
Usefulness of functional programming languages for computer scientists?

I don't want this question to be too debatable. I've just finished my 2nd year of studying and kind of missed my chance to study functional programming (Haskell), and am wondering whether it really is worth spending large part of summer studying it or not. I will be working on a project over the summer that involves learning javascript ...

Crash course in computer science

Hello everyone, I'm a software engineer who has followed a non-traditional path into the industry. I got my Ph.D. in a non-compsci field, however it involved a lot of computation and programming. I understand the basics - OOP, inheritance, recursion, pointers, etc. just fine. However, not being from a comp-sci field, I don't know what I...

Drawbacks and benefits of doing PhD in computer science?

There are couple of posts that are asking about PhD etc but they don't answer my question. I have few years left till I finish my undergraduate course (MEng CS), but I already started thinking of doing PhD and honestly cannot make my mind about it. Some people say that it might be worth doing PhD after I graduate as the economic situati...

What exactly is a "Software Architect"?

I've seen a few posts that briefly touch on the subject but don't address the question directly. So please don't label this as a dup. Having been independant/freelance for 5 years or so, and having also had plenty of exposure to perm positions, I've been exposed to many views on what an "Architect" really is. As a result, I've coined t...

Are there any decent resources to learn how to work with video files and/or file conversion?

I've been digging around for a good conversion utility to rip some .mkv files I have to other formats (specifically .avi so I can burn to a DVD). I figure this would be a good opportunity for me to get hands-on experience doing this kind of thing. I'm a .NET developer (C#), so I'm keen on finding resources focused on that technology st...

What's the most important thing for a college student to pick up during a stagnant summer?

College students are bereft of any web development throughout the 4 years in school, are often beat down with more Big-Oh notation than seems ever necessary, and are kept hidden from the fun (and unseen) corners of what is computer programming. stackoverflow, I'd like to ask, what do you think the most important thing (whether it be a s...

Is there collaboration hub for open-source software / computer science education?

After reading a recent Slashdot article I couldn't help asking myself if there is a hub for collaboration between open-source projects and computer science teachers. There seems to be an interest for Students to have something meaningful to show from course assignments and I'm sure teachers would like to help build something useful for ...

How to learn programming related topics faster?

I like/need to learn new programming related topics. But sometimes i feel "slow". Is there any tips or ticks to learn things faster? ...

When is a basic (webdev) education complete?

I'm an ICT student. I've been doing it for 2 years and recently I started following developper blogs, got a twitter account to keep track of new blogs, lists of tips, tricks, free templates and other such things. Doing so has showed me that the amount of subject I thought I had to cover is actually vastly smaller than what's really out ...

Standard programming problems for learning a new language

Possible Duplicate: What would you write if you wanted to learn a new language? I once read that having a standard set of programming problems that you solve every time you learn a new programming language is a very good thing. It is good because you know in theory how to solve the problem and the only difficulty is in impleme...

M.S. in CS or Information Science with B.S. in IT


Fundamentals of a good programming education

I'm a high school student who's looking into programming as possible profession later on. I've dabbled in tons of languages, and am a somewhat competent programmer. Strangely though the languages I know the best are: Ruby Actionscript Java I feel that there is a huge gap in my programming education. What else should I be doing? Edit...

Should I go to school and get my degree in computer science?

I'll try and keep this short and simple. I've always enjoyed programming and I've been doing it since high school. Right after I graduated from high school (2002), I opted to skip college because I was offered a software engineer position. I quit after a couple of years later to team up on various startup companies. However, most of ...

What next after Chris Pine's Learn to Program

A couple of years ago I bought my younger brother Chris Pine's "Learn to Program" (with Ruby), and he's finally gotten around to reading it. And appears to be enjoying it. This is something I'm keen to encourage, so would like to know what's next? I don't want to confuse him with another language, so something Ruby would be ideal. Chee...

Beef up my web design skills?

I have been doing corporate web applications since graduating with my bscs 2 years ago. My career goal is to one day( hopefully soon ) be able to either start my own web development/design company or work for one. I am currently changing companies so that I can have more time to reach these goals. This new company is going to allow me t...

Considerations for a distance education BA in CS

I am considering working towards a BA in CS. What are the disadvantages of going with distance education? I am willing to work hard and do what it takes to succeed. What do employers generally think of a distance education degree? What schools would you recommend? I am 22 have about two years of self-tought experience in VBA, have done...

Should universities be teaching SCM/methodology skills?

Most CS programs these days do not teach skills such as: source control configuration management integration (and continuous integration) code readability (AKA how to comment correctly) programming methodologies bug tracking These topics are considered easy enough to be taught on-the-job (OTJ), even though mastering them can be very ...

Kid's first program for this day and age

In a number of these conversations, developers fondly remember their very first program. It tends to be a variation of this: 10 print "My brother Michael is a greebly" 20 goto 10 Personally, I remember the moment, and the extreme awe I felt. Computers were these amazing things that had text floating on the screens, and suddenly I had ...

Who can benefit from a dual CS/MBA degree?

I am just looking for a good career path and CS/MBA degree sounds great for both development and management jobs. If you have the insight, please help me decide if a CS/MBA degree is worth it. To what kind of career path does it usually lead? Specifically, to what kind of jobs do they lead if one has little work experience? Could it...

For someone who's already established a career in software development, is correspondence university worthwhile?

I've heard some arguments that doing a correspondence/online university course isn't worthwhile, since employers have a stronger preference for students who have studied at a "real" university (and hopefully a big-name one). My question is - does this apply so much to those such as myself, who are already deep into their career as a dev...