
Graphviz DOT arrange Nodes in circles, layout too "compact"

I'm halfway there please see the edit OK here's my problem, I'm generating a graph of a python module, including all the files with their functions/methods/classes. I want to arrange it so, that nodes gather in circles around their parent nodes, currently everything is on one gargantuan horizontal row, which makes the thing >50k pixe...

How do I only show some nodes (edges) on graphviz and not others

I have a very complex graph, and there is no way that I can show it all and understand it. I need to make simplified versions of it showing only some nodes and not others. I don't just want the other nodes to be invisible, but to really be absent (so that the graph is simplified). The solution would be to make a graph with only some la...

How can I direct edge to get out of the diamond on the right?

I have a simple dot diagram to show how to perform tests. PerformTests; PerformTests<---+ PerformTests -> TestsPassed; | | TestsPassed [shape="diamond"]; v | TestsPassed -> Release [label="Yes"]; TestsPassed | TestsPas...

Problem with keyboard language

Hello you all! I just made an application which purpose is to find an x result using the rule of three. It runs fine and everything but there is a small problem. I am using WinXP Europpean Spanish version. As we all know, in many europpean countries the decimal dot is changed by a " , " comma. When I use my application, it turns out that...

How best to Refactor code that is composed of other private objects that are created in the Constructor

Hi Guys I have the following code that was written without Tests but is actually quite well designed and loosly coupled. The CachedBindingListView constructs a number of objects namely the page provider and the Cache. As Follows. /// <summary> /// Inner data cache /// </summary> private Cache<T> InnerCache { get; set; }...

Problem with graphviz on Unix

When I'm on Unix, my graphs with graphviz are less nice. The tail or the head of the edge is not always linked to the boundary of the port. You can see the result here : <xsl:value-of select="$source"/>:<xsl:value-of select="$prot"/> -&gt; <xsl:value-of select="$destination"/...

GUI editor for DOT language (Mac OS)

Hi, i have a problem. I need to create pure diagram for my project (Django). I use django-extensions to generate DOT diagram. Diagram is very pure, but now i want to add for example comments on this diagram. It is possible to do this? Maybe anyone can advise me some software for this? ...

grid view Sroll

How to add vertical and horizontal scroll for grid view in Dot Net ? ...

Is it possible to include images inside nodes of a DOT-langage Graph?

Hello, I would like to include images (not only text) inside the nodes of a DOT-langage graph. Is it possible? I didn't find any example concerning it. Thanks. ...

Layout of edge and node in graphwiz

hi, In graphwiz I would like to have an edge that don't cross the node. Here is my graph: digraph G { rankdir=LR; fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; node [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" ]; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 ]; MethodContext [...

dnn- add a mudule to a pane (on all pages) 3rd module from the top of the pane

i am able to add am module in the right pane of all my pages but when i add the original and position it in the middle of 5 already existing modules in the pane and set it to show on all pages it shows as the first module on every page except for the page i added it to originally where it is where i want it. i want it to be the 3rd modul...

How do I get the x or y angle of two vectors?

I know I can get the total angle of two vectors by the dot product of them both, but what if I just want to break down the angle into components of angle by X and angle by Y? ...

How to set fixed depth levels in DOT graphs

I'm creating a DOT graph visualization from a tree-like data structure but am having difficulties setting fixed level depths based upon data type. For example, if I had 4 nodes in a tree and A denotes a specific data type and B represents another it would like Graph_1: ROOT ...

Graphviz size/pagesize attribute seemingly ignored

How does one set the size of the output image in GraphViz via the DOT format? I'm using QuickGraph and this technique to render a GraphViz. As in the example below, I'm trying to set the maximum size of the rendering. I've tried lots of variations on size (interpreted as inches or as pixels) and pagesize, both, each. Doesn't matter. ...

How to force Graphiz tool (dot, neato,...) to accept some initial node placement

Is there a way to force any Graphviz tool (dot, neato,...) to accept some initial node placement and keep them in this position, while placing the remaining nodes using its standard algorithm ? I have tried to play with the "pos" node attribute in Neato, without success. Thanks in advance ! JCLL ...

Associative Arrays/Object - getting values with dot notation

Hi, I don't really get why this isn't working: thing = { img78:{ exifmanufacturer:"Canon", exifmodel:"Canon EOS 450D", exifexposuretime:"1/125", exiffstop:"71/10", exifiso:"200"}, img79:{ exifmanufacturer:"Canon", exifmodel:"Canon EOS 550D", exifexposuretime:"1/125", exiffstop:"71/10", exifiso:"100"}, img80:{ exifmanufacturer:"Canon", ...

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color

Hi, I am newbie to iphone programming, I am trying to develop an app which uses page control. My view's background color is white and page controllers default one is also white, which makes page control invisible on my view so I have changed the back ground color of page control to make is visible. Now, the view appears patched and bad....

Place edge label on the other side

This may be related to question 2350617: I have the following graph, which I visualize using the command dot -Teps > g.eps: graph triple { node [shape=box]; User; Object; Tag; node [shape=diamond,style=filled]; Triple; { User -- Triple [label = "1"]; Object -- Triple [label = "1"]; } { r...

how to get extension name (without dot) in MSBuild

I have an ItemGroup, and I use its metadata as identifiers in my MSBuild project for batch processing. For example: <BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)" BuildUri="$(BuildUri)" Name="RunUnitTestsStep-%(TestSuite.Filename)-%(TestSuite.Extension)" Message=" - Unit T...

Dot graph language - how to make bidirectional edges?

Here is a very simplified example of my Dot graph: strict digraph graphName { A->B B->A } This creates Instead I want a single edge shown between A and B but with a double arrow head. I know how to get the double arrowhead as a global option: strict digraph graphName { edge [dir="both"] A->B B->A } But that looks very ugly, an...