
rails in_place_edit: how do I pass an authenticity token?

I am trying to get in place editing working but I am running into this error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) I understand that rails now wants to protect against forgery and that I need to pass a form authenticity token but I am not clear on how to do this with the in_place_edit ...

What is the fastest way to Parse a line in Delphi?

I have a huge file that I must parse line by line. Speed is of the essence. Example of a line: Token-1 Here-is-the-Next-Token Last-Token-on-Line ^ ^ Current Position Position after GetToken GetToken is called, returning "Here-is-the-Next-Token" and sets the Cur...

How do I extract all {} tokens from a string using .Net's RegEx?

I need to extract tokens that are marked with curly brackets from a given string. I have tried using Expresso to construct something that will parse... ------------------------------------------------------------- "{Token1}asdasasd{Token2}asd asdacscadase dfb db {Token3}" ------------------------------------------------------------- ...

https URL with token parameter : how secure is it?

On our site, we provide to users a simulation based on their private information (given through a form). We would like to allow them to get back on their simulation results later, but without forcing them to create a login/password account. We have thought of sending them an email with a link, from which they could get back their resul...

How to split a text file into words?

Hello, I am working on a assignment where I am supposed to read a file and count the number of lines and at the same time count the words in it. I tried a combination of getline and strtok inside a while loop, which did not work. file:example.txt (the file to be read). Hi, hello what a pleasant surprise. Welcome to this place. M...

How do you tokenise / tokenize / split a delimited string in Perl?

How do you split a string e.g. "a:b:c:d" into tokens for parsing in Perl? (e.g. using split?) Looking for clear, straightforward answer above all (but do add any interesting tidbits of info afterwards). ...

Javascript token replace/append

Hi guys I have a string that looks something like the following 'test:1;hello:five;just:23'. With this string I need to be able to do the following. .... var test = MergeTokens('test:1;hello:five;just:23', 'yes:23;test:567'); ... The end result should be 'test:567;hello:five;just:23;yes:23' (note the exact order of the tokens is not ...

IIS token based security, ssl certificate and https, proxy

I have developed a new web service. Now, I need to deal with security issue as we are intending to make it a secure service. In order to set up SSL and https, I need to obtain and install an SSL certificate. Who is the certificate authority? Do you know how to go about with this? Are there concise articles on this? Regards. D...

How do I get a valid user token for CreateProcessAsUser?

I have an application that is running as normal user, and a service running as local system. I want the application to be able to tell the service to start the application again, once the service has done some other stuff. (So the application will not be running while the service is doing it's "thing".) In order for the service to be abl...

C# - modify process token to add deny flag to ACE for Administrator group membership

Greetings - I would like to remove privileges from my process, and elevated permissions conferred through membership in the local Administrators group. Just like DropMyRights.exe, but I want to modify the token of the current process. ProcessPrivileges (on CodePlex) makes removing the privileges easy. Adding the deny flag for the Admi...

Any good step by step tutorial to implement a secure token service with Java?

Well, I'm barely beginning to get involved in this subject. I've found this pretty detailed tutorial, but it seems a little outdated. Besides I guess that in Java 6 Metro is the way to go (am I right???) What are the frameworks, books and online resources to to investigate/read? Edit: Another pretty good tutorial, with Metro's WSIT i...

Oauth revoked token

Is there any way to determine if an oauth token has been revoked besides actually making a function call? I am working with an Oauth provider that has a single function call that is time consuming and costs money. On my website, I'd like to be able to determine if my access token is valid withing making that call. Thanks ...

Authentification and security model in client/server aplications

I'm developing custom client/server application that requires client to log in with their username and password. The user accounts are not related to Windows/AD accounts in any way. After login, client application will request other services from server system. My question is what is the best way to implement this? What kind of archite...

How can I authenticate a user session across servers ?

Problem: A download link should be displayed in a user's home page. That download link should ONLY be accessible if the user logged in. But the real problem is that the user's home page and the download link are on separate web servers. Is there a way I can send a token with the download link and validate it there? ...

Are two security keys better than one?

I just implemented a "remember me" feature for a user login on a website. Most advice was to have the userid stored in a cookie, and then have some long, unguessable random key. If both of these match up, the user is considered authenticated. Does having two strings actually help? Wouldn't a longer key do exactly the same thing? In ot...

How do I get an edit token for Mediawiki?

Hello, I want to get an edit token via a HTTP POST command. The API documentation says only Edit token. You can get one of these through prop=info Using action=query&prop=info&titles=Main Page&intoken=edit does not give me a token. How to get it? ...

authentication token is encrypted but not signed - weakness?

Through the years I've come across this scenario more than once. You have a bunch of user-related data that you want to send from one application to another. The second application is expected to "trust" this "token" and use the data within it. A timestamp is included in the token to prevent a theft/re-use attack. For whatever reason (le...

Way(s) to extract selected node values from this XML Markup

Given the (specimen - real markup may be considerably more complicated) markup and constraints listed below, could anyone propose a solution (C#) more effective/efficient than walking the whole tree to retrieve { "@@value1@@", "@@value2@@", "@@value3@@" }, i.e. a list of tokens that are going to be replaced when the markup is actually us...

Token Bucket or Leaking Bucket for messages

I am trying to limit my application send rate to 900kbps but the problem is that the protocol I use is message oriented and the messages have very different sizes. I can have messages from 40 bytes all the way up to 125000 bytes and all messages are send as atomic units. I tried implementing a token bucket buffer but if I set a low buck...

Best/Simple hardware security token authentication for ASP.NET websites?

Hi. I was recently asked to provide a quote on integrating a security solution like most Online Banks use, where there is a security token which key/numbers are randomly changing. The portal is an ASP.NET website, 2.0... I haven't implemented this type of security authentication before. Can anyone provide guidance, suggestions, experi...