
security topics

i have a course project to do on network security, the project theme is lightweight security on mobile devices,sensors,rfids... i am really finding it hard to get papers about any of these topics. so what are some nice project topics that i can do? thanks ...

What a robust and easy way to encrypt a string with key without using Open SSL?

I don't want to use Open SSL or any very big none-built-in libraries for this. I only want to be able to encrypt a string with a key so you can't decrypt it without it. By the way, i already did a long search on stackoverflow and i've checked out those unsecure ways but i want something robust like md5 (which can be decrypted with a ke...

Basic MCrypt string encryption with password implementation in C++

What is the basic setup on the subject? Let say I have a QByteArray, and I need to encrypt it with simple password. And the application has to be portable to Linux, Windows and Mac. Do I have to include mcrypt.h and mcrypt.c in the QT project? And then decrypt it in another piece of code Just a very simple setup ...

Rijndael encryption from Action Script to C#

I am trying to share encryption between Action Script and C# My task is to decrypt the following message within C# f1ca22a365ba54c005c3eb599d84b19c354d26dcf475ab4be775b991ac97884791017b12471000def05bb77bfe9c3a97d44ef78c9449f12daf6e25b61ab1a281 It uses Rijndael encyption , ECB mode (electronic code book), Key: Pas5pr@se , 128 bit key s...

.NET Compact Framework Connection String encryption/securing

I'm writing an application in C# for a smart device running Windows Mobile 6.1. It's pretty basic. Just querying a database and getting results. Nothing too fancy. This program is only going to be deployed internally, but we still want to be secure with our SQL connection info. What's the best way I should go about encrypting/securing ...

Auto Encryption of web.config connection string

I want to encrypt the connection string in web.config, the problem is each time a developer changes the connection string in web.config and publishes, it needs to be encrypted every time in the web server. Is there any way that the connection string can encrypted automatically every time someone publishes it? Note :- All of us work on o...

Using the Rijndael Object in VB.NET

I'm trying out the Rijndael to generate an encrypted license string to use for our new software, so we know that our customers are using the same amount of apps that they paid for. I'm doing two things: Getting the users computer name. Adding a random number between 100 and 1000000000 I then combine the two, and use that as the lice...

Opening a password encrypted access database using DAO VB.NET

I create a database like this: Sub Main() Dim wrkDefault As Workspace Dim dbE As DBEngine Dim dbs As Database 'Get default Workspace. dbE = New DBEngine wrkDefault = dbE.Workspaces(0) 'Set the database filename Dim DBFilename As String DBFilename = "c:\mydb.mdb" ...

Using Blowfish Encryption within .NET

I am working on a project where I need to undertake Blowfish encryption and decryption. Is there anything out there that others are using to do this within but cannot find anything within a .NET C# environment? I would ideally like something does not rely on running an exe as this will eventually live on a live server where exe’s are ...

How to open multiple encrypted database adobe air?

I need to open multiple encrypted database by using one sql connection. I use "attach" method for attach the database with opened connection. But it throws the error.“Error #3125: Unable to open the database file.” even I gave the valid encryption key. Please gave some ideas. Thanks in advance. ...

Using a password to generate two distinct hashes without reducing password security

Hi there, I'm in the process of designing a web application that will require the storage of GPG keys in an encrypted format in a database. I'm planning on storing the user's password in a bCrypt hash in the database. What I would like to be able to do is to use that bCrypt to authenticate the user then use the combination of the stored...

Getting age from an encrypted DOB field

Hi all Due to certain compliance requirements, we have to encrypt the user DOB field in the database. We also have another requirement to be able to search a user by his age. Our DB doesn't support transparent encryption so encryption will handled by the application. Any good ideas on how to allow for searching by age? One thought is t...

Deployment of encrypted app.config

Hi, Could you please help me? I've created a console .Net application and encrypted the app.config file with RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider. I've used an article http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/EncryptingTheAppConfig.aspx as an example for the Encryption. It works fine in an IDE on my XP desktop. Then I deployed my application to...

Encrypting an access database

Hi, I have MS Access database which is password protected, i want to encryption with 128-bit encryption. Any inputs? Thanks in advance, Karthick ...

Access Encryption

Hi, I tried to use this logic http://www.databasejournal.com/features/msaccess/article.php/3752701/Secure-Microsoft-Access-Passwords-and-Encryption-in-Access-2007.htm I have an existing access database 2007, i want to encrypt it, when i tried to implement the 128-bit from the above link, unfortunately when i open the DB in notepad i d...

Encode and Decode a string in c#

Hii, I had a requirement of encode a string provided to a unreadable format and also have to decode after certain action performed. I have tried 'Base64' encoding. But this is not a secure way. I need some other solutions. Give some help regarding the above context. ...

SoapUI Web Service Request using Public Key Certificate

I have a WSDL for a Web Service and a Public Key Certificate in the shape of a .cer file. I need to get SoapUI to encrypt the service request with the public key of the certificate. How do I do this? ...

Java RSA Encrypt using .NET XML Key File - need help

In .net I have generated the following public key file: <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus>xTSiS4+I/x9awUXcF66Ffw7tracsQfGCn6g6k/hGkLquHYMFTCYk4mOB5NwLwqczwvl8HkQfDShGcvrm47XHKUzA8iadWdA5n4toBECzRxiCWCHm1KEg59LUD3fxTG5ogGiNxDj9wSguCIzFdUxBYq5ot2J4iLgGu0qShml5vwk=</Modulus> <Exponent>AQAB</Exponent> .NET is happy to encrypt using it's normal met...

Silverlight and Encryption, how to store/generate they key/iv pair?

I have a Silverlight app that connects to a php webservice. I want to encrypt the communication between the webservice and the Silverlight client. I'm not relying on SSL. I'm encrypting/decrypting the POST string myself using AES 256bit Key and IV. The big questions then are: How do I generate a random unique key/iv pair in PHP. How...

BAD_UID error while exporting key in CryptoAPI

Hi all, I am writing a test application for Microsoft CryptoAPI. I want to export the secret key of one party using the public key of the second party, and then import that secret key as the second party's secret key (this sets up a shared secret key for communication). Here is my code: if(!CryptExportKey(encryptT->hSymKey, decryptT->hP...