
Writing Device Drivers for Microcontrollers, where to define IO Port pins?

I always seem to encounter this dilemma when writing low level code for MCU's. I never know where to declare pin definitions so as to make the code as reusable as possible. In this case Im writing a driver to interface an 8051 to a MCP4922 12bit serial DAC. Im unsure how/where I should declare the pin definitions for The CS(chip sel...

need a library to get performance counters data under Win CE, c++ code

Under WindowsCE, C++ project, I'd like to get CPU utilization and memory allocation data real time - for logging and troubleshooting. Is there a library or activeX available that i could include in my code and use [without bringing my process to a halt, preferably], anyone knows? thanks much for any insight! O. ...

About Sdram software :Self-refresh mode

For power management we have to put system in deep sleep(system sleep) mode and for this we have to put SDRAM in self refresh mode. Can anyone tell the steps to set SDARM in self refresh mode. I tried SDRAM configuration register's ,I found that the SDRAM do goes to self-refresh mode[we probed the SD clk out] however system crashes in...

Instance where embedded C++ compilers don't support multiple inheritance?

I read a bit about a previous attempt to make a C++ standard for embedded platforms where they specifically said multiple inheritance was bad and thus not supported. From what I understand, this was never implemented as a mainstream thing and most embedded C++ compilers support most standard C++ constructs. Are there cases where a co...

IAR Embedded Workbench - setting endian-ness of variable

I'm using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (ARM7TDMI-S) and the majority of my work is done using little-endian format. However, I saw in the manual that I can do something like : __big_endian int i, j; to declare those two variables as big endian (while the rest of the app as little endian). This seems like a fantastic feature, but w...

Tips for developing a LCD display emulator.

I'd like to develop a PC LCD display emulator for educational purposes. The display uses HD44780. I don't know where to start. ...

Compile time float packing/punning

I'm writing C for the PIC32MX, compiled with Microchip's PIC32 C compiler (based on GCC 3.4). Added The standard I'm following is GNU99 (C99 with GNU extensions, compiler flag -std=gnu99) My problem is this: I have some reprogrammable numeric data that is stored either on EEPROM or in the program flash of the chip. This means that when...

Accessing the MSP and PSP registers of the Cortex-M3 in C/C++ code using Keil's µVision

I need to access the MSP and PSP registers (the main and process stack registers) of the Cortex-M3 processor. I'm writing in C/C++. The µVision and associated compiler doesn't let you do inline assembly for this Thumb-2 only core (and I'm not sure that'd be such a good idea anyway). I need to do this so that I can extract the immediat...

Criteria for selecting software for embedded device

We are currently evaluating Web servers for an embedded device. We have laid down the evaluation criteria for things like HTTP version, Security, Compression etc. On the embeddable side, we have identified the following criteria: Memory footprint Memory management (support for plugging in a custom memory manager) CPU usage Thread u...

How to get started with embedded systems in the aircraft or submarine industries?

Hi, Not 100% sure how to frame this question but here goes... I currently work as a Rails developer but want to work on more substancial / "meaty" projects and have always been very interested in embedded systems, especially systems that run on aircraft and especially submarines.....I know strange combination. I have been doing some s...

XML/XSL nub: Is it possible to create a COMPOSITE XML/XSLT document?

I have just recently (like 2 days) started using XSLT documents with XML. I understand the basics and am able to generate a formatted document using an .XML document that references a separate .XSLT document. My question, as in the subject, is "Is it possible to create a SINGLE, composite document that contains both the XML data and XS...

How to write configurable Embedded C code which can run on multihardware platform

Hello all , What are the techniques used to write an embedded C software which has multi features. Features can be configurable for multi-hardware platform. I have developed a firmware based on a RTOS for ARM7. Now i want to make it a baseline firmware which can be used with similar, more or less features (configurable) on different mi...

fastest SCM tool available for Embedded software development

Hi All, In my company, presently we are using Rational clearcase as the Software Configuration Management tool for our Embedded software development. The software is basically for Automobiles, to be specific for Engines (I dont think these information really matters). But I find Clearcase to be very slow is performing any the activities...

Hex Decompilers for PIC

I've faced to a problem with a PIC Micro controller. I have a micro-controller programmed by me long time ago and I lost the relevant source code and the schematic diagrams. Now I need to invert the value of a port. I can do this using some NOT gates but it is a big hassle to do so. or alternatively I will need to write the whole progra...

How to calculate a RTOS task's time

Hello all, I have written a code in c for Arm7 using RTOS. There are multiple tasks who's priority is set to same level. So the tasks executes on round-robin base. There is an exception that one task (Default) has set to lower priority then the other task in rtos. So that if no task is running, the default or lower priority task runs. ...

What are the acceptable uses of goto?

Possible Duplicate: Examples of good gotos in C or C++ What uses of the goto statement do you consider acceptable? I am discussing some coding guidelines for C embedded work, and wondering if there are cases where goto is the cleanest way to do things. ...

Algorithm to rotate an image 90 degrees in place? (No extra memory)

In an embedded C app, I have a large image that I'd like to rotate by 90 degrees. Currently I use the well-known simple algorithm to do this. However, this algorithm requires me to make another copy of the image. I'd like to avoid allocating memory for a copy, I'd rather rotate it in-place. Since the image isn't square, this is tricky...

How should this be done? (returing a collection of values)

I am writing a weather API to connect to the NOAA's XML METARS in C# NETMF. Before, this API was written in PHP, where I was able to use an associative array to return the weather parameters. For example, the return of the getWX() function might have been Array( "temp_f" => "70.0", "windchil" => "65.0", "wind_dir" => "90" ); I am try...

Has anyone evaluated NuttX RTOS?

While reading Linux User's Journal today, I stumbled across a little blurb about NuttX RTOS. I checked out their website and was fairly impressed with it's feature set and it's ability to put it in an 8052! I find it interesting that it supports POSIX which is something I have helped worked on for one of my clients in-house RTOS. This on...

Tools for embedded development

Hello, i would like to learn something about embedded development; i think the best thing would be to buy hardware stuff and play with it but i don't' know where to start and, if possible, i would like not to pay to much .... If you have experience in this field, which would be the best road to follow? Thank you very much ! Greetings, ...