
Masters Degree with Experience. Would you hire me with a postgrad degree?

I'm looking to see how detrimental a postgrad degree can be to future career options. Sorry for the long read: I'm currently in the final year of my undergrad computer science degree. I've done one year in industry at one of the worlds most well known technology consultancies as part of an Industrial placement scheme while from Universi...

Continue with job or go for Masters

I work in a company where PL/SQL is the ONLY language used for coding. We also use a bit of Oracle forms and reports for front end. They tend to force us to get more domain knowledge (financial) rather than work on improving our programming skills. I am also working in support. I have worked for almost 8 months now and the programming ...

online master degree in CS vs non-online

Hi everyone, Online degrees have been discussed before: But I have a very specific question: I'm pursuing MS at Depaul University (not top midwest school). The schedule and location is very good here and I'm able to physically attend the classes while working ful...

Computer Science v.s. Computer Information Systems v.s. Management Information Systems

From the opinions of professional world perspectives, what are the respective differences between CS, CIS and MIS? I'm asking this because I'm going to school ready to start a Computer Science program track (out of the previously mentioned). Programming is taught through the three of them (basics of C++ and Java) but how are they appli...

Can you be too old to start learning to be a decent programmer?

I can't find it now, but I found a question here the other day showing the distribution of ages when you all started programming. As I remember, the main range was 8 to 20, with 13 or 14 being about average. I'm 24, and I've just started (well, 4 months ago) learning C++ as my first language. I feel like I've found my vocation - I've be...

What programming basics should I learn?

I've had a very odd learning experience in programming. I was sort of taught C++, but I didn't get a lot out of it. Here's what I did get out of it: headers and variable declaration. And I tried to teach myself PHP, in which I learned a lot of. The problem is, a lot of my knowledge is widespread, random, and designed for specific situati...

What's the one thing you would go back and tell yourself when first learning to develop software?

I'm interested in the craft of software development, not just programming, although answers like writing unit tests, understanding patterns, et cetera are perfectly valid. ...

A Programming Presentation for eight year olds

I have been given the opportunity to give a small presentation to a group of young children about what I do as a software developer. I have a few ideas kicking around for how to make this interactive and entertaining for them while still getting my points across. Ideally I would like to capture that feeling of working with pure ideas, ...

Areas of focus for a Java independent study?

I have an independent study next semester and would like it to be something that applies to future job prospects. I've interned at a company for the passed several years that uses Spring, Hibernate, and ServiceMix. I'd like to learn these technologies during my independent study so I can hit the ground running if I get hired there. Does ...

How can I encourage my local university to offer a course on secure coding?

Security is of increasing importance yet the vast majority of universities have no courses on this topic. What can we do to encourage universities at large to close this gap? The only mechanisms that exist for learning how to write secure code is a few good books and local user groups such as OWASP. ...

which one is the the best joomla, DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal or dotcms ?

For the brief interesting specification below, what is the best solution e.g. joomla, DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal or dotcms etc. The hard part is we have many students, many classes, many teachers and parents ... too many groups. The basic user group of joomla does not work e.g. register,author,publisher ... We need a complete website ...

Secure programming in dynamic languages

Mistakes in memory management in C, C++, and their ilk are well known. I mostly program in dynamic, weakly typed languages. Are there issues which are particularly important in languages of this type? What language specific issues might I keep an eye out for? I'm generally mindful of standard security issues, and try to think about the ...

Quick brush-up on C++ for a C/Obj-C programmer?

I'm being offered a C++ job and need a quick brush-up project so I can become fluent in the language again. Currently I develop iPhone applications and became fluent in C/Obj-C from a background of Python, Java and C# in a matter of days. I'm looking for an idea for a small project, or a brush-up sort of course online that I can complete...

ASP.NET Continuous learning

I've been working in ASP.NET for several years now (since the 1.0 days!), but I've never been formally instructed. I'm fully capable of doing pretty much anything I want and I've built several production-level, data-driven sites, including one that does over a million in sales a year (according to the owner). But I'm starting to get the ...

What is the best conference in the United States for Software Developers

Nowadays, it seems like conferences for software developers are disappearing. The last one I attended was the Tulsa TechFest and OWASP Hartford. I am curious if there are events that are not on my radar that should be? The criteria I seek: Multiple day format Speakers are practitioners, not vendors and industry analysts Under $400 In a...

What are some good ways for an employer to support developer education?

My current employer pays for certification fees and college classes (provided that you earn an 'A'), but I'm looking for other things to suggest to them. Very few of us have time to take advantage of the college classes, and the material covered in certification exams isn't always the most practical information. (Code Access Security, a...

Masters: Math-based or Engineering-based gruaduate school more useful for web-focussed developer?

Hi all, This is in follow-up to a previous question: I've been lucky in that I've been admitted to two programs I really like, but now I'm stuck in deciding between them as I don't know what's better for me in the long-term. I'...

Where do you cut your teeth on new technologies?

After you've read the blog posts and done your tiny test apps, where do you go from there learning a new technology? Personal side projects? Internal Tools? Production Code? Personally, I don't usually have time to do a significant personal project with each new technology. What ends up happening is I look for the next small project...

What ways companys financial data can be provided to developer?

Hey there, I'm writing a master thesis work and would need a small help about financial data share on public networks/internet. What ways financial institution can provide data to software developer? Thanks in advance Edit: Edited question for logical correctness Suggested so far: Feeds Digital documents ...

programming education & career

I'm currently attending programming courses in a college and I must say that I'm a bit overwhelmed.. In our college, we were taught basic for ~3months, then Java (basic too for 3 months) and right now, I'm doing basic C++ .. That's basically what I know so far..a little bit of everything .. It seems that anything .NET is really ...