
virtual memory consumption of pthreads

Hello I developed a multi-threaded TCP server application that allows 10 concurrent connections receives continuous requests from them, after some processing requests, responds them to clients. I'm running it on a TI OMAP l137 processor based board it runs Monta Vista Linux. Threads are created per client ie 10 threads and it's pre-thre...

Save Data using Dynamic C

I Using rabbit single board computer. I would like to save the data I/O which connected to another rabbit single board computer through wireless connection. Is it able to save the data inside the pc such as .txt file? Thanks. ...

Guidelines for designing forward compatible communication protocols?

I'm working on a communication protocol between embedded devices. The protocol will definitely need new commands and fields in the future. What do I need to do to make sure I'm not painting myself into a corner? ...

Library to manage menus in embedded device for C/C++

I'm looking for a library to manage menus. I'm looking for something which is based on configuration files. It doesn't have to manage keyboard input or display, just the menu logic. What I have in mind something like: //menu.xml <menu> <Start /> <Stop /> <Configuration displayname="Configure System"> <Sound type="tog...

WWAN and 802.11 ?

Hi, coding with C++ for WWAN and 802.11, is it complicated in an embedded environment? thanks ...

The prefetch instruction

It appears the general logic for prefetch usage is that prefetch can be added, provided the code is busy in processing until the prefetch instruction completes its operation. But, it seems that if too much of prefetch instructions are used, then it would impact the performance of the system. I find that we need to first have the working ...

Processor can support/require an RTOS ?

I have few queries related with going in for an RTOS for the different processors in hand. These are generic questions. Maybe you can clarify with examples specific to any processor/rtos or even generally. How to determine if a processor can support a RTOS ? How to know if the processor requires a RTOS ? ...

Polling and interrupt based methods for packet processing in multicore processor

This query is related with the packet processing in multicore processors. Packet processing can be either in Linux or pure datapath. Is it true that if the packet processing application is on Linux, then it must be interrupt based processing of packets for high performance, but if the packet processing is in pure datapath (without linux)...

Can gcc generate different size object code ?

Which option should be enabled in gcc to generate 16-bit or 32-bit or 64-bit object code ? Are there separate options for generating each of the above object code type ? ...

Handling many sources of interrupts

Consider that there are 100 plus ways of interrupts occuring from various sensors. There are chances that all can occur at the same time too. How can the software be designed to handle it efficiently ? ...

How to begin writing unit tests for a legacy Embedded C application - very tightly coupled modules?

I am currently working on a code base, that has never had any unit tests written on it. It has been written for a 16-bit Embedded processor, and I would like to start to add unit tests for all the code that I write, at a minimum and then extend this to other parts of the code. My problem with this is, I have found that each module (.c f...

Algorithm to pick values from array that sum closest to a target value?

I have an array of nearly sorted values 28 elements long. I need to find the set of values that sums to a target value provided to the algorithm (or if exact sum cannot be found, the closest sum Below the target value). I currently have a simple algorithm that does the job but it doesn't always find the best match. It works under idea...

Web technologies for an embedded server

Hey everyone, I've recently started a new web development project for an embedded device and wanted to solicit some recommendations for technologies to use. The device will serve HTML pages which include AJAX code to retrieve data from a JSON server. We're tentatively using Cherokee as the web server, though we're not tied to it. Curre...

Linux acting as USB device

I am working on an embedded Linux platform and I have need to transfer data between the platform and a PC. The embedded Linux has a usb device port (like a printer), so this is the means by which transfers would take place. I envision the easiest way to integrate Linux with the software already on the PC is to have the Linux device appea...

use win32 API to see whether a Windows XPe system has got USB2 or just 1.1.

Is there a way, just using the win32 API, to find out what version of USB is available? The XPe build is pretty barebones and doesn't doesn't have WMI. I considered the USBview technique: enumerate the USB hubs by opening \.\HCD0 through say \.\HCD9, use DeviceIoControl to get the hub name, and looking for an enhanced host controller. ...

Programming in presence of watchdog timer

Hi, I am new to embedded systems programming, although I have done courses during studies, practical programming is still a bit further away. Here is the problem: I have to program a small system on NXP LPC2103 microcontroller (ARM 7 based), without an operating system. It has a watchdog timer which needs to be regularly updated. The s...

Need suggestion on Embedded development board

Hi All, I want to learn about basic RISC architecture.After some R&D i would like to go with MIPS architecture.However i did not get good information on Embedded Development Boards with MIPS processor. It will be of great help if someone could suggest good board to start. Regards, Ramji ...

Is `volatile` required for shared memory accessed via access function?

[edit] For background reading, and to be clear, this is what I am talking about: Introduction to the volatile keyword When reviewing embedded systems code, one of the most common errors I see is the omission of volatile for thread/interrupt shared data. However my question is whether it is 'safe' not to use volatile when a variable is ...

How to choose cache write policy on ppc

Hello ! I'm optimizing a Linux boot on PowerPC MPC83xx. I'm trying to optimize the kernel image copy, from nand to ram and trying to check or change the write policy of the cache. As a read in the reference manual, the processor uses the write-back policy by default. But I haven't found any register where to check/configure this. How ...

Most simple and fast method for audio activity detection?

Given is an array of 320 elements (int16), which represent an audio signal (16-bit LPCM) of 20 ms duration. I am looking for a most simple and very fast method which should decide whether this array contains active audio (like speech or music), but not noise or silence. I don't need a very high quality of the decision, but it must be v...