
How do I securely store passwords in a configuration file in a Ruby/Rails web server environment?

I need to store payment gateway processor username/password credentials on a production web server, but would prefer not to do so in clear-text. What is the best way to store these credentials? Are their best practices for encrypting and decrypting this information? ...

Password hashing, salt and storage of hashed values

Suppose you were at liberty to decide how hashed passwords were to be stored in a DBMS. Are there obvious weaknesses in a scheme like this one? To create the hash value stored in the DBMS, take: A value that is unique to the DBMS server instance as part of the salt, And the username as a second part of the salt, And create the concat...

ProtectSection with RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider where does the Key go?

I am using System.Configuration to encrypt and protect some passwords in a custom configuration section vis:-. static public void SetPassAndProtectSection(string newPassword) { // Get the current configuration file. System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration( Configura...

An interesting Encryption Problem

Hi Guys, I have an interesting encryption problem at hand. I do not know if it can be solved but here goes: A database is to contain sensitive user information. As such, the user information must be encrypted (two way encryption). The user has a login / password and these may be used in the two way encryption. Now, the encryption is to...

How does Noah Classifieds encrypt their passwords?

Here are some examples: db: 35273f5c7b3fb45a actual: 5093625 db: 272beab9517a8835 actual: 7091343 According to http://hash-it.net/ it's not MD5 or SHA1. ...

Help with Javascript to JScript Conversion

Background: I have data that I'm encrypting with javascript on the client side that needs to be decrypted on the server side. As far as I can tell, the javascript AES library I'm using does not interop with the C# Rijndael library. Thus, I'm left to essentially implement the javascript AES in C# for use. I'm going to try to compile ...

How to do encryption/decryption in xml with StAX?

Hi, One of the reason I use StAX is because of it low memory consumption in processing large xml files. I've been requested to encrypt the whole xml files, and decrypt them later. The easier solution I can come up with, without having major change to existing code, is encrypt content only. xsw.writeStartElement("row"); xsw.writeC...

DSACryptoServiceProvider vs. RSACryptoServiceProvider

I seem to have misunderstanding here. I need to implement public/private key encryption (PKCS) with digital signing. I've found the following classes in .Net framework. RSACryptoServiceProvider DSACryptoServiceProvider I want to encrypt files then digitally sign them, and at the receiver verify the signature and then decrypt. The...

Encrypting and Decrypting Numbers with .NET

What are Encryption techniques available with .NET (using C#). I have a numeric value with me which I want to encrypt to a string representation. Which one has decrypting support ? ...

Are there valid reasons for using a hardware encryption device (e.g. USB encryption dongle/keystore) over using a software library?

If your application needs to encrypt/decrypt data (for various reasons), are there any reasons why you would use a hardware device (e.g. a USB encryption device - like a Marx CryptoBox) instead of using a software encryption library (like .net Cryptography or writing your own) and keep your keys in a safe key store? I am looking for som...

Decrypt (only) connection string section in Winforms app.config

Ok, I know this has been asked a thousand times before, but no conclusive solution has been derived...so here is another really silly question! I have a Winforms 3.5 app and using LINQ to SQL, hence the Connection string is ALWAYS stored in "app.config" by default (and VS2008 will not accept any other way of storing this - Ive even trie...

How to encrypt String in Java

What I need is to encrypt string which will show up in 2D barcode (PDF-417) so when someone get an idea to scan it will get nothing readable. Other requirements are - that should not be complicated, it would not consist of RSA, PKI infrstructure, key pairs etc. It must be simple enough to get rid off of the people snooping arround, and...

How can I support SSL without encryption in a .Net server?

We have a client/server based architecture where many clients (written in Java) connect to the server (using a custom protocol), and all comms use SSL. The server used to be written in Delphi and used OpenSSL for SSL support. We did a complete rewrite of the server in .Net 3.5 SP1 and have the SSL working fine using SslStream over a TcpC...

Automatically apply field conversion function in Hibernate

I have a database table with a field that I need to read from and write to via Hibernate. It is string field, but the contents are encrypted. And for various reasons (e.g. a need to sort the plain text values), the encrypt/decrypt functions are implemented inside the database, not in Java. The problem I'm struggling with now is finding ...

encrypting a project, data, etc..

I carry my laptop with my projects and db's, some of them may contain some sensitive data, i to know how to encrypt some folders, i've just downloaded androsa file protector, but it's too slow, with over 60.000 files and several GB's of data it takes forever, someone know something faster?? ...

Chilkat C# Crypt2 vs .NET framework encryption

Hi guys, anyone out there who has used Chilkat C# Crypt2 library? How does it compare with the .NET framework encryption library? Any pros/cons? ...

Are there any resources that demonstrate encryption of content in IIS using ISAPI filters?

I'm looking to port over an Apache module to IIS 6.0 that does some custom encryption on data that is being sent to the client. A TechNet document that deals with configuring IIS 6.0 suggests that this can be done with ISAPI: For example, a filter could be notified when a Read or Write event occurs and then encrypt the raw data ...

How to decide if the chosen password is correct?

If an encrypted file exists and someone wants to decrypt it, there are several methods do try. For example, if you would chose a brute force attack, that's easy: just try all possible keys and you will find the correct one. For this question, it doesn't matter that this might take too long. But trying keys means the following steps: Ch...

Blogs and Books on Encryption and Security

Could any of you experienced programmers / ethical hackers out there recommend some blogs or books on security/encryption? The only blogs I look at now are .Net Security Blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnfa/archive/2009/03/17/authenticated-symmetric-encryption-in-net.aspx) Laptop Security Blog (http://blog.absolute.com/cybercrimes-more-...

PGP Freeware and c#

How to encrypt file with public key, that was added to current keyring, with using c# and command line? Thanks. ...