
Bouncycastle: what does the subKeyID-Parameter of AddKeyTransRecipient do?

I'm trying to asymetrically encrypt a message of arbitrary length with bouncycastle. (1.4+ with C#) This is the code I have right now. It is supposed to (but doesn't) generate a CMS message where the data itself is encrypted with AES256 with a random key and the key is encrypted with the public key from keyPair. keyPair is an RSA-Key ...

protect a file

In one android application, I created a database file in data/data/com.rams/databases/dbfilename. If I created a second application with the same package name (com.rams) and I access the database file created with my first application, the second application is able to access the database contents. How can I secure the database file cr...

How Is MD5 generation dependent on file size?

Is there any efficiency analysis of how MD5 dependent on the file size. Is it actually dependent of file size or content of the file. So for i have 500mb file with all blank spaces and a 500mb file with movie in it, would md5 take same time to generate the the hash code? ...

moderate encryption for a small amount of data

i am writing an application that will need to store less than about 1mb of data. this data will be read and edited by the user. this data will be very simple ascii data. the application is in vb.net on a windows-form. the data will be stored locally on the person's computer. i have several questions. what kind of encryption method shou...

Encrypt SQLite database in C#

What is the best approach to encrypting a SQLite database file in .Net/C#? I'm using sqlite-dotnet2 wrapper. There are tools like SQLite Encryption Extension and SQLite Crypt, but both are non-free, while my project is under GPL. The naive approach I thought of using was to let SQLite handle a temporary file, then to encrypt it on pro...

Joomla salt enhanced password

how can i know value of string which is used as salt for joomla salt enhanced password encryption?? ...

saving key in application settings

i am starting to use cryptostream class. i may be wrong, if you encrypt something, close the app, and then try to decrypt it, it will not be able to because a different key will be generated. because i do need this functionality, i am wondering if it's possible to save the key in application settings and whether this is the right way to ...

How to encrypt and decrypt a file with Qt/C++?

I want to create a program, which can encrypt and decrypt a complete file with an individual password. Is there any way to manage this in Qt and/or C++ and how? ...

Encrypt/decrypt data in "classic" ASP and ASP.NET 2.0

I've got a string I want to encrypt, and I want to do so in a way that a "classic" ASP application and an ASP.NET 2.0 application can decrypt it. What's the best way to do it? I've been scouring the web for different solutions. I've looked at using DPAPI, but it's per-machine, so that's out. Too much work to encrypt it on every singl...

How to secure a static HTML link

The company that I work for is wanting to provide a means of allowing our client to provide links to our site for the purposes of allowing their own clients to schedule a payment to them through us. We want the solution to be as seemless and easy to use as possible. Our clients are not likely to have the ability to do any sort of progr...

DES Encryption Output

I am using this code to encrypt a 8 bytes PlainText with a 8 bytes Key but the result is always a 16 bytes array. public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] PlainText, byte[] key) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); DESCryptoServiceProvider mDES = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); mDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; mDES.Key = key; ...

considerations for saving data to ONE file or MULTIPLE?

i am going to be saving data with DPAPI encryption. i am not sure whether i should just have one big file with all the data or should i break up the data into separate files, where every file is its own record. i suspect the entire dataset would be less than 10mb, so i am not sure whether it's worth it to break it down into about a few h...

what is the difference between DPAPI and file.encrypt

what is the difference between DPAPI and file.encrypt (I/O)?? ...

Flex Encryption Secret Value

So I know it is possible to decompile SWF files. I know it produces the ActionScript contained in the file. Is there any way to store a value in a Flex application that can be reliably assumed to be secret? I am very new to Flex and am just curious. I need to preform some type of hashing in my Flex app in order to ensure the request ca...

How would you generate repeateable encryption key?

I am looking to encrypt data. I want to generate encryption keys based on a password, and some moving value, like time. The goal is to have the key change, but have anyone that knows the password be able to decrypt. This is happening in C#. I am using the following code to hash the password. private static string GetPasswordHash(string ...

Convert snippet from c# to vbscript

So I have a situation where I need to pass some parameters on url. In order to not have id=1 on the url, I added a simple encryption method to obfuscate the values. This has worked fine within the .Net land. Now however, I need to direct from a classic asp page to this .net page that is expecting the parameters to be encrypted. I rea...

how to unzip a encrypted zip file

in winzip we can able to encrypt a file using some keys.In my android application i using the encrypted zip file.i know the way for unzip a file(without encryption).but how can i unzip the encrypted zip file in android? ...

How to deal with special characters in a string

I have a php script creating an encoded value, for example: m>^æ–S[J¯vÖ_ÕÚuÍÔ'´äœÈ‘ ®@M©t²#÷[Éå¹UçfU5T°äÙ“©”ˆÇVÝ] [’e™a«Ã°7#dÉJ> I then need to decode this in a vb.net application The problem is that value above can have any characters. And VB.net can't handle it: dim strCryptedString As String = 'm>^æ–S[J¯vÖ_ÕÚuÍÔ'´äœÈ‘ ®@M©t²#÷[É...

How Can I Authenicate Users of my API

A website that I co-own has been asked us to add some content to our site which is great advertising for us. The catch is that because of the nature of our company, we have to be very careful about who has access to our site. (We distribute music for labels to radio stations) Following so far? So I have started a new page for the conte...

Encryption API for C#2 recommendations?

We need a paid for supported Encryption / Decryption API for a project - AES >256? I dont want the developers coding their own encryption / decryption even using the built in stuff. To many chances to go wrong. Links to sites much valued. UPDATE Due to the fact as many have said - Its hard to understand if you are not familar with en...