
Allow anonymous access to a special file in Asp.Net

I started using dotless css in my site which requires a special httphandler to work. The site uses Forms Authentication. Here's the problem: When I'm logged in the request to works fine. It gives me back the appropriate css. If I'm not logged in the request is denied and I'm redirected ...

Visual studio - precompile - dotless

I wonder if there is a way to precompile *.less files( with visual studio. The site gives me a dotless.compiler.exe but I am not sure how to hook this up to visual studio. I am looking for a solution for both Webforms and Mvc. Friendly Greetings, Pickels ...

Open a file in Visual Studio's CSS Source Editor

I am using Phil Haack's T4CSS T4 template based on .less One bad thing about Phil's solution is that visual studio opens the .less files as plain text files rather than as css files. (Thus no intellisense.) How can I get VS to open a .less file in the CSS Source Editor? I've tried: Right Click > Open With, but the CSS Source Editor ...

Problems with dotLess Stopping characters and hacks list?

Have any one run into trouble when running dotLess and having hacks on your CSS files? Been working on a project... just installed dotLess after one year of development to ease a little bit the job of creating new CSS files for some new functionality of the web site, and recently our old CSS is not working correctly. Viewing the resul...