
Getting list of controls inside a specific div in .NET

How to Get list of controls inside a specific div in ASP.NET ...

Least code to create modals in jQuery dynamically based on rows in an HTML table

I've got an HTML table with columns that hold a few words of a comment that when clicked should show a modal dialogue with the full contents of the comment (stored in a DIV on the page). I was going to do this with a jQuery dialog, but can't decide if it's more efficient to put onclick handlers (with this.next.show..) on each cell or to...

Attempting to optimize a pixel reading and outputing function.

$img = imagecreatefrompng("img/".$image); $w = imagesx($img); $h = imagesy($img); $pixelcount = 0; echo "<div id='container' style='width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px;'>\r\n"; for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) { for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) { $rgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0x...

specifying a css div container so that elements exceeding its height continue in its next 'column'

Hi, How do I specify a css div container so that it enforces column-like behavior, such that when the height of the container is exceeded by the elements in its first 'column', the elements simply continue in the next 'column' of the container. My goal is not to specify columns but just the i) the container height and ii) whatever prope...

Why is the padding of this <DIV> not respected (at the bottom)?

Hi there, I have a padded DIV (containing other/sub-DIVs and a DL) followed by some text: <div> # the padded/main div <div> <div> </div> </div> <div> <dl> <dt></dt><dd></dd> <dt></dt><dd></dd> </dl> </div> </div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dapibus ante dui, et...

Div resizes when using jQuery UI tabs

Hi folks, I hope we can find a way to fix the problem I'm experiencing. Problem: One of my divs (id='main_map' in the map.php page) does not display with the height and width specified in my css. However, when it first loads the page/tab, the div has the right size but not when I click on the tab (map tab). I'm using jquery-ui.js and ...

How to display last div at top using CSS?

I have 4 different divs. The last one is footer. How can I put the last div at top using CSS? ...

An html challenge

http://i.imgur.com/PqmVu.jpg A container that contains a box centered horizontally and it also contain a line centered vertically beside the left or the right side of the box. The width of the container may change dinamically so the line should also change its width (automatically). I hope the image explains that well. ...

Split pane using CSS3 Resize property

Hello, I've been trying to do split pane resizing using the CSS3 property. Here is the code: <style> div.left, div.right {float: left; outline: solid 1px #ccc; resize: both; overflow: auto;} div.left {width: 20%} div.right {width: 80%} </style> <div class="left"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. </div>...

Div contenteditable and pressing "enter" on FF

Hello, I have got a div with contenteditable that should trigger a < br /> insert on "enter". Everything works fine in IE but Firefox drives me crazy. this.e.keydown(function(event) { if(event.keyCode == 13) { var execute = editor.insertHTML(\'<br />\')'; eval(execute); return false; } }); Firefox ignores < br /> at t...

CSS/DIV question

I have a header that I want to stick to the top and a footer I want to stick to the bottom, and a silverlight control that I want to occupy as much of in between as possible, without overflowing onto the footer (or header). It mostly works if I do: div#silverlightControlHost { float:left; height: 80%; width: 100%; } div#footer ...

jquery post and append data inside clicked div?

Hi all, I'm trying to write up a function which will post data (and append the results inside a div) when you click on the div. I've got it so it will alert the data, but for some reason I can't get it to append the data back inside the clicked div? The clickable div: <div class="qaContainer"> <h2>testing title</h2> <input type="h...

Link open left div

Hi guys i have this link http://www.tgi.com.pt/link/tabSlideOut.html and my idea is the link content open the left div. But I can't doing the desired effect any suggestion? ...

IE Problem : Transparent div above a picture doesn't trigger the CSS:hover

Hi there! Here is the problem : I want to create reactive zones on a image using transparent div, but the following code doesn't work on IE (tested on Chrome) : the background-color of the div "hover_zone" doesn't change at all. The problem is due to the background-color set to transparent. Use any valid color like #FFF and it works (i...

Is there a way to make a semi-transparent div with dynamically placed "holes"

Hi there, I'm creating a page with 2 layers: an image layer and a "mask" layer on top of it which is semi transparent. I want to dynamically place a small rectangle "hole" in that mask so that the original image below it could be seen in that area. Is this possible? The final purpose a is to create an effect of a grayed out image that...

How to check display (none/block) of a div in jquery?

I am using this, $("#loginanchor1").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#signin_menu1").slideDown("slow"); }); $(document).mouseup(function (e) { if ($(e.target).parent("a.loginanchor1").length == 0) { //$(".signin").removeClass("menu-open"); $("#signin_menu1").slideUp("slow"); } }); Everything ...

Size the DIV to the size of the background image

Hi, I have a DIV with the following style .vplayer-container .logo { position: absolute; bottom: 50px; right: 10px; background: url(../img/logo.png) no-repeat; border: 1px solid #000000; max-width: 50px; max-height: 50px; } I want that the DIV size is the same as the background image. Since the bg image change, I want it to be ...

jquery optimising hover event with div and an image

code: $('.featured').hover( function() { $(this).addClass('active'); $('img',this).fadeTo('slow', 0.5, function() {}) }, function() { $(this).removeClass('active'); $('img',this).fadeTo('slow', 1, function() {}) }); how can I improve this? I recall someone telling me once not to us...

Change cursor position in the contenteditable div after changing innerHTML

Hello, I have a simple contenteditable div with some text in it. On onkeyup event i want to replace whole content (innerHTML) of the div based on regex. For example, HTML: some text, more text and $even more text Function in which i plan to get all text with $ ($even in example above) and wrap it in span tag: div.onkeypress = fun...

Implementing Wavy Blur and Fade Effect "Dialog" DIVs with jQuery

This might be a shot in the dark, but what the heck. It would make for an astounding effect in my website for a welcome message to new users. In Hollywood, some movies present text with a wavy blur-to-focus and simultaneous fade-in effect on text (and the entire book, actually), such as perhaps in a Harry Potter movie. I can't pin it do...