
setup payment for django satchmo

Hi all, this is a newbie satchmo I've implemented satchmo for a django e-shop I am building. I have setup sathcmo following the tutorials, created some products, tested that I can make an order, and then switched to 'real mode', on http://site/settings, clicking on 'accept real payments'. The question is how I can setup t...

Django/jQuery - read file and pass to browser as file download prompt

I've previously asked a question regarding passing files to the browser so a user receives a download prompt. However these files were really just strings creatd at the end of a function and it was simple to pass them to an iframe's src attribute for the desired effect. Now I have a more ambitious requirement, I need to pass pre existi...

Updated: How to span multile tables in Django for a backwards relationship

The Django documentation gives en example like so: b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) b.entry_set.all() Which from what I understand results in 2 queries. What if I wanted to get the blog, the blog entries and all the comments associated with that entry in a number of queries that does not depend on the number of entries? Or do I have to drop...

I keep Getting KeyError: 'tried' Whenever I Tried to Run Django Dev Server from Remote Machine

I am running django 1.1.1 on python2.6.1, and did start the django web server like this runserver then tried to connect to the django dev web server on keep getting this message on the remote computer Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django...

How to display total record count against models in django admin

Is there a neat way to make the record/object count for a model appear on the main model list in the django admin module? I have found techniques for showing counts of related objects within sets in the list_display page (and I can see the total in the pagination section at the bottom of the same), but haven't come across a neat way to ...

Babel Django Off By 1 Cent

I ran into a problem today while using BabelDjango and thought I would ask if anyone has ran into anything similar. I was using the tags in my templates, {% load babel %} and then {{amount_owed|currencyfmt:"USD"}} which returned the amount_owed minus one-cent. I thought maybe the returned value was 9.949999 which should still be $9.95 b...

How do I get User.message_set messages to show up for the built in test client?

I'm aware that the old Django messages framework is deprecated, but I still would like to know the answer to this. When I go to a certain url to my broswer, a message is created, I am redirected to a different page, and I see the message correctly displayed by my template. When the test client goes to the same url, the message is creat...

Django OR Rails

I am an ASP.NET developer, but want to learn other frameworks/language (open source). Django and Rails both seem promising, but I am confused which one I should choose to start, or whether I should choose some other framework. I know learning the language (python or ruby) is a must before starting with Django or Rails. ...

Django model timerange filtering method

I saw the next two method on old question here but it is not clear for me what is the difference between: {'date_time_field__range': (datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.min), datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.max))} and YourModel.objects.filter(datetime_published__year='2008', ...

Problem with Django styling

Hi new to django but I'm having issues with the stylesheets (CSS) of pages. my contains MEDIA_ROOT = '' MEDIA_URL = '' TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'), ) please can someone help me shed some light on what I need to do to get the CSS styles working in my templates Thanks ...

Showing updated content on the client

Hi, I have a file on server which is viewed by the client asynchronously as and when required . The file is going to get modified on server side . Also updates are reflected in browser also In my the code is : def showfiledata(request): somecommand ="ls -l > /home/tazim/webexample/templates/tmp.txt" with open("/h...

django manytomany filter question

Hay, I have a Model which looks like this class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=100) friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank=True, null=True) How would i filter out a Person how has friends? I tried people_with_friends = Person.objects.filter(friends=True) but had no luck. Any...

In django : how to renew expiry date for current session ?

I have a user logged in. How can i extend/renew expiry date of session received from the request ? Thanks in advance! ...

django DateTimeField list records by day

Hay, i have a field in one of my models which saves the creation date of an object created_on = models.DateTimeField(blank=False, auto_now_add=True) This works as expected. In my templates i want to list objects like this June 15 {{ objects here which was created on June 15 }} June 14 {{ objects here which was created on June 14 }}...

How to register a model in django-tagging anywhere not in the applications?

Is it possible to register a model in django-tagging not in tagging app, nor in my app? The standard way is to edit apps/myapp/ this way: from apps import tagging tagging.register(MyModel) I want to keep both applications without changes, for example, to be able to pull new versions and just replace them. So I tried putting ...

Get QuerySets from Many2ManyField (include related fields)

Hay, i have a model which houses a board class Board(models.Model): parent_board = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True) Each board can belong to another board So say Linux Windows OS X can belong to a board called Computing These boards house a Thread object class Thread(models.Model): board = models.Forei...

Django: how to create sites dynamically?

Hi, I need to create an application for the company where I can create sites dynamically. For example, I need an admin interface (Django's admin is enough) where I can setup a new site and add some settings to it. Each site must hold a domain (domains can be manually added to apache conf, but if Django can handle it too would be awesome...

Django model class and custom property

Howdy - today a weird problem occured to me: I have a modle class in Django and added a custom property to it that shall not be saved into the database and therefore is not represent in the models structure: class Category(models.Model): groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group) title = defaultdict() Now, when I'm within the she...

How to exclude results with get_object_or_404?

In Django you can use the exclude to create SQL similar to not equal. An example could be. Model.objects.exclude(status='deleted') Now this works great and exclude is very flexible. Since I'm a bit lazy, I would like to get that functionality when using get_object_or_404, but I haven't found a way to do this, since you cannot use excl...

Django: How do I go about changing my simple app to use Ajax?

I currently have a web page where the user enters some data and then clicks a submit button. I process the data in and then use the same Django template to return and display the original data and the results. What I would like to do is try to give it a bit more of a modern look and feel. You know the sort of thing, the page doe...