
Can Json.NET deserialize a flattened JSON string with dot notation?

I have a flattened JSON: { "CaseName" : "John Doe v. State", "CaseDate" : "<some date>", "Client.FirstName" : "John", "Client.LastName" : "Doe", "Client.Email" : "[email protected]" etc... } I want to deserialize it back to this entity: public class Case() { public string CaseName { get; set; } public ...

How to write a let clause using the dot notation style

Using the query expression style, the let clause can be easily written. My question is how to use the dot notation style to write a let clause. ...

iPhone OS: Using an NSString variable to specify a property or ivar

I have a program that I want to either hide or show certain UIbuttons depending on certain variables and all the buttons are named incrementally like 'button1, button2, button3.' So I want to iterate through the buttons but I don't know how to address the button in an assignment statement using an nsstring as a variable inside a dot not...

Objective-C Dot Syntax and Init

I have read a number of snippets that mention you should never use dot-notation within your init or dealloc methods. However, I can never seem to find out why. One post did mention in passing that it has to do with KVO, but no more. @interface MyClass : NSObject { SomeObject *object_; } @property (nonatomic, retain) SomeObject *obje...