
How do I use continuous integration with an Eclipse project?

I've been using maven2 and hudson for a while to do my continuous integration, but I find that Eclipse and Maven do not play well together. Sure there's a plugin, but it's cranky to mash the maven project into something that eclipse likes and the build times and unit test are too long. I'm considering switching back to a pure eclipse pro...

Unit Testing: Maven or Eclipse?

I am not really familiar with Maven program but I've been using Eclipse for quite a while for Unit testing, code coverage, javadoc generation, code style checking, etc. Probably, the only main thing that I didn't really like about Eclipse is the "compilation errors" that it generates when you are running Eclipse and Ant simultaneously. S...

SWT Link flickers with gradient background

I'm developing a an eclipse plugin that uses an SWT interface. I need to display text, and within that text there needs to be links. The only two widgets that I've found that will allow me to include clickable links in text are Link and Browser. Browser, however, is overkill for my needs, and I couldn't properly customize the look of ...

Refactoring Nicely with Version Control

A co worker of mine asked me to review some of my code and he sent me a diff file. I'm not new to diffs or version control in general but the diff file was very difficult to read because of the changes he made. Specifically, he used the "extract method" feature and reordered some methods. Conceptually, very easy to understand but look...

How do I avoid page breaks inside tables and groups in BIRT ?

When creating reports using BIRT 2.3.1, I don't want page breaks inside tables or groups; if the table doesn't fit in the space available at the page, I want to put the entire element in the next page. Using previous versions of BIRT it was possible to set pageBreakInside to "avoid", but it didn't work. In BIRT 2.3.1 this (useless) opt...

Restore Eclipse subversion project connection

I have a project in subversion, which I'm developing using Eclipse. I did the original checkout from the svn repository from inside Eclipse. All was well for some weeks then for some unknown reason, Eclipse (specifically: subclipse in Ganymede) no longer recognizes my project as being under svn control. The team context-menu only shows t...

Fast compiler error messages in Eclipse

As a new Eclipse user, I am constantly annoyed by how long it takes compiler error messages to display. This is mostly only a problem for long errors that don't fit in the status bar or the "Problems" tab. But I get enough long errors in Javaespecially with genericsthat this is a nagging issue. (Note: The correct answer to this question ...

Eclipse for IntelliJ Idea Users

I have a coworker who is looking to switch from InteilliJ Idea to Eclipse, and is concerned about not knowing the Eclipse set of commands. I was wondering - would anyone have a link to keyboard mappings that can set Eclipse commands to at least sort of match Idea? Have you made this switch? Any "gotchas", tips, or info we should be a...

Java Development on a Mac - Xcode, Eclipse, or Netbeans

I've been using Xcode for the usual C/C++/ObjC development. I'm wondering what are practical considerations, opinions of Xcode, Eclipse or NetBeans usage on a Mac for Java development? Please don't include my current usage of Xcode in your analysis. ...

Eclipse's Ctrl+click in Visual Studio?

After working for a few days with Eclipse Java I totally got addicted to pressing Ctrl and clicking on an identifier to go to its definition. Since then I've been looking for a way to achieve this in Visual Studio as well. I realize VS has right click, Go to definition, and that F12 does the same. I also realize that Visual Assist does ...

How do I add a shortcut key to Eclipse 3.2 Java plug-in to build the current project?

One of the few annoying things about the Eclipse Java plug-in is the absence of a keyboard shortcut to build the project associated with the current resource. Anyone know how to go about it? ...

Eclipse's WTP translation output

How can I view the intermediate translation done to JSP and JSPX pages by WTP? I'm getting weird syntax errors in my Problems tab of Eclipse in a project that has plenty of .jspx pages. They don't affect anything in the running application (Tomcat 6.0) and they appeared only over the last 2 weeks, after an update. The reason why I'd l...

JUnit Eclipse plugin source-code?

Hi all, I'm looking into writing an Eclipse plugin for FlexUnit and was wondering where I could get the sources for the JUnit Eclipse plugin. I checked the JUnit sources at sourceforge but couldn't spot any code that looked like the plugin code. Any idea where this code is available? ...

Eclipse plugin manifest problem - empty package inconsistency between mac and PC

I am developing a collection of plugins on Eclipse 3.4 (official) on both mac and a PC. At present (I'm aware it is not the best practice) some of my common plugins export all of their packages. The problem is this: many of the listed packages are empty because subpackages are not, for example: prefix.core may be empty while

Programmatically showing a View from an Eclipse Plug-in

I have a plug-in to an Eclipse RCP application that has a view. After an event occurs in the RCP application, the plug-in is instantiated, its methods are called to populate the plug-in's model, but I cannot find how to make the view appear without going to the "Show View..." menu. I would think that there would be something in the wor...

How do I use BGGA closures prototype on standard Mac JDK6?

I am trying to use the BGGA closures prototype with an existing JDK 6 (standard on Mac OS X Leopard). The sample code I'm compiling is from a BGGA tutorial: public static void main(String[] args) { // function with no arguments; return value is always 42 int answer = { => 42 }.invoke(); System.out.println(answer); } I have trie...

Problems with shutting down JBoss in Eclipse if I change JNDI port

1st phase I have a problem shutting down my running JBoss instance under Eclipse since I changed the JNDI port of JBoss. Of course I can shut it down from the console view but not with the stop button (it still searches JNDI port at the default 1099 port). I'm looking forward to any solutions. Thank you! Used environment: ...

Can I Define Exceptions to Eclipse cleanup rules?

Most often the cleanup rules (Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up) in Eclipse work perfectly and create nice-looking code. But sometimes, especially with comments and concatenated string snippets (like inline SQL queries), the cleanup just messes things up, and destroys my formatting. Is there a way to say to Eclipse "Don't touc...

Using both Eclipse and NetBeans on the same project

Eclipse is a really great editor, which I prefer to use, but the GUI design tools for Eclipse are lacking. On the other hand, NetBeans works really well for GUI design. Are there any tips, tricks or pitfalls for using NetBeans for GUI design and Eclipse for everything else on the same project? EDIT: I tried Maven, and it does not se...

Does anyone know if NetBeans 6.x can be used with Java SE 6 on Leopard?

Java SE 6 (64 bit only) is now on OS X and that is a good thing. As I understand it since Eclipse is still Carbon and thus 32 bit, it cannot be used for 1.6 on Leopard, only 1.5. Does anyone know if NetBeans 6.x can be used with Java SE 6 on Leopard utilizing its JVM? ...