my js: $(document).ready(function() { $('.LoginContainer').hide(); $('.list li a').click(function(){ $('.LoginContainer').toggle(); }); }); This only makes the div with class="loginContainer" appear for a split second and then dissapear. I want for the div to appear when I click the link, and then dissapear w...

jquery .click overriding anchor href when i dont want it to!

Hi, I have a set of nested DIVs that slidetoggle using jQuery as the user clicks on them. Inside the innermost DIV there is an anchor tag with an HREF that should navigate somewhere. The problem is that when I click on the link it slidetoggles just like the parent DIVs instead of navigating to the url. If I right click the anchor and sel...

jquery variable as div ID or class

var $name = ('div#amuchlongername'); $('#wrapper').prepend('<div id="$name"></div>'); Obviously I know this code is wrong lol, but I'm fairly knew to jQuery and I can't seem to find anything about this. How would one go about achieving a variable name inside a div id? ...

TD elements word wrapping on shrinking browser window

I have a table who's columns contain two inline divs, one displaying an image, and the other display text, side by side. So each td is rectangular with an image on the right and text beside it on the left (on a single line). The problem (which happens in all browsers) is when I shrink the horizontal browser size, rather than keeping th...

JQUERY: Simple get Offsets of a div.

Hi to all, i would like get the offsets of a div,but when i try to access to that div says me [Object object]... or undefined or 0.0;because i think that my method is wrong :-( This is the code of the page: http://pastebin.org/208836 And i have already tried with this code: var p = $(".product_72ivnj"); var offset = p.offset(); var ...

jQuery scroll is not working correctly when inside div

I created a jQuery function that applies a class to a paragraph, and then scrolls to that paragraph when a button is clicked. It works fine when the paragraphs are relative to the document, but I want the scroll to happen inside a div. Currently, the scrolling is working, and it is applying the class correctly, but it is does not scroll ...

Setting up my webpages on a widescreen monitor may have caused me to create inaccurate div positions

Hi, I recently put together a website exclusively using a computer with a wide screen monitor. Later, When opening the same pages online using a computer with a smaller sized monitor, I suddenly noticed that all the div positions are completely out of place. My question is how to use the widescreen monitor to continue to develop my webpa...

JavaScript - onmouseover modify previous element css height

I have two divs, whose heights I would like to control relative to each other. The point of these divs is that when a user mouses over one of them, it expands vertically and the other retracts vertically (smoothed with CSS transitions). Basic markup: <div class="product"> <h2>Product Name</h2> <div class="preview" style="backgr...

show selected div with radio,dropdown, and button

a have a page that consist of: <input type="radio" id="oqcline" class="section"/>OQC Line <input type="radio" id="oqcbalance" class="section"/>Balance <br/><br/> Month <select id="search_month" class="searchqp" name="search_month"> Year <select id="search_year" class="searchqp" name="search_year"> <button id="search" type="button" clas...

WYSIWYG development bug with formatBlock in Mozilla

Hello, I'am currently developing a WYSIWYG editor for my CMS and got serious bugs here. After switching from IFRAME to DIV contenteditable the behavior changed dramatically. Using execCommand('formatBlock') to create headlines causes unwanted BR tags to the source code, but only in Mozilla. I thought the reason could be < br _moz_dirty...

Is there a way to output html div to an image using php?

Hi. I have a div on my page which I want to output to a jpeg file. Is this possible using PHP? I know there's the GD library for creating images in PHP but I'm not sure if it can do what I want. Because I also want to put a barcode on the image (I used a jQuery plugin to do this on the html page) . Is this possible (if it's possible ...

Parse XML data on page load & insert into div using AJAX / Javascript

I am working on a page that uses javascript / AJAX to parse xml from a file. I need to be able to parse a url on the loading of a page and insert it into a div. I have the script written but I need help getting 2 things: 1) having it parse an XML file and load that data into a div on page load 2) the option to click a link and load that ...

What is the average resolution i.e pixel width for a standard web page?

Hi, I just finished constructing web pages and am trying to decide what the optimal lay out should look like. I am trying to decide between a fixed width for my main divs (about 1200 pixles or so) and a variable percentage width. I worry that the variable width will look awful under lower resolutions of under 1600 by 900. I am assuming ...

Website is not shown properly on IE

Hello everyone, I am a bit deperate. I have developed a project website http://www.akademikpencere.com/ And I did layouting with div's. The website is being rendered very well in Firefox and Chrome BUT it IE some divs are not positioned well. How to solve this problem ? How to make layouting the same for all browsers ? ...

div layot problems in IE ...

Hello everyone, I have developed a website http://www.akademikpencere.com/. The problem is some divs elements are not being posistioned well in IE, but they are positioned well in Firefox and Chrome. How to solve this problem ? Is there any way to make sure what ever I develop for one browser will work for another ? thank you. ...