
Custom drawing on top of a UITableView

Hi, I have some problems drawing some custom content over a UITableView. What I did was subclass UITableView and overwrite the -(void)drawRect method something like this: - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); [super drawRect:rect]; CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 255, 0, 0, 1.0f...

How to draw a translucent rectangle on a static text?

Hello, I draw a tranlucent rectangle on my panel but on the places that have static text's the rectangle is not filled. I've drawn rectangles inside each static text but when I do that, the correspondent text doesn't happear. How can I draw a translucent rectangle inside the statix text without making the text disappear? The code is ...

using a class derived from TextView

CoreStartHere.java public class CoreStartHere extends TabActivity { : t = getTabHost(); t.newTabSpec("tTask"); t.setIndicator(...); t.setContent(new Intent().setClass(this, T1Task.class); : } t1Task.java T1Task extends Activity { : onCreate(Bundle ...) { : myListview = (ListView) findVi...

What's a good high level diagramming program?

I'm looking for a simple way to make high level designs of the structure of a program I'm working on. Something along the lines of class dependencies and connections, but I'm using it for planning, not for analysis, so it needs to be some sort of drawing app rather than a code analysis tool. I've been using Openoffice Draw but it's somew...

Internet Explorer text display api

What windows api function does internet explorer use to display text in the browser window? What functions does the WM_PAINT or WM_NPAINT event call in internet explorer to display any text? For example if a google search returns some results, what windows api is being called to show the result in the browser window? ...

ActionScript LineStyle Color Changing Prematurely

i'm attempting to draw lines beside each other, but the last line from the first color group takes on the color from the second color group before the second color is assigned. can anyone explain this? function drawCorner() { var corner:Sprite = new Sprite(); corner.graphics.beginFill(0x0, 1.0); corner.graphics.drawRect...

How to draw on given bitmap handle (C++ / Win32)?

I'm writing an unmanaged Win32 C++ function that gets a handle to a bitmap, and I need to draw on it. My problem is that to draw I need to get a device context, but when I do GetDC (NULL), it gives me a device context for the WINDOW! The parameter for GetDC () is a window handle (HWND), but I don't have a window; just a bitmap handle. ...

Weird problem on android webview with canvas

I am draw some canvas charts on the android webview, and use javascript to change chart just by hiding and showing, and also change the title by reset its innerHTML. The title is just a normal html tag "<div id='title'></div>", The problem is that the page does not render well when I switch charts, for example. when I choosed to dis...

How to draw 2 PNG Images to the screen at the same time

I'd like to know how to draw two PNG pictures onto the screen. My XML layout: (named paperxml.xml) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/layoutid" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:o...

Measuring text width to be drawn on Canvas ( Android )

Hi all! Is there a method which returns the width ( in pixels ) of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas using the drawText() method according to the Paint used to draw it. Thx. ...

How can i draw a rectangle in android and put some text inside it and then place it?

hi i have an activity and in the activity i have some buttons and textviews, and i would like to draw a rectangle with text inside. i saw some examples online but the all say to create my on view , override onDraw and the set this view as my layout, but i have my layout already. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { su...

Drag-drop: How to draw a "ghost" control that represents data being dragged?

I've searched a lot and the nearest thing I've found is this. The question is exactly about what I want to code, but there's only one vague answer. Searched code.google.com for GiveFeedback implementations, but none about what I want. Any idea, please? ...

Match a user drawn path to an image

Does anyone know of any tutorials or sample code that could help me achieve the following in an iPhone app (other than the offical Apple developer videos). A user draws a path on screen The path is compared to an already existing path to see if it matches A match is determined not just by shape but also by starting and ending at the co...

VC# - Draw / Paint Outside Form...

Can we paint images and draw text... outside a form.. i mean literally outside... i know its stupid question to ask but CAN we... ...

How to draw over text, or highlight/underline something in a UIWebView?

I need to develop an application like an eBook reader, that loads PDF or HTML files. This part is easy. The part where I'd like some reference or example is the feature that allows the user to highlight/underline text with the finger, or draw circles or ellipses around the text. So you activate the "pencil" or another drawing tool, and "...

Drawing tools in C# + library code or component

Hi Can any one introduce me a code library or framework to use for drawing in C# like DRAWCLI Sample in VC++ ? thx ...

Android - Live Wallpaper offset clipping

Hello, I am writing a live wallpaper for android. To test my basic code was working I drew a rectangle in the top left-hand cornor of the screen: canvas.drawRect(0f,0f,50f,50f,paint); Half of the rectangle was underneath the bar at the top of the home screen. I tried to take into account pixel offsets using: public void onOffsetsC...

Basic draw method blenddstate not recognized?

I am pretty good at programming, however, i am new to c# (xna), i am following a tutorial to draw a sprite on screen and the blendstate method is not recognized when used like the following in the draw method: protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); /...

c# render embedded resource gif

I have an embedded gif in a c# project myProject.Properties.Resources.pixel_transparent and I want to render or draw it in an image box called uploadImage Thanks for any help ...

How to draw a line on an image in matlab?

I have two points lets say: P(x,y) [point lies at the top of image] P'(x',y') [point lies at bottom of image] Now i want to draw a line betwen these two points....and the line should appear on image means should be visible. how to do this???? ...