
Basic principles of computer encryption?

I can see how a paper-based cipher can be developed using substitutions and keys, and how those two things can become more and more complex through use of machines, thus offering some protection from decryption through brute-force approaches. But specifically I'm wondering: what other major concepts beyond substitution and key are invo...

create this array

i know this sounds silly, but can someone please post the arrays described by rfc2612: Cm = 0x5A827999 Mm = 0x6ED9EBA1 Cr = 19 Mr = 17 for (i=0; i<24; i++) { for (j=0; j<8; j++) { Tmj_(i) = Cm Cm = (Cm + Mm) mod 2**32 Trj_(i) = Cr Cr = (Cr + Mr) mod 32 } } i think im doing is wrong for some...

how to view encrypted picture

how do people view encrypted pictures like on this wiki page? is there a special program to do it, or did someone decide to do some silly xor just make a point about ECB? im not a graphics person, so if there are programs to view encrypted pictures, what are they? ...

Building an 'Activation Key' Generator in JAVA

I want to develop a Key generator for my phone applications. Currently I am using an external service to do the job but I am a little concerned that the service might go offline one day hence I will be in a bit of a pickle. How authentication works now. Public key stored on the phone. When the user requests a key the 'phone ID' is se...

How to go about signing text in a verifiable way from within ruby in a simple yet strong & portable way?

Guys, I have been looking for a portable method to digitally sign arbitrary text which can be placed in a document and distributed while maintaining its verifiable origin. Here is an example: a = 'some text' a.sign(<private key>) # => <some signature in ASCII format> The contents of a can now be distributed freely. If a receiver want...

Software tools to automatically decrypt a file, whose encryption algorithm (and/or encryption keys) isn't known?

I have an idea for encryption that I could program fairly easily to encrypt some local text file. Given that my approach is novel, and does not use any of the industry standard encryption techniques, would I be able to test the strength of my encryption using 'cracker' apps or suchlike? Or do all those tools rely on advanced knowledge ...

AES-XTS implementation in C#

Is there any implementation of AES-XTS written in C# available in the Internet? Bouncy Castle disappointed me :( I took the source codes of TrueCrypt and FreeOTFE but they are written in C which is very hard for me to understand... Anyone? ...

How do I program a hyperlink to include a username and password to the target site?

We have a website with a section restricted to members only. They log in and can view the website. Some of the information is stored on another server. We want that information to ONLY be accessible to those who have logged into the main website. What would be the best way to link the two sites, without making members log in again? Se...

Best way to encrypt certain fields in SQL Server 2008?

I'm writing a .NET web app that will read and write information to a SQL Server 2008 database. Some of this information will be highly confidential in nature so I want to encrypt certain data elements. I don't want to use TDE or any full-database encryption for performance reasons. My main concern is protecting this sensitive data as a...

How to secure the communication between a SQL Server database and a c# administrative tool?

How can I secure the communication between a C# programm running locally on my computer and a SQL Server in a hosted environment? I have an asp.net application that is secured by SSL encryption. So using the asp.net from an open wlan connection is no problem. How can I achieve the same kind of encryption for my administrative tool? Wou...

AES Key encoded byte[] to String and back to byte[]

In the similar question "Conversion of byte[] into a String and then back to a byte[]" is said to not to do the byte[] to String and back conversion, what looks like apply to most cases, mainly when you don't know the encoding used. But, in my case I'm trying to save to a DB the javax.crypto.SecretKey data, and recoverd it after. The i...

Converting AES encryption token code in C# to php

Hello, I have the following .Net code which takes two inputs. 1) A 128 bit base 64 encoded key and 2) the userid. It outputs the AES encrypted token. I need the php equivalent of the same code, but dont know which corresponding php classes are to be used for RNGCryptoServiceProvider,RijndaelManaged,ICryptoTransform,MemoryStream and Cryp...

Generating short license keys with OpenSSL

I'm working on a new licensing scheme for my software, based on OpenSSL public / private key encryption. My past approach, based on this article, was to use a large private key size and encrypt an SHA1 hashed string, which I sent to the customer as a license file (the base64 encoded hash is about a paragraph in length). I know someone co...

BadPaddingException Error in RSA enryption/decryption

hello everyone, I am currently facing an error of BadPaddingException. I am sending the encrypted data from client to server. The server will do the decryption upon received data. Could anyone help me take a look at the codes and point the error, please. client side try{ Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA"); c.init(Cipher...

Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm...

Hi, I have with this code: RijndaelManaged rijndaelCipher = new RijndaelManaged(); // Set key and IV rijndaelCipher.Key = Convert.FromBase64String("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678912"); rijndaelCipher.IV = Convert.FromBase64String("1234567890123456789012345678901234567...

Settings designer file complains when protecting configuration for connectionStrings in App.Config in VS 2010

Hi, I am trying to encrypt Configuration Information Using Protected Configuration in Visual Studio 2010. I have the following info speicifed in the App.Config file: <connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="TheProviderName"> <EncryptedData> <CipherData> <CipherValue>VALUE GOES HERE</CipherValue> </CipherData> </Encrypted...

Trying to understand Java RSA key size

The key generator was initilized with a size of 1024, so why the printed sizes are 635 and 162? import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey; import java.security.interfaces.R...

How to encrypt a RSAKey using another RSAKey?

I know its not the usual thing to do. But the specification I'm implementing is discribed this way, and I cannot run out. I was trying to encrypt the modulus and exponent of the private key, but the following test code raises an exception because the byte array is 1 byte larger then the maximum allowed by RSA block: import java.securit...

Encrypt text using a number

Project Euler I have recently begun to solve some of the Project Euler riddles. I found the discussion forum in the site a bit frustrating (most of the discussions are closed and poorly-threaded), So I have decided to publish my Python solutions on launchpad for discussion. The problem is that it seems quite unethical to publish these ...

For compressed archives, is XTS still viable?

For one of my projects @ college, I wanted to create a WinMo application to secure data. I have previously used FreeOTFE and I wanted to implement similar functionality to my application. My choice of encryption algorithm was AES-128 with XTS mode of operation. I also wanted to create a stream interface driver for my application as well ...