
Where is the documentation for Mark Hammond's pywin32 package?

Where is the documentation for Mark Hammond's pywin32 package? Yes, the title says it all. I haven't found any documentation links in his home page or Sourceforge page. ...

Are there any C# documentation tools that use a markup other than XML?

I'd like a documentation tool that uses a less verbose markup. Filling my comments with XML just seems like an unnecessary eye sore, and a huge waste of key strokes should I have to edit something outside of VS. I spend a lot more time in the ruby world and would love to find something more like YARD. I have a feeling this is a pipe dr...

Good way to generate simple javadoc

I've playing with various java documenting techniques (different params on the javadoc command, doxygen, doclets, etc) but I can't seem to find what I am looking for... I'd like to be able to generate a simple html page for each java source file from the javadoc comments. I don't need treeviews, frames, excessive decorations, etc. Ide...

Looking for a document collaboration tool

Does anyone know of a good way to use Word, Outlook or anything else to be able to review documents collaboratively in parallel? It would be nice if there were a way to even merge multiple documents each with their own revisions into a single document with all revisions and comment authors. Maybe version control software would help, bu...

Could you pls comment before we start our mobile+server project?

Hello All, We are a team of four CS undergrad seniors developing a mobile app (+ the web-based servicing architecture ofcourse) with the following intentions: (1) Its our Degree Project (Thus comes, UML Modeling, Documented Testing & other specification reports) (2) Our chance to learn & solve issues ranging from UI, data mining, AI, TO ...

How to control order of doxygen documentation sections?

I added my documentation as follows: brief description, parameters, and return value get explained in the header, details about the implementation get explained in the source. However, when I generate the doxygen documentation, instead of having the brief description, the details, then the parameters and lastly the return value, I get ...

Visual Studio 2010 Javascript/jQuery Documentation

OKay, TWO questions here: Is there anything like GhostDoc for JS? Are there any good help file generators that can use both C# AND JS source files to generate documentation? It looks like SandCastle doesn't support a web site as opposed to a web project with .proj files. And, as far as I can tell, Natural Docs doesn't support the Visua...

How to write codeigniter documentation

I've noticed that quite a few of the available codeigniter libraries use the same style of documentation that the main user guide uses (for example ion_auth Is there some sort of automated way to create this from source code comments, or are people just using cut and paste? ...

Is there a general purpose source code documentation parser?

I want to document my jQuery plugin and I am a friend of putting the documentation - as usual in *doc approaches like Javadoc - together with the source code (so that I don't have to maintain it separately or even worse, twice). Unfortunately JSDoc already fails on the standard way of wrapping your jQuery plugin source into an anonymous...

How to easily link a document with others

Hi, let's say that in order for me to make clear how my program works or even for the own sake of documentation I am writing some text document in word or whatever text editor or online wit google docs, etc. Let's say that at some part of the document I open a new one and extend there the idea. Then later, I go back to the "master" docu...

I need help with a class diagram

Someone asked me this, what will be a good aproach? Design a model of a spreadsheet (like excel), but don’t be afraid, do it very simple! We only need a basic class diagram with no more than 5 or 6 classes. It should have the following features: The sheet will only manage numeric data There will be two types of cells: Cells that con...

Could you recommend a best book for writing document for software engineers?

I'd like to write a document for example) deploy prosedure software structure DB structure but I'am not a native speaker in English. so I'd like to brush up my english for writing documents Could you recommend a best book for writing document for software engineers? ...

How do you include authorship and version info into your MATLAB functions

This question is related to my previous one: MATLAB m-file help formatting. What do you usually write to describe authorship of your own function? Do you put it at the end of the function body or right after the help text before any code? How do you include version information? Is it possible to automatically update version after funct...

VBA language reference for Office 2004

Office 2003 has such things as the Office 2003 Editions: Word VBA Language Reference. Is there such documentation for Office 2004 or is it assumed that the Office 2003 documentation covers Office 2004 adequately? ...

Documentation of framework-functionality

Hi, I just started my apprenticeship a month ago. The company is using a self-coded framework which gives us a tool for doing lots of things inside the application without coding more than a few lines of code. There is no documentation but some word documents for either the framework or the code itself. After searching a bit I think dox...

Unit testing/documentation/code implementation in the same file?

Today we have documentation and code implementation in the same file: # @returns <String> A combined string def say :this :that return "#{this} "{that}" end I have never seen unit testing in the same file like: # @if_insert "good", "morning" # @should_return "good morning" # # @returns <String> A combined string def say :this :tha...

Where can I QuickForm2 documentation

Hello guys. I spent the past few hours searching for a tutorial/documentation for QuickForm2 but seems like there is no such thing other than the examples attached with the package itself which are not sufficient at all. I tried looking through the API documentation but I can't find a method called addElement for example which is the mos...

Help regarding functionality and technical documentation

I ve completed a web application and now i want to prepare functionality and technical documentation for the same. But i ve never done such documentations. Can someone provide how to prepare such documentations. What are the necessary points to be included in functionality and technical documentation? What are the factors to be conside...

What's a better word for "non-metadata"?

I am spending my Monday morning writing up some documentation, and have found a situation where I need to a word to refer to data which is not metadata. The usual term "data" isn't specific enough in this case, because both metadata and the not-metadata are required parameters (so they're really both "data"). The documentation is essen...

Using doxygen with Visual Studio 2010

Hi, I have difficulties using efficiently doxygen with Visual Studio 2010 and C++. It seems like there is no other function for commenting than "un/comment lines". For example generating comment stubs, adding /// after a new line. Also, I wonder what is needed to display those Comments within the IntelliSense feature in VS2010? ...