I just added this SSL middleware to my site http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/85/ which I used to secure only my login page so that passwords aren't sent in clear-text. Of course, when the user navigates away from that page he's suddenly logged out. I understand why this happens, but is there a way to pass the cookie over to HTTP so...
I am building a high school team application using Django.
Here is my working models file:
class Directory(models.Model):
school = models.CharField(max_length=60)
website = models.URLField()
district = models.SmallIntegerField()
conference = models.ForeignKey(Conference)
class Conference(models.Model):
This is a simple structure in my project:
I installed Django via Macports.
I wasted a lot of time on making it work.
It still does not work.
I would like to COMPLETELY uninstall Django (Macports) and install with the easy install (DJANGO).
I would like to keep Macports and not uninstall it, because I read it SHOULD be useful.
How can I achieve this?
Thank you for your atten...
I thought for whatever reason this would be easy to do, but I looked deeper and it appears there is no straightforward way to allow users to execute custom admin actions on the "change" view of an instance (i.e. when you are just viewing the edit screen for a single instance, not the list of instances).
Am I overlooking an easy way to d...
I am new to the Django framework.
On Django's admin index page I'd like to get rid of the "s" at the end of my model names.
<div class="module">
<table summary="Models available in the my application.">
<caption><a href="" class="section">My application</a></caption>
<th scope="row"><a ...
I'm looking for a way to do asynchronous data processing with a daemon that uses Django ORM. However, the ORM isn't thread-safe; it's not thread-safe to try to retrieve / modify django objects from within threads. So I'm wondering what the correct way to achieve asynchrony is?
Basically what I need to accomplish is taking a list of use...
Having a ModelFormSet built with modelformset_factory and using a model with an optional ForeignKey, how can I make empty (null) associations to validate on that form?
Here is a sample code:
### model
class Prueba(models.Model):
cliente = models.ForeignKey(Cliente, null = True)
valor = models.CharField(max_length = 20)
### vi...
I've the following file to config logging:
keys = root
keys = generic
# Loggers
level = DEBUG
handlers = root
# Handlers
class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ("test.log", "maxBytes=1*1024*1024", "backupCount=10")
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
# For...
I'm building a tabbed Facebook Canvas app that requires individual images to be "Like"d and commented on. Since each image is loaded up as its own page, in this style:
http://apps.facebook.com/appname/image/333/ (which translates to: www.mydomain.com/image/333/)
I was hoping I could just get a UID for each "image" page and then comment...
So, I'm working on implementing the answer to my previous question.
Here's my model:
class Talk(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
mp3 = models.FileField(upload_to = u'talks/', max_length=200)
Here's my form:
class TalkForm(forms.ModelForm):
def clean(self):
super(TalkForm, self).clean(...
I have a notifications app that generates notifications for users. The notification class has to be really general, because notifications are generated by all sorts of different things.
My question is this: How do I insert links into the text of the notifications?
What I tried was this:
note = Notification(..., notification="""%s %s ...
I have a site with about 150K pages in its sitemap. I'm using the sitemap index generator to make the sitemaps, but really, I need a way of caching it, because building the 150 sitemaps of 1,000 links each is brutal on my server.[1]
I COULD cache each of these sitemap pages with memcached, which is what I'm using elsewhere on the site.....
I have models similar to the following:
class Band(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(unique=True)
class Event(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)
bands = models.ManyToManyField(Band)
and essentially I want to use the validation capability offered by a ModelForm that already...
I have a Django site at http://sm.rutgers.edu/relive/af_api/index/. It is supposed to display "Home of the relive APIs". If you refresh this page many times, you can see different renderings.
1) The expected page.
2) Django "It worked!" page.
3) "ImportError at /index/" page. If you scroll down enough to ROOT_URLCONF part, you will s...
I want to make my User objects all have the same base behaviour and to do so I need to add a couple of methods / properties to Anonymous User.
I've already subclassed User to make richer user objects but I was wondering if anyone has done the same for Anonymous User? And if there are any preferred ways of doing it!
I have an app using raw_id on both ForeignKeyField and ManyToManyField. The admin displays the value of the foreign key on the right of the edit box.
Unfortunatey, it doesn't work with ManyToMany. I've checked the code and I think that it is the normal behavior. However I would like to know if someone has an easy tip to change t...
I have a many-to-many field on one of my models and a ModelForm to represent it. I have it in a template but it shows up as a multiple select field. I need it to show up as a CharField so the user can put in comma-delimited values. Is there any way to do this?
I am trying to deploy Pinax bundle of Django framework + and selected applications.
Here is my apache config:
WSGIDaemonProcess ptest python-path=/home/pinax-env/lib/python2.5/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup ptest
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ptest/deploy/pinax.wsgi
When I restart apache I get the following error:
Invalid option to WSGI d...
i wanna send emails in html template like this.
hello <strong>{{username}}</strong>
your account activated.
<img src="mysite.com/logo.gif" />
it means, i want to send fully html powered templates, with django datas.
i cant find anything about send_mail, and django-mailer only sends html templates, not with ...