
Application Interface between a PC and an embedded device

Hi, How can I make an application interface so that a PC application can communicate to an embedded device like a POS terminal? Like for example, an embedded device like POS terminal that has an embedded linux as an OS. Then I want a PC application to communicate in that POS terminal and access its module hardware like for example its ...

Use the right tool for the job: embedded programming

I'm interested in programming languages well suited for embedded programming. In particular: Is it possible to program embedded systems in C++? Or is it better to use pure C? Or is C++ OK only if some features of the language (e.g. RTTI, exceptions and templates) are excluded? What about Java in this domain? Thanks. ...

ARM cortex: mutex using bit banding

Given that, on the ARM Cortex M3, I can: atomically read a single bit atomically set a single bit atomically clear a single bit How can I combine these for a mutex style set of operations: try lock take lock release lock It seems that try_lock or take_lock would require two operations that would not be atomic. Do I need more control...

Can JQuery/JavaScript be used to write a substantial client side application?

I have an unusual situation - I have an embedded video streaming device with a complicated UI, and I need to use an embedded web server to reproduce that UI through a web browser. I'm thinking of using JavaScript/JQuery on a C++ backend (I am NOT coding all this myself, I need to hire people for the grunt work). The embedded web server...

Embedded systems linux

I want to make final year project so i want a two way interface device one connect to server and other connect to ouput display device..like television. whats are the rquirements i need....and how do i this. ...

Is there any tool available to convert ASM to C for PIC 16F877A

Hi, I want to convert ASM file to C program. is there any tools available for this. My intention is to convert assembly program of PIC 16F877A program to C program... ...

8051 microcontroller kit recommendation?

I'm a first year Computer Science student looking to get started with development for micro-controllers. I'd like to use the 8051, as it's common as dirt, and is used frequently in the real world. During my junior or senior year, I'll be taking a PIC micro-controller based embedded design class, so I'd rather not do PIC now; otherwise,...

Pen Drive Control

I want to control television through pen drive. What should I do with pen drive means at hardware and software level? What type of kernel should I load and how I load the kernel and bootloader in pen driver? ...

Embedding SQL Server into a .NET application

Hey, I've just finished writing a VB.NET application. Now I want to package the executable and the database ofcourse into a single installer file. I tried using QSetup, InstallShield to make SQL Server embedded into the setup file, and finally after hours of try&fail I have no idea. Anyone? ...

embedded dev. question - how to break free from a faulty serial port opening?

Under WindowsCE, C++ project, I'm trying to work with devices connected via both "real" serial ports and/or serial-to-usb wrappers ("virtual" serial ports); my problem is - when I try to open the port, if something goes wrong, the function never returns and the system goes into some non-responsive state and has to be eventually rebooted....

OMAP 3530: How fast can I toggle an IO?

I am putting together an application for OMAP 3530 SoC. This application will run some user interface code on embedded linux and invoke waveform generation code on the DSP. The DSP and Linux sides will interact over DSP/BIOS link. My questions are: What is the highest frequency at which my DSP-side code can toggle a GPIO line? If I w...

Dedicating all processor power to a task

Let's say we have a very processor-intensive task at hand which could be effectively parallelized. How can we dedicate all or almost all available processor power to performing that task? The task could be a variety of things, and iterative Fibonacci number generation that saves recorded numbers would be just one example. ...

A consistent and simple group of IDE and tools for embedded code and unit test in C++ ?

I’m starting a new firmware project in C++ for Texas Instrument C283xx and C6xxx targets. The unit tests will not run on the target, but will be compiled with gcc/gcov on a PC with windows (and run as well on PC) with simple metrics for tested code coverage. The whole project will be part of Cruise Control.NET for continuous integration...

How to test reliability of my own (small) embedded operating system ?

I've written a small operating system for embedded project running on small to medium target. I added some automated unit test with a high test code coverage (>95%), but the scope is only the static part. I got some code metrics as complexity and readability. I'm testing my code with a rule checker with MiSRA support, and of course fixe...

Embedded "Smart" character LCD driver. Is this a good idea?

I have an embedded project that I am working on, and I am currently coding the character LCD driver. At the moment, the LCD driver only supports "dumb" writing. For example, let's say line 1 has some text on it, and I make a call to the function that writes to the line. The function will simply seek to the beginning of the line and wri...

Handling XMLHttpRequest to call external application

I need a simple way to use XMLHttpRequest as a way for a web client to access applications in an embedded device. I'm getting confused trying to figure out how to make something thin and light that handles the XMLHttpRequests coming to the web server and can translate those to application calls. The situation: The web client using Aj...

Using bundle_files = 1 with py2exe is not working

Hi folks, After some big frustration I did it! I converted my django app to an "exe" one to run as a single standalone app on windows (using cherrypy as a WSGI server) But When I try to to set py2exe's option "bundle_files" to "1" (i.e. bundle the python interpreter Python25.dll inside the generated exe) the generated exe crashes with a...

PIC disassembler Needed

I want to disassemble a hex file of PIC16F877A. Is there any good disassembler ? After disassembly is it possible to compile again ? What are the things I have to take care of ? ...

Is it ok to return a reference of a function scope static variable?

I wanted to know if that has any ill effects under any circumsatnce. For ex: Ex1: void* func1() { void* p_ref = NULL; //function scope static variable static int var1 = 2; p_ref = &var1; return p_ref; } Ex2: //file scope static variable static int var2 = 2; void* func2() { void* p_ref = NULL; var2 = 3; p_ref =...

Monitoring pthread context switching

I would like to monitor the the context switching behavior in a multi-threaded pthread application. In other RTOSes(Micro C OS) I have been able to register a context switch callback for each thread in the application, and then log (or toggle a gpio) and watch the thread context switching in real time. This was a valuable tool for deb...