
Change user email in Django without using django-profiles

Hi guys, In my Django application I would like the user to be able to change the email address. I've seen solution of StackOverflow pointing people to django-profiles. Unfortunately I don't want to use a full fledged profile module to accomplish a tiny feat of changing the users email. Has anyone seen this implemented anywhere. The emai...

Django view security and best-practices

Hi everybody, I've recently begun working on Django and now my app is nearing completion and i've begun to wonder about security and best-practices. I have view that generates a page and different functions in the page post AJAX requests to individual views. For example, I have a view called show_employees and I can delete and update e...

Problem bounding name to a class in Django

Hello! I've got a view function that has to decide which form to use depending on some conditions. The two forms look like that: class OpenExtraForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Extra def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpenExtraForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['opening...

Django: Breaking up views

This is really just a "best practices" question... I find that When developing an app, I often end up with a lot of views. Is it common practice to break these views up into several view files? In other words... instead of just having, is it common to have,, (but named more appropriately, perha...

In django changing the file name of uploading file.

Hi Is it possible to change the file name of the uploading file in the django? I searched, but couldn't find any answer. My requirement is whenever a file is uploaded its file name should be changed in the following format. format = userid + transaction_uuid + file_extension Thank yo very much... ...

Django check for any exists for a query

In django how to check whether any entry exists for a query sc=scorm.objects.filter( This was how it was done in php if(mysql_num_rows($resultn)) { } else { } ...

Break nested loop in Django with a function

I have a nested loop that I would like to break out of. After searching this site it seems the best practice is to put the nested loop into a function and use return to break out of it. Is it acceptable to have functions inside the file that are not a view? What is the best practice for the location of this function? Here's the ...

Invalidating Memcached Keys on save() in Django

I've got a view in Django that uses memcached to cache data for the more highly trafficked views that rely on a relatively static set of data. The key word is relatively: I need invalidate the memcached key for that particular URL's data when it's changed in the database. To be as clear as possible, here's the meat an' potatoes of the vi...

app-engine-patch and "object_detail" view didn't work

Hi(Sorry for my ugly english) I want to use the app-engine-patch and google app engine to create a simple blog, and use the django generic views handle the blog entry page. But when I use Django's generic views "django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail", I encountered an error in the following: GenericViewError at /blog/entry/ Ge...

Numerology with Python And Django

Hi guys, i have a function that give me the result that im expecting in console mode, but if i try to use the function with Django, the page never load and just have a loop calculating and never end. Any idea ? *sorry with my english Console function (WORK GREAT): def sum_digitos(n): sum = 0; while n != 0: sum += n % ...

Locating file path from a <InMemoryUploadedFile> Django object

Hi all I have a Django app which, submitting a package, should return values that are inside it.. Submitted the form to a view called "insert": request.FILES['file'] returns the file objects, but it is of kind < InMemoryUploadedFile>. What i need is a way to get the absolute path of the uploaded file, so that i can feed it to a metho...

Django urls on json request

When making a django request through json as, var info=id + "##" +name+"##" $.post("/supervise/activity/" + info ,[] , function Handler(data,arr) { } In (r'^activity/(?P<info>\d+)/$, 'activity'), In views, def activity(request,info): print info The request does not go is a string.How can th...

querying for timestamp field in django

In my views i have the date in the following format s_date=20090106 and e_date=20100106 The model is defined as class Activity(models.Model): timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) how to query for the timestamp filed with the above info. Activity.objects.filter(timestamp>=s_date and timestamp<=e_date...

Function pointers in javascript using django

Is this a valid function pointer code below, In views , def change(request): dict={} function_ptr="create()" dict.update({'function_ptr' : function_ptr}) return render_to_response('mpjt/create.html',context_instance=RequestContext(request,{'dict': dict})) In create.html $(document).ready(func...

Django and json request

In a template i have the following code <script> var url="/mypjt/my_timer" $.post(url, paramarr, function callbackHandler(dict) { alert('got response back'); if (dict.flag == 2) { alert('1'); $.jGrowl("Data could not be ...

How to return number of rows in the template

In my view I return all posts of one blog: posts = Post.objects.filter(blog=blog) and pass it to context. But.. How can I get the number of posts in the template ? This is my template: <h1>Number of posts: {{ ??? }} </h1> {% for post in posts %} {{ post.title }} {{ post.body }} {% endfor %} ...

Django Error: NameError name 'current_datetime' is not defined

I'm working through the book "The Definitive Guide to Django" and am stuck on a piece of code. This is the code in my ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls' I have the following code in my from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from mysite.views import hello, my_homepage_view urlpatterns = patterns('', ('^hello/$', hell...

Efficient query with Generic Relations

These are my models: class Comment(models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('object ID')) content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey() user = models.ForeignKey(User) comment = models.TextField(_('comment')) class Post(models.Model): title = models....

Is there a way to get direct_to_template to pass RequestContext in django?

I have found myself writing the same view over and over. It is basically this: def home_index(request): return render_to_response('home/index.html', RequestContext(request)) To keep with the dry principal, I would like to utilize a generic view. I have seen direct_to_template, but it passes an empty context. So how can I use a g...

Django - markup parser in template or view?

I am building a website where my pages are written in MediaWiki Markup, for which I have a working parser function in Python. Where exactly do I parse my markup: in the view's code, or in the template? My first guess would be something like: return render_to_response( 'blog/post.html', {'post': post, 'content...