
mono for emdedded

I'm C# developer, I'm interested in embedded development for chips like MSP430. Please suggest me some tool and tutorials. Mono framework is very powerful and customizable, mono specific examples will be more helpful. ...

How much footprint does C++ exception handling add

This issue is important especially for embedded development. Exception handling adds some footprint to generated binary output. On the other hand, without exceptions the errors need to be handled some other way, which requires additional code, which eventually also increases binary size. I'm interested in your experiences, especially: ...

(avr-gcc) Makefile support for sub-directories

Hi; I am working on an AVR project and have multiple folders containing my code. The makefile I am using is the "Standardized AVR Makefile Template" by Pat Deegan. It's capable of compiling every cpp file in every folder correctly and generate the right object (.o) files. However, the linker fails because it try to find to .o files i...

Database for an embedded system

I'm looking for a very high performance and cheap (hopefully free) database engine to be used on an x86 embedded platform in Windows CE. Can anyone give some suggestions? The important things I'm looking for are: High Performance (for a real-time system) Low cost Usable with Compact .NET framework Thanks ...

How to use an OLED display for an Avnet Virtex4?

I have an Avnet ADS-XLX-V4FX-EVL12-G (Virtex4 Evaluation Board) with OLED display. I used Xilinx EDK 10.1 with Xilinx Platform Studio 10.1 and succeded to upload some basic app to the board (serial communication). Now I would like to use the OLED display mounted on the board but I have no ideea how to begin. I found the uCLinux distro f...

What is your experience with ARM Jazelle?

I'm evaluating between open source and closed source JVM for ARM. In particular, the closed source JVM can make use of Jazelle (java acceleration for newer ARMs). Do you have any experice with this technology? (And BTW, which OS do you use with it?) ...

How do I do source level debug of library

I have a following setup. Although my working setup deals with ARM compiler Real View Developer Suite (RVDS) 3.2 on a Windows host, the situation could be generic for any other C compiler on any host. I build a ARM library (static library - .a file) of C code using RVDS 3.2 compiler toolchain on Windows host. Then I link this library w...

C++ or C# to program mobile barcode device?

I will be developing some applications using mobile barcode scanners and need to choose between C++ and C# for coding on the scanners. I am considering Intermec's CK31 or similar for the combination of wifi, scanning choices, programmability and user interface options. It runs Windows CE .NET 4.2 according to their spec sheet. Intermec...

How to transition from embedded software development to web development?

Hello, I am an embedded software developer with about 5+ years of experience working on mobile devices. I recently lost my job and most of the jobs in the embedded field (that I came across) require security clearance and I am not eligible for that. So, for this reason and also just to learn something new, I am planning to move to web d...

ActiveSync support across Windows CE/Mobile machines

Is ActiveSync supported on all Windows CE x86 machines or are there any exceptions? ...

Help required in WinAvr programming

hello, i am trying to run a source code of win avr . after making the makefile when i try to send it using avrdude it is giving me error. Please any one can help me ...

how to integrate dotnet in embedded?

how to integrate dotnet in embedded? ...

How to perform regression tests in embedded systems

What good practices and strategies are there for running regression tests in embedded environments or in other situations where the possibility to automate tests is very limited. In my experience a lot of the testing has to be performed manually i.e. a tester needs to push a sequence of buttons and verify that the machine behaves correc...

indicating libgloss machine when building newlib for bespoke platform

I'm compiling newlib for a bespoke PowerPC platform with no OS. Reading information on the net I realise I need to implement stub functions in a <newplatform> subdirectory of libgloss. My confusion is to how this is going to be picked up when I compile newlib. Is it the last part of the --target argument to configure e.g. powerpc-ibm-<n...

iTron data-queue in linux

In iTron there is lighter version of the message-queue called data-queue. They are very easy to use for fast message transfers. Is there any equivalent synchronization primitive in Linux? Definition of data-queue: It is a queue for one word messages ...

help requires in winavr

i am trying to send ---.hex file to my siemens C55 throught serial port but while doing do i am getting an error "make.exe" program avrdude -p atmega8 -P com2 -c stk200 -U flash:w:gsm_remote.hex avrdude: port name "com2" is neither lpt1/2/3 nor valid number avrdude: can't open device "com2" avrdude: failed to open paral...

How do I mark code with side effects?

I'm working on a project on an 8051 where every byte counts. As such, I am using some global variables where I normally wouldn't. The normal method of passing pointers into a function adds too much overhead here. I have a number of functions that use single bit variables (a compiler specific extension to C) to signal the outcome of a ...

Motorola 68HC12 Real Time Interrupt Registers

What does the RSWAI bit in the RTICTL register do? ...

Microchip Linker problem

hello guys,when i was trying to build my project in MPLAB,i got this Build error message.. Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files. Clean: Deleted file "M:\12 CCP PWM\12 CCP PWM.o". Clean: Done. Executing: "C:\MCC18\bin\mcc18.exe" -p=18F46K20 "12 CCP PWM.c" -fo="12 CCP PWM.o" -Ou- -Ot- -Ob- -Op- -Or- -Od- -Opa- MPLAB C18 v3.20...

Why is XST optimizing away my registers and how do I stop it?

I have a simple verilog program that increments a 32 bit counter, converts the number to an ASCII string using $sformat and then pushes the string to the host machine 1 byte at a time using an FTDI FT245RL. Unfortunately Xilinx XST keeps optimizing away the string register vector. I've tried mucking around with various initialization...