
[Django] How to find out whether a model's column is a foreign key?

I'm dynamically storing information in the database depending on the request: // table, id and column are provided by the request table_obj = getattr(models, table) record = table_obj.objects.get(pk=id) setattr(record, column, request.POST['value']) The problem is that request.POST['value'] sometimes contains a foreign record's prima...

How to call bash process from within django / wsgi?

I'm using mod_wsgi apache2 adapter for a django site and I like to call some bash process within a view, using the usual ... p = subprocess.Popen("/home/", shell=True) sts = os.waitpid(, 0)[1] ... This code works perfectly from within a usual python shell but does nothing (I can trace right now) when ...

django url tag performance

I was trying to integrate django-voting into my project following the RedditStyleVoting instruction. In my, i did something like this: url(r'^sections/(?P<object_id>\d+)/(?P<direction>up|down|clear)vote/?$', vote_on_object, dict( model=Section, template_object_name='section', template_name='s...

Force sending a user to custom QuerySet.

I'm trying to secure an application so that users can only see objects which are assigned to them. I've got a custom QuerySet which works for this, but I'm trying to find a way to force the use of this additional functionality. Here is my Model: class Inquiry(models.Model): ts = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) assig...

ISBNs are used as primary key, now I want to add non-book things to the DB - should I migrate to EAN?

I built an inventory database where ISBN numbers are the primary keys for the items. This worked great for a while as the items were books. Now I want to add non-books. some of the non-books have EANs or ISSNs, some do not. It's in PostgreSQL with django apps for the frontend and JSON api, plus a few supporting python command-line tools...

Can django's auth_user.username be varchar(75)? How could that be done?

Is there anything wrong with running alter table on auth_user to make username be varchar(75) so it can fit an email? What does that break if anything? If you were to change auth_user.username to be varchar(75) where would you need to modify django? Is it simply a matter of changing 30 to 75 in the source code?: username = models.CharF...

Django/MySQL - __istartswith not producing case-insensitive query.

I make use of generic views and I am attempting to query my MySQL db (utf8_bin collation) in a case insensitive manor to try to find all my song titles that start with a particular letter. def tracks_by_title(request, starts_with): return object_list( request, queryset = Track.objects.filter(title__istartswi...

Django project versus app

I am learning Django and I am trying to understand the use of in the project versus the application. It seems from the tutorial examples that I include a model definition in the app, but when I went to apply that knowledge to my own existing database I got stuck. I took a database that I use (a copy of course) and generated t...

working on lists in python

'm trying to make a small modification to django lfs project, that will allow me to deactivate products with no stocks. Unfortunatelly I'm just beginning to learn python, so I have big trouble with its syntax. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm using method 'is_variant' returning tru if my product is a sub type. If it is a variant I'm tur...

nginx serving Django static media | 502 bad gateway

I'm trying to serve Django static media through nginx, Here's my nginx.conf server { listen 7777; listen localhost:7777; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:7777; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote...

django models : How to have variable number of foreign keys in a model ?

For instance, Model Resume contains variable number of Model Project 's, What should be my models and relationships between them to achieve this ? Thanks in advance. ...

access django session from a decorator

I have a decorator that I use for my views @valid_session from django.http import Http404 def valid_session(the_func): """ function to check if the user has a valid session """ def _decorated(*args, **kwargs): if ## check if username is in the request.session: raise Http404('not logged in.') else: return...

django: results in in_bulk style without IDs

in django 1.1.1, Place.objects.in_bulk() does not work and Place.objects.in_bulk(range(1, 100)) works and returns a dictionary of Ints to Places with indexes - primary keys. How to avoid using range in this situation (and avoid using a special query for ids, I just want to get all objects in this dictionary format) >>> Place.objects.in_...

What should a Django user know when moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL?

Most of my experience with Django thus far has been with MySQL and mysqldb. For a new app I'm writing, I'm dipping my toe in the PostgreSQL water, now that I have seen the light. While writing a data import script, I stumbled upon an issue with the default autocommit behavior. I would guess there are other "gotchas" that might crop up...

Apps with lable XYZ could not be found

Hello folks, today I ran into an error and have no clue how to fix it. Error: App with label XYZ could not be found. Are you sure your INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct? Where XYZ stands for the app-name that I am trying to reset. This error shows up every time I try to reset it ( reset XYZ). Show all the sql code works. Ev...

Why isn't django-nose running the doctests in my models?

I'm trying to use doctests with django-nose. All my doctests are running, except not any doctests within a model (unless it is abstract). class TestModel1(models.Model): """ >>> print 'pass' pass """ pass class TestModel2(models.Model): """ >>> print 'pass' pass """ class Meta: abstract ...

Getting weird python error when I run a simple django script in Eclipse, not happening in console

I am running a basic script that sets up the django environment by itself, to enable me to test the ORM features of django without having to implement web pages. The script then imports one of the types defined in my models. This error doesn't happen when I run this script from iPython, only from eclipse. Simply doing this import causes ...

How do I use Logging in the Django Debug Toolbar?

I would like to output debug messages in my django app at different points in a view function. The docs for the django-debug-toolbar say it uses the build in python logging but I can't find any more information then that. I don't really want to log to a file but to the info pane on the toolbar. How does this work? ...

How to limit fields in django-admin depending on user?

I suppose similar problem would have been discussed here, but I couldn't find it. Let's suppose I have an Editor and a Supervisor. I want the Editor to be able to add new content (eg. a news post) but before publication it has to be acknowledged by Supervisor. When Editor lists all items, I want to set some fields on the models (like a...

Real-time data on webpage with jQuery

I would like a webpage that constantly updates a graph with new data as it arrives. Regularly, all the data you have is passed to the page at the beginning of the request. However, I need the page to be able to update itself with fresh information every few seconds to redraw the graph. Background The webpage will be similar to this htt...