
LiquidMachine Exception

I am using LiquidMachine API for encryption of document. I have a ref in my project for CSharpCPAPI.dll v1.0.3182.27556. It was working fine untill i copies the solution on another machine.On the new machine, this code is throwing an exception when Iniitializing the ContentProtectionLib i .e ContentProtectionLibrary.initialize(new Cont...

C# Encrypt an XML File.

I need two methods one to encrypt and one to decrypt an xml file with a key= "hello world",the key hello world should be used to encrypt and decrypt the xml file.These methods should work on all machines!!! Any encryption methods will do. XML File contents below: <root> <lic> <number>19834209</number> <expiry>02/02/2...

authentication token is encrypted but not signed - weakness?

Through the years I've come across this scenario more than once. You have a bunch of user-related data that you want to send from one application to another. The second application is expected to "trust" this "token" and use the data within it. A timestamp is included in the token to prevent a theft/re-use attack. For whatever reason (le...

Security when source code is public

I realize that the answer to this question is likely quite obvious (if somewhat inconvenient to me), but I'm hoping someone will have an ingenious solution. I'm slowly building an application in my free time that I hope will be useful at work. It's a simple tracking application for the assignment of peer reviews. Basically, I'm just try...

How can I encrypt a cookie content in a simple way in C# 3.0?

Hi everyone! How can I encrypt a cookie in a direct and simple way? Thanks!! ...

Is there a repository of different implementations of cryptographic algorithms?

For my master thesis, I am looking into different implementations of cryptographic algorithms. They should differ in the following aspects: Cryptographic Algorithm (AES, DES, RSA, MD5, ...) Algorithm Implementation (OpenSSL, MS, Papers' Reference Implementation, ...) Compiler used (VC, GCC, ...) Also, they should only implement the ...

Cross-platform encryption container library

Hi, I have a need for a cross-platform (hopefully C) library that can create and mount encrypted filesystem containers. The same functionality of TrueCrypt but as a library so I would not have to externally include and invoke the Truecrypt executables. Any alternate suggestions or solutions are also very welcome. Thanks! ...

Reading/Writing password protected and encrypted file in ruby

I want to encrypt a file that a ruby program will be loading data from. In addition, I need the program to prompt for a password on startup that will be used to decrypt the file. In other words, the file needs to reside encrypted on the machine and only users with passwords will be able to run the app. I have started to look at openpgp...

Encrypting a column in SQL Server 2000 database

I've been tasked with encrypting several years worth of sensitive data (don't ask) stored in a SQL Server 2000 Database. I need to encrypt both historical data and come up with a process to encrypt and decrypt new data as it flows through the system. Edit: The processes that produce the data are not the same as the process that will co...

Encrypt Registry Contents

Hi.. i am generating *.reg file using code which will have some important data. and user will save this into registry. upon application launch i am getting the values from registry and performing some validation.. but the problem is that in registry and in *.reg file the information are stored in plain text. how can i create encrypte...

Breaking AES encryption using decrypted data

After a discussion about encryption, a friend of mine challenged me to crack a file he encrypted using AES with a 128bit key. I know the file was originally a GIF image, so it should start with 'GIF8'. I'm wondering if it is possible to derive the password from this knowledge in a reasonable time (ie. a week or less). Stealing the key ...

HTTPS Response body - Is it secured?

Would like to understand whether the HTTPS body part of the Response is encrypted. Also, in a HTTPS request whether the header are transmitted as plain text / encrypted? Is there any tool with which I can observe the raw HTTPS traffic without decrypting it. ...

What is DES-X?

Hi, What is DES-X? And DES-X and DES, are they backwards compatible? ...

Why doesn't my decrypt function work?

This was not written by me; it was written by someone who passed it down to me. I lost contact with the author of the code. I have been using this code for a few years and just now realized this error. It seems that the letter sequence rkey1 messes up the output. For example turkey1 outputs as decryption as tur79y1. This Perl code shou...

Generating an RSA keypair in JavaScript

I recently found this RSA JavaScript library: http://www.ohdave.com/rsa/. However, it requires that the key be pre-generated. Here are my questions/issues: I'd like to generate an RSA keypair in the JavaScript (so that I don't have to change the code every time I want a new keypair.) While I understand how this can be used to send secu...

Encryption with Python

I'm making an encryption function in Python and I want to encrypt a random number using a public key. I wish to know that if I use Crypto package (Crypto.publicKey.pubkey) than how can I use the method like... def encrypt(self,plaintext,k) Here the k is itself a random number, is this mean the key. Can somebody help me with somewhat ...

Encrypt Password in Configuration Files? (Java)

Hey Folks, I have a program that reads server information from a configuration file and would like to encrypt the password in that configuration that can be read by my program and decrypted. Requirments: Encrypt plaintext password to be stored in the file Decrypt the encrypted password read in from the file from my program Any recc...

What's wrong with XOR encryption?

I wrote a short C++ program to do XOR encryption on a file, which I may use for some personal files (if it gets cracked it's no big deal - I'm just protecting against casual viewers). Basically, I take an ASCII password and repeatedly XOR the password with the data in the file. Now I'm curious, though: if someone wanted to crack this, h...

Encryption for Executable

Can anyone recommend what's a good way to encrypt an executable? I was trying to use AxCrypt but I don't like the usage, i.e. you specify a passcode and the person who launches the exe needs to specify the passcode. Is there someway to encrypt it once and users just run the exe without specifying any passwords? ...

Encryption/decryption gives Invalid character in a Base-64 string

Hi, I have been working with encryption/decryption RijndaelManaged alogorithm. While encrypting a GUID we get "%" symbol in the middle of the encrypted algorithm. When I decrypt the same encrypted GUI i get a " Invalid character in a Base-64 string" error. This occurs due to the presence of % symbol in the encrypted token. Here is the...