
Generating Thumbnail from a Video file after it gets uploaded using Expression Encoder in C#

HI All, I have site where the user upload the Videos. I want to generate a thumbnail from the video after it gets uploaded and store it in the hard disk. I want to do this using expression encoder in C#. Can any1 pls help me out. Thank you. ...

Can I do this?? Trying to load an object from within itself.

Hi all! I have an object which conforms to the NSCoding protocol. The object contains a method to save itself to memory, like so: - (void)saveToFile { NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; NSKeyedArchiver *archiver = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:data]; [archiver encodeObject:self forKey:kData...

xmlEncoder not writing in netBeans

Hi, I am trying to use the xmlEncoder to write to xml file in net-beans but it doesnt work. Here is the call to the writing function: dbManipulator.writeStudents(deps); where deps = new Hashtable<String, Department>(); dbManipulator = new DataBaseManipulator(); Department is an class-object I made, and here is writeStudents metho...

Reed-Solomon encoder for embedded application (memory-efficient)

Hi I am looking for a very memory-efficient (like max. 500 bytes of memory for lookup tables etc.) implementation of a Reed-Solomon encoder for use in an embedded application? I am interested in coding blocks of 10 bytes with 5 bytes of parity. Speed is of little importance. Do you know any freely available implementations that I can ...

How to determine WCF message size at the encoder level

I am building a custom encoder that compresses WCF responses. It is based on the Gzip encoder in Microsoft's WCF samples and this blog post: http://frenk.wordpress.com/2009/12/04/gzip-compression-wcfsilverlight/ I've got it all working, but now I would like to apply the compression only if the reply is beyond a certain size, but I am...

PNG encoder/decoder for PHP

Is there any implementation of a PNG encoder/decoder written in PHP? Something similar to this one: http://packages.python.org/pypng/png.html I know there is GD and other ones, but as far as I know, you cannot have greater control over png chunks since they are png specific. Thanks, Nano. ...

the best way to Encode Video For Android

Dear all, I have videos that should be run on android. and those videos will be host on web server - so my android app will hit the web server to play the video. I try several way to encode the video and the result is not good enough, sometimes the sound and the video is not align or sometimes the video is not shown but i can still he...

I need two functions which encrypts some data in php and decrypts it in java "correctly"

I need to get two functions. I want to transfer data from my website to my server in xml format. Now on my server, I want to make a function that encrypts the data and place it in an xml, and another function in java to decrypt it. Please tell me if there is any predefined function or can you just spare 5 minutes? ...

ScreenVideo encoder in Java

Anyone know of a Java video encoder for ScreenVideo (v1 or v2) which is free? I know ffmpeg has a C++ version and Lee Felarca wrote one in AS3; but I really would like to have one in Java. AS3: http://www.zeropointnine.com/blog/assets_code/SimpleFlvWriter.as.txt ...

[Windows Imaging] Prevent GDI+ PNG Encoder from adding Gamma information to a 1-bit PNG

I wonder if its possible to instruct the Imaging PNG Encoder not to add any gamma and chroma informations to a 1-bit PNG. I am creating a 2 color palette for the image ColorPalette* pal = (ColorPalette*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(ColorPalette) + 2 * sizeof(ARGB)); pal->Count = 2; pal->Flags = 0; pal->Entries[0] = MAKEARGB(0,0,0...