
Storing SSN/CC data

I read through quite a few similar questions here on SO but none were in quite the same situation as I am. Previously, user enters in a ton of info including SSN, Spouse SSN, and CC data. When the user completed the process, the info was pushed on PDFs, zipped up (which then got encrypted), and then FTPed back into our server. We save...

AES 256 encryption

Hi, I am using AES 256 to encrypt/decrypt some plain text. But the algorith uses only PKCS7 for padding, but I need to use PKCS5 to make it compitable to other platforms. How can I acheive this? My source code is: public string Encrypt(byte[] PlainTextBytes, byte[] KeyBytes, string InitialVector) { byte[] InitialVectorBytes = Encoding...

python+encryption: Encrypting session key using public key

I want to encrypt the session key using the public key. How does the PGP software do this? Can somebody specify the procedure or function of encryption in Python? ...

Error decrypting file

Hi, i encrypt a file using ideas from tldp.org/LDP/LG/issue87/vinayak.html. I downloaded and compiled this source code for encrypting/decrypting a simple text file. Once compiled I do: ./blowfish input_file.txt output_enc.txt output_dec.txt I use the options: G for generating a key E for encrypting the file, so output_enc.txt is ...

Databinding to an encrypted string?

I have a C# winforms app with a form for user preferences. An admin account should be able to show a dropdown of user names stored in a security table which will allow the admin to change that user's preferences. All is well and good on that front, except for the fact that both usernames and passwords are stored encrypted in the databa...

Should I Trim the Decrypted String after mcrypt_decrypt?

I have a code that goes something like: $cipher_alg = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; $decrypted_string = mcrypt_decrypt($cipher_alg, $key, $encrypted_string , MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, trim(hex2bin(trim($hexiv)))); I worry that in the process of decoding the mcrypt_decrypt will introduce a gratuitous whitespace or null characters at the back or front o...

Encryption of password

i just wanna ask what does the openfire use to encrypt passowrd? md5? or wat? =) ...

How can I encrypt a password with Blowfish in Perl?

Can anyone tell me where can I find a Perl program which decrypts a password and then encrypts it using the blowfish algorithm? I found one but it is in Java, but I don't know much about that language. =( anyway.. thanks for those who answered, esp to Konstantinos? hmm. ...

Python Encryption: Encrypting password using PGP public key

I have the key pair generated by the GPG. Now I want to use the public key for encrypting the password. I need to make a function in Python. Can somebody guide me on how to do this? I studied the Crypto package but was unable to find out how to encrypt the password using the public key. I also read about the chilkat Python encryption l...

How do you open encrypted OOXML document in C#?

I want to open encrypted OOXML files, which are stored as streams inside a compound OLE file. Microsoft has an API for OOXML, (OOXML Format SDK 2.0, but it seems to lack a way to manipulate encrypted OOXML documents. So, this breaks into two questions. How do you open compound OLE documents in C#? I found this very similar question,...

Why does Blowfish::PP's encrypt only print five characters?

Good day! I have a code here that uses the blowfish_PP algorithm from Crypt::Blowfish_PP to encrypt a password. I've provided a sample "key" variable for a start (though I will make a function later that will increment key every time I use it), but for now this is what I've got: use Crypt::Blowfish_PP; $key = "12345678"; $$plaintextB...

Storing SQL Connection details - how can I encrypt per-user safely?

I have an application that connects to a number of SQL Servers for monitoring and other tasks. Currently, I only support trusted authentication, since I don't have to store anything sensitive. I want to add the ability to use SQL Authentication (username/password). What's the best approach to storing this sensitive data between sessions...

C# Encrypt an object?

Requirement: I want to encrypt an object and store the encrypted object in the database.Later I will take the encrypted data and convert it into a real object. Does it sound stupid? Can it be done ? UPDATE: OK if this can be done how do I say encrypt an object? Can it be done without serialization? In memory or something? Any walkthrou...

Encrypting Web.Config

Duplicate of Encrypting config files for deployment .NET and Encrypting config files for deployment What is the best approach and tools for encrypting information in web.config file? ...

SQL server 2005 ENCRYPTBYKEY returns null

DECLARE @EmailEnc varbinary(maX) declare @keyid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @Email_test nvarchar(max) set @Email_test = N'Sg@hotmail' SELECT top 1 @keyid=[key_guid] FROM sys.symmetric_keys order by newid() SET @EmailEnc=CAST(ENCRYPTBYKEY(@keyid,@Email_test) AS varbinary(max)) select @Email_test,@keyid,@EmailEnc Results Sg@hotmail ...

Which codec + encryption method makes it easy for streaming J2ME video playback?

I want to transport video files from a desktop system to my mobile device, but I want the videos to be encrypted so the mobile video files cannot be viewed elsewhere. This means I can't decrypt the whole file, I need to decrypt it as a stream. Question: What's the best codec and encryption method to use to make the decryption easier? ...

C# AES-256 Encryption

I am using RijndaelManaged to make a simple encryption/decryption utility. This is working fine, but I am trying to get it integrated with another program which is created in Unix (Oracle). My problem is, for all smaller input string, i am getting the exact same encrypted hex as the Unix code is generation, but for longer strings, half o...

Best way to encrypt a file, and keep it handy

Hi, I am using dozens of different web services, and I keep a password file in a remote Linux machine. The file contains my usernames, passwords and answers for security question. This server happens to be offline to often, and I'm looking for a way to keep the password file on my own computer, or on a service like DropBox. Obviously, ...

MQSeries API/Channel Exits

I am looking for sample code that will encrypt/decrypt the message while in the store. I will be using SSL for the transport. ...

Encryption to protect files from changes

I've been reading a little about encryption recently and am interested in protecting a licence file from tampering. Now this may not be the best way to do it, in which case I'm open to suggestions. But one way I was thinking of protecting it is to simply encrypt it. However if I were to use encryption I'd need to use symmetric key, but...