
How to insert a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command into a Mach-O binary (OSX)

I'm looking to patch a piece of abandonware with some code. The software is carbon based, so I can not use an InputManager (at least, I do not think I can). My idea was to add a dylib reference to the mach-o header, and launch a new thread when the initialization routine is called. I have mucked around with the mach-o header using a he...

How do I add a third party Framework to iPhone project?

I am trying to use the PLDatabase framework in my iPhone app. I've added the framework to my Xcode project. However, when I run my app, it crashes with the following error: dyld: Library not loaded: @loader_path/../Frameworks/PlausibleDatabase.framework/Versions/A/PlausibleDatabase Referenced from: /Users/todd/Library/Application Supp...

How can I draw automatic graphs using dot in Python on a Mac?

I am producing graphs in a Python program, and now I need to visualize them. I am using Tkinter as GUI to visualize all the other data, and I would like to have a small subwindow inside with the graph of the data. At the moment I have the data being represented in a .dot file. And then I keep graphviz open, which shows the graph. But th...

dyld error: image not found

Hi everyone, I got this error message while running my application on simulator. Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit Referenced from: /Users/thomasschober/Excuse Me/build/Distribution-iphonesimulator/Excuse Me.app/Excuse Me Reason: image not found I am not able to ...

How to distribute a Mac OS X with dependent libraries?

I have a program (specifically my entry for the SO DevDays Countdown app challenge) which relies on several dynamic libraries, namely libSDL, libSDL_ttf, and others. I have these libraries installed under /opt/local/lib via MacPorts, and many people won't have these installed (and some might have them installed, but not at that location...

EXC_BREAKPOINT when starting iPhone app

A user of our app sent me the following crash log (already symbolicated): Incident Identifier: 59D4D5E7-570A-4047-A679-3016B2A226C4 CrashReporter Key: d8284d671ee22ad17511360ce73409ebfa8b84bb Process: .... [63] Path: /var/mobile/Applications/.... Identifier: ... Version: ??? (???) Code Type: ARM (...

[iPhone] dyld: Library not loaded - When app run from the command line

Hi, I face some difficulties when adding a framework to my project when i run an iPhone app from the command line. My final goal is to run applications tests from an automated build process. When i run my app from xCode : I add a "Copy File" build phase to my target and everything goes fine. The copy is set to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) as...

Does Os X have ways to load functions in a dylib by something other than the name (like loading by ordinal on windows).

Or in other words, does the order of functions in the function name list matter? It does on windows, for loading by ordinal. I don't think such a thing exists on OsX. Using Google I don't find anything, but Google will only find things that do exist, and not prove that they don't exist ;) I might just not be using the right search terms....

How to determine if an OS X dylib was linked with -flat_namespace

I have a third party OS X dylib that I'm using in my app and don't have easy access to its creator. I'd like to determine if it was linked with -flat_namespace. Is that possible? If so, how? ...

What's the difference between starting a process from the dock vs. the command line on OS X

I'm debugging an issue on OS X that only occurs when the application is started from the dock. It does not happen when the app is started from the command line. What is the difference between the two scenarios? The code I'm working with is a c++ based bundled plug-in being loaded in a third party app. I've attached to the process wit...

Symbol Not Found, expected in Flat Namespace ObjC++

Hello, I've got probably what is a simple problem, but there's no informative errors or warnings during compile to alert me to what is going wrong. I've got a Objective-C++ app that includes a C++ main and ObjC header files. It builds fine, but when run, it gives this error message: Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS...

Makefile can not find boost libraries installed by macports

I just installed boost 1.42.0 from macports using sudo port install boost. Everything worked fine. Now I have a project that I'm trying to build using a makefile. Everything builds fine until it comes to the file that needs the boost library. It says: src/graph.h:20:42: error: boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp: No such file or directo...

dyld: Symbol not found: _MPMoviePlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification

I am building universal app which uses MPMoviePlayerViewController to play the video. Observing notification "MPMoviePlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification". The app successfully runs in iPad simulator but throws following error when it runs in iPhone:- dyld: Symbol not found: _MPMoviePlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification Referen...

Dyld: Library not Loaded Error Mac OS

Hoookay, So I know I'm about to get a dozen "load the lib dummy" answers to this, but here goes... junk.framework is exporting some objects of another project (junk.app) so I can use it on a remote.app node on a cluster. I can compile junk.framework (which I realize means nothing anymore with dynamic loading) and compile and link remo...

Lazy symbol binding failed when linking C++ dynamic library

I'm writing a dylib in C++, but when I try to link it into my application, it gives me an error on execution: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN8Vector2DC1Ev Referenced from: /Users/noahz/Desktop/Singularity/Singularity Test App/build/Debug/Singularity Test App Expected in: /Users/noahz/Desktop/Singularity/Sing...

Force gcc to use one linker over another

Lately I have been working on OS X. Things were going pretty peachy for a while until somehow ld got on my system and now gcc won't use dyld. Furthermore, all of my shared libraries are in *.dylib format, and ld is stubornly ignoring there existance. If I mv ld from PATH, gcc just complains it cant find ld. Please help me to get gcc ...

Dyld Library not loaded / No suitable Image found / unknown file type

I'm getting the following problem when sending an .app to a tester: Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/RegexKit.framework/Versions/A/RegexKit Referenced from: /Applications/SP.app/Contents/MacOS/SP Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /Applications/SP.app/Contents/MacOS/../Framework...

dyld: warning, unknown environment variable: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH_64-bit

I used the bundled Property List Editor of Mac OS X Developer Tools to set an environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH_64-bit to the value path/to/dylib in the file ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. I saved this file and logged out. Upon logging back in, the console displayed multiple messages of "dyld: warning, unknown environment variable: ...

Hooking Bundles (and other loaded libraries) with MobileSubstrate

Hello, I have recently been working on using MobileSubstrate to hook bundles loaded by an application in iOS, but I have ran into a few problems. I know that you must initialize the hooks when the bundle/library is loaded, and I have tried to use _dyld_register_func_for_add_image() to wait for the executable to load the target library, ...

Dyld Symbol not Found Error

Here's my error. dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTIN8eqOsirix3ROIE Referenced from: /Users/slate/Documents/osirixplugins/CoreDataTrial_EQOsirix/build/Development/rcOsirix.app/Contents/MacOS/rcOsirix Expected in: flat namespace in /Users/slate/Documents/osirixplugins/CoreDataTrial_EQOsirix/build/Development/rcOsirix.app/Contents/MacOS/rc...