
django Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use Manager instead

i am working on saving on the same form two tables - having a m2m relation. I don't succeed, my error persists with something like: Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use Membership's Manager instead where Membership is my 'through table'. my code : def save_classroom(request): classroom_...

Django: Many-to-many through a table with (only) compound key

I have a legacy database with a table storing a many-to-many relationship, but without a single primary key column. Is there any way to convince Django to use it anyway? Schematically: Product 1<---->* Labeling *<---->1 Label The Labeling table uses (product_id,label_id) as a compound primary key, and I don't see any way to inform Dj...

Django: Call self function inside a Django model

I want to call for a self function of a model class as such in upload_to: class Foo(models.Model): filestack = models.FileField(upload_to=self. gen_save_path) def gen_save_path(self): """ gen_save_path: void -> String Generates the path as a string for fileStack field. """ return "some ge...

Django view - load template from calling app's dir first

I try to keep a somewhat consistent naming scheme on my HTML templates. I.e. index.html for main, delete.html for delete page and so forth. But the app_directories loader always seems to load the template from the app that's first alphabetically. Is there any way to always check for a match in the calling app's templates directory first...

Best way to store and handle usage 'profiling' information?

I'm sure there's an easy answer here and i'm just over-complicating things, but i am in the process of writing a Django module responsible for storing and tracking user usage statistics which can then be displayed to users on certain pages. Simplest example of this might be tracking which products a user has purchased and looked at so t...

cherokee doesn't synchronic update django process code

I use cherokee(1.0) as web server and django web framework(1.2.1). When I update django files like or static files, web server seems not to update instantly. I guess it is about cache, so i set expiration "already expired on 1970", but the problem remains. I also try to restart server in admin website, but still can't solve t...

How can I get the Django Queryset cache to reset?

I manually changed the contents of a record in the database. The changes are not reflected in the app. I'm going to reset it by using the shell to load the query and then resave it. Is there another, easier way? ...

How can I check if a Python unicode string contains non-Western letters?

I have a Python Unicode string. I want to make sure it only contains letters from the Roman alphabet (A through Z), as well as letters commonly found in European alphabets, such as ß, ü, ø, é, à, and î. It should not contain characters from other alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, etc.). What's the best way t...

About deploying a Django project on Apache + mod_python

Hey, I had problems deploying a Django project - Review Board. I did what the document says and but got "Error 403" errors when I tried visiting the site. Maybe I should have posted this question on, but I think this may help people write/deploy Django application in general. Here is the installation: I installed Revie...

Django prepopulate form with the fields from the database

i have a privacy form, in wich i am selecting what application should be hidden when one accesses a user's profile. The form contains several checkboxes,and the user checks what he wants to be hidden. What i want is, when a user accesses this form, the form to be an instance of the privacy form already saved, if it exists one. I mean, if...

Django blog generate next/previous entries

In a blog application (which I have mostly built following a tutorial), I would like to have a next and previous post link on the single page views of the posts. The blog app's file looks like this: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.views.generic import list_detail from import Post urlpatte...

What is the correct value for SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN if my Django site is set up on a subdomain?

Hi, I have constant problem with cookies on my Django site which is set up on a subdomain. It works for a couple of days, then message 'your browser doesn't accept cookies' appears on a login page. I need to restart my web server to make it work for a couple of next days and this cycle repeats. This is really frustrating. I am not sure...

Mapping many to many categories to entries ( tagging ), and preserving a hierarchial tree/view of categories?

I'm writing entries for cross-browser bugs/workarounds. I would like the main view to present a hierarchial tree starting with the primary categories and descending into more specific categories: css layout float position specificity js dom html object embed Let's say I want to file an entry and have...

[Django] models.Model class member not appearing in model_instance._meta.fields

Hi, I have a django.contrib.contenttypes.generic.genericForeignKeyField as a member of my model, however, it is not appearing when I instantiate the model and then try to get the fields out of the _meta of the object. e.g: class A(models.Model): field2 = models.IntegerField(...) field1 = generic.genericForeignKeyField() a...

How to run django's test database only in memory?

My django unit tests take a long time to run, so I'm looking for ways to speed that up. I'm considering installing an SSD, but I know that has its downsides too. Of course there are things I could do with my code, but I'm looking for a structural fix. Even running a single test is slow since the database needs to be rebuilt / south mi...

How to set Django BooleanField's default value?

I have a BooleanField in a Django 1.2 form. I'm setting for it default=True but it is still unchecked in the browser by default. Googling for it shows that some people are using initial=True, but this breaks the code for me completely (unrecognized keyword "initial"). Any ideas? ...

django download file from server to user's machine,or read online

hello, I am uploading some .doc and .txt documents on my server, and i'd like to have two options: -the user to be able to download the document -the user to be able to read it online i've read some code for the download function, but it doesn't seem to work. my code: def download_course(request, id): course = Courses.objects.get(...

How to make a Django form retain a file after failing validation

form = AddItemForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid() do_stuff return render_to_response(blah.html, {'form':form}) Now form will have the error information along with the original values of the fields, but it does not retain a selected file How do I keep the selected file if the form fails validation? ...

Most efficient way to sort/categories objects in list based on object attribute

I have an unsorted list of objects that each have a end_date attribute. The list just looks like [obj1, obj2, obj3, <...>] in no specific order. I want to end up with a list that looks like this: [["Saturday, May 5", [obj3, obj5]], ["Monday, May 7", [obj1, obj8, obj9]] ... etc ] Basically just a list of lists, where the "key" is t...

How to avoid ajax request flooding in django

Hi everyone, In django I made a simple ajax handler that will validate a POST request and on success write to a database -- which will later be available to be seen publicly. Anonymous in this case is allowed. Much like StackOverFlow will accept questions posted by logged in and non logged in user, we'd have similar acceptance. How d...