
Will my open source project be illegal in certain countries if I include openssl?

I have a small open source project and I am about to add some encryption to it. I am wondering if this will restrict where developers can contribute from. If so where are these laws so stringent? Is there a reliable up to date standard available on the web in regards to this matter? Should I care about recruiting programmers from all...

Encrypt resources in Cocoa app?

Hi, I have a shell script stored in the resources folder of my Cocoa app. If used improperly it could be dangerous (even though I have taken precautions to reduce exploits, such as using the absolute path to commands) so is there any way to encrypt the script in binary format, then decrypt it when it needs to be used? Thanks ...

How to encrypt a string using the key

I have a 'public key' in a variable named varkey, for gettting the public key i used the urllib and stored that public key in a variable now i want to encrypt a msg/string using the public key . its ok if somebody guide me for any API library Thanks ...

How to encrypt database in symfony

I work with symfony framework and Propel and i was wandering what is the easiest way to encrypt a database. I'm not talking about passwords but all the database . I built a small web application for a client that manages some information (user accounts, passwords etc) and i don;t want it to be visible if someone has access to phpmyadmin ...

Need Encrypted connection string and stmp information in the web.config

I want to keep encrypted connection string and stmp information in the web.config. can I store Connection String and SMTP information in web.config encrypted and where I need just decrypted and use? OR What is the point/event where i can encrypt the Connection String and SMTP and save in the web.config? (and if the changes happen in w...

PHP: mcrypt mangles beginning of string to garbage

I need medium to strong encryption on serverside, so I thought I would use mcrypt with PHP. If I use the functions below the beginning of my original string turns into binary garbage after decryption. (This is not the usual problem of getting appended additional garbage, instead my string is altered.) According to the documentation, mcry...

Pros/Cons - Encrypting File System (EFS) vs Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for sql server

I want to encrypt sql server database files (2008) I want to make a choice between EFS and TDE. Any advice? Pros/Cons? ...

Is there a working md5 plugin or equivalent encryption plugin for jQuery 1.3.2?

I'm storing my passwords on a server, and, using nothing but HTML/JavaScript, I need to be able to take an input password, compute the hash, then compare against what's in my database via Ajax. As I'm using CouchDB, there's actually no server code, which is where I'd normally do such a calculation. Any kind of one way encryption woul...

Secure(ish) encryption/decryption algorithms in vb.net using a string as a key

Is there a way to encrypt/decrypt text (string form) in VB.net using another string as a key? Meaning, if one user encrypts using this key, the other user needs to decrypt using the same key? I do NOT mean public and private key encryption or anything of the sort. Can someone help me build two subs for these? If not, what is the secon...

two-way keyed encryption/hash algorithm

I am no way experienced in this type of thing so I am not even sure of the keywords (hence the title). Basically I need a two way function encrypt(w,x,y) = z decrypt(z) = w, x, y Where w = integer x = string (username) y = unix timestamp and z = is an 8 digit number (possibly including letters, spec isn't there yet.) ...

How to serialize an object in C# and prevent tampering?

I have a C# class as follows: public class TestObj { private int intval; private string stringval; private int[] intarray; private string[] stringarray; //... public properties not shown here } I would like to serialize an instance of this class into a string. In addition: I will be appending this string as a Qu...

Is there non-linear difference between strong (i.e. AES) and non-strong (i.e. classic zip) encryption

AES and other modern encryption algorithm are considered strong and sometimes one can see quotes like "it's not recommended to use classic zip encryption since it is no longer considered strong". But is there a really non-linear difference between them? For example, if both produce sequences with high entropy, does it mean that with a ve...

Sql Server - Error attaching mdf file encrypted via Encrypted File System (EFS)

I am getting an error trying to attach a database whose files were previously encrypted via EFS. The actuall error message is Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 9 Unable to open the physical file "C:\test.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)". If I decrypt the files, then I successfully can attach the database. I am ...

Encrypt in PHP not working as expected...

Hi, I have a very silly situation, i am receiving an encrypted string from VB.NET in PHP. I am able to decrypt the key. But when i want to encrypt the result and get the encrtypted string i get a mismatch. Can anyone help me out please.... Below is the PHP CODE. <?php //$syscode=$_REQUEST['syscode']; //The actual string is "blueberr...

Software security Module/ toolkit replacing HSM for developing crypto functions

Hello I worked and completed a PKI project which used a HSM for generating - storing keys and performing crypto functions. I used PKCS#11 to interface with our application for sigining/verifying and encryption/decryption. Our platform is windows. Now we are looking to offer a low cost alternative solution by replacing the the HSM with ...

Entity Framework Encrypt Connection String

I use Entity Framework and Linq to Entities. I want to encrypt the connection string and the EF has to decrypt automaticaly, How can I do it? Thanks in advance, Javier P. de Jorge ...

Secure communication between a C# client and a PHP Server

I am maintaining a C# app that's been cracked by people creating spoof auth servers. I want to encrypt all the communications between the client and server to prevent this happening to my next release. I can see that PHP has a way to secure stuff. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-private-decrypt.php What I can't find ...

DES 56-bit encryption notification to BIS is required?

Hi, We have 56-bit DES encrypted images online. We need to submit iphone app that loads these images and decrypts them. From different forums and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) site, I came to know that our application qualifies for NLR and we need to notify BIS. But, app submission wizard from apple doesn't require anything. i....

Any way to unencrypt pkcs7 padded aes 256 cbc from ruby?

Im constantly getting "bad decrypt" whilst trying to unencrypt a string from a c# program using the same iv on both sides. This is getting a bit annoying and I cant really figure out the problem. This is the ruby code def unencrypt(message) c = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("aes-256-cbc") c.padding = 1 c.decrypt c.key = key = Dig...

Encrypt a local file using Flex or Actionscirpt or AIR?

I want to encrypt a local file using Adobe Flex, Actionscript or Air... help me. ...or I would like to know of other options but not vc++ or activeX. I would like cross-platform operation. Would you think it together?, ...